Chapter 520: Gravity zone

Ju Ling has discovered that the overall architectural style of the Qiluo civilization is a bit similar to the ancient times of the earth. It belongs to the pattern of both Eastern and Western styles. You can see the courtyard full of classical styles on one side, and you can also see it. Tall buildings full of exotic styles.
But the most interesting thing is the towering tower in the center.
"It seems that there is no living person." Ju Ling looked around. The surroundings were quiet, too quiet, and there was no sound at all.
Some changes occurred in Yuriko's eyes. She used her superpowers to allow her eyes to see scenes thousands of miles away, looking around for a week to make sure that no one exists here.
At the same time, there is no sound from telepathy, which proves that there is no living person here.
"There may be something left in the tower, let's go and see." Yuriko said, pointing in the direction of the tower.
The two women flew directly to the tower. They were about five kilometers away from the tower, and they suddenly felt a strong pressure on them.
"Gravity has increased." The eyes of the two girls changed. This technique of manipulating gravity is a masterpiece of Qiluo Civilization. Could it be that Qiluo Civilization is still alive?
It's just that this little gravity is nothing to them, they just stare at the huge gravity and continue to fly past the strong tower.
The closer they are to the tower, the greater the pressure on them. When they reach the last kilometer, they have to land on the ground. At this time, the gravity is too great for them to bear.
It is impossible to imagine how many times the gravity here has reached. You must know that they are the peak of the ninth order. They only have one step to become a small galaxy-level powerhouse, a powerful existence that can be ignored by ordinary gravity.
They also noticed one thing. It seems that they are the only ones who bear the huge gravity, and the surrounding buildings are fine.
Obviously, this gravity is targeted to deal with them, not indiscriminately.
Yuriko let out a low drink, and powerful energy emerged from her body. She was going to use her superpower to offset the gravity here, and then rushed over.
But at the moment when she used her super power, a beam of light shot out from the top of the tower and directly hit Yuriko.
Yuriko was horrified to find that her superpowers had disappeared
She has now become a Tier 9 powerhouse without superpowers. For her, losing superpowers is more terrifying than anything.
Seeing Yuriko panicking, Ju Ling shouted "Yuriko, what happened?"
She couldn't imagine what kind of situation could make a super unit make such a scream.
"My super powers are gone." Yuriko was desperate, and she collapsed on the ground.
Ju Ling was shocked. Yuriko’s superpowers did not appear after the day, but she was born with them. Such superpowers would disappear.
She knew in her heart that it was the light beam that caused this result. Is this the power of Qiluo civilization?
Compared with the Qiluo civilization in its heyday, the current Red Police Base is far behind.
Ju Ling could only barely keep from falling down. It was almost impossible to help Yuriko. She did not expect that such an enemy would appear here.
"The only chance now is that I shoot and smash the top of the tower, so that Yuriko may be able to recover. Her superpowers are not weaker than her spiritual power. As long as she regains her strength, we can enter the tower."
Thinking of this, Ju Ling moved slowly to raise the sniper rifle in his hand. This usually casual movement made her sweat profusely now.
After finally aiming the sniper rifle, Ju Ling was ready to charge and smash the top of the tower with one shot.
With a gunshot, the bullet broke through the obstacle of gravity and flew straight to the top of the tower.
The bullet exploded, covering the top of the tower, but before Ju Ling's face showed a trace of joy, she found that Yuriko had not recovered, and the surrounding gravity remained unchanged.
She took a closer look and found that the top of the tower was unscathed
There seems to be something around the tower to protect it, unable to break through, so there is only one last way to go through the gravity zone and into the tower.
Ju Ling clenched her teeth and moved to the side of Yuriko step by step. She didn't even look at Yuriko, but said faintly, "The commander doesn't want to see what you are now."
After speaking, she continued to walk towards the front with difficulty. After hearing Ju Ling's words, Yuriko shook her body.
She may not care about other people, but she cares very much about the commander's attitude.
"I see." Yuriko took a deep breath, and finally recovered to the original appearance, following Ju Ling behind.
The closer you are to the tower, the stronger the gravity multiple. This is the answer they got before, but they couldn't even dream of it. Within ten meters of the tower, the gravity is so strong that they can't stand.
"This kind of pressure, even a strong person who has just stepped into the small galaxy level, may not be able to enter. Qi Luo civilization is not going to let people in," Ju Ling thought.
Ju Ling knew that they had to make a choice now, either to fight to the death, rush into the tower, or retreat quickly, if they had no physical strength until the end, they would not even have a chance to retreat.
At this moment, Ju Ling suddenly found that the gravity around him had decreased a bit. Although it had not disappeared completely, at least it would not be so difficult for her to move.
Then a playful voice sounded, "Fortunately, the commander let me come in and have a look, or are you going to stay here forever"
Ju Ling looked back, and Yun Ru didn't know when she appeared here, holding a small disc device in her hand.
"Anti-gravity device" Ju Ling reacted at once.
In fact, they also had a portable anti-gravity device on their bodies, the degree of offset was too low, and she had forgotten them.
The anti-gravity device in Yun Ru's hand can offset up to a hundred times of gravity
In other words, the gravity here has exceeded one hundred times.
With Yun Ru's help, they finally entered the tower. At this moment, Yuriko realized that her superpower had returned.
Yuriko was very happy that her superpower was lost and recovered.
Yun Ru is looking at the internal structure of the high tower. The high tower is actually empty from top to bottom, with only a cylindrical channel connected to the top, which looks like an elevator.
"This thing seems to be the elevator of Qiluo civilization, let's go there." Yun Ru recognized this thing.
Standing in the column, their bodies rose automatically until they reached the top of the tower. They stood on a ground where there were various instruments everywhere, which looked like a laboratory.
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