Chapter 562: The rebellious Prince HP

Without Cangdi, no one in the entire underground world could stop Libra. In just one month, she stabilized the situation in the underground world.
There is a ghost clan in the middle contacting the ghost clan of the earth world, asking them to send the strong to deal with the former ghost clan headed by Libra. They feel that the strength of the strong ghost can definitely kill the witch.
It's a pity that they think too much, no matter how many ghost races come down, they all die in the hands of Libra, adding energy points to the Red Police Base for nothing.
During this month, major changes have taken place on the surface of Yan Yunxing. The power of the ghost tribe has sharply weakened, and the human-controlled area has covered nearly forty areas.
At this time, the existence of the Fuhe Red Police Empire was already well known, but few people knew about the Red Police Base.
At Su Chen's request, Prince Hewlett-Packard could only say that the Red Police Empire was the name of the country he was about to revert to. As for why it was called the Empire, he did not explain.
How to explain this
As long as the nobles of Yan Yunxing know that a small planet can only call itself a kingdom, and the empire is not what they can call it casually. Prince HP is very helpless.
Had it not been for the benefits of being a resident of the Red Police Empire, those people would have been sentenced to the Red Police Empire.
"Commander, within today, we will be able to control the 25th area." Ju Ling reported the current situation to Su Chen. "The total number of bases has exceeded one thousand, and the total number of various arms exceeds 100 million. There are countless weapons. It can carry out an all-round attack on the ghost clan, and the number of replies has exceeded 30 million. Prince Hewlett-Packard recently secretly contacted some strong Yan Yunxing, and there was a change."
"Control 25 areas first. As for Prince Hewlett-Packard, call him over. If he doesn't come, he can directly control his mind." Su Chen's eyes flashed with an edge. For this kind of disobedient puppet, his favorite It is direct control.
In the past, I was worried that the mind control might be missed, which made people see the identity of Prince Hewlett-Packard. Now it is no longer necessary. The Red Police Base already has the strength to sweep the entire Yan Yunxing. It is not important to have a Prince Hewlett-Packard.
At this time in the 16th district, Prince Hewlett-Packard was discussing with five people about something, and the subject of this matter was Su Chen.
"His Royal Highness, what do you mean is that the commander of the Red Police Base is not from our Yan Yunxing, but from another planet." A Tier 9 powerhouse looked at Prince Hewlett-Packard incredibly, as if he didn't expect him to say this. words.
Prince HP looked solemn, nodded and said, "You have not been in contact with him, and you don’t know his situation. After I was captured by him, I was a hostage at the Red Police Base for a period of time and saw many of Yan Yunxing’s nonexistent. arms."
"Maybe where did he get some ancient weapons from?" Another Tier Nine expert asked.
"Impossible" Prince Hewlett-Packard categorically said, "If it is an ordinary weapon, forget it, you should have seen a mecha, right?"
The five nodded, and Prince Hewlett-Packard continued, "Then have you seen mechs that can fly in the sky?"
The five people showed shocked expressions. In their impression, the mecha can only be suspended in the air for a few meters. This kind of mecha is already very advanced. Most mechas are on the ground and cannot go to the sky.
Obviously, the prince HP is not talking about mechas that are suspended for several meters, but mechas that can fly to the sky.
They have only heard of this mecha, and have never seen it.
Yan Yunxing's location is very remote, even in a remote place in the universe, they are not qualified to see some advanced mechas.
They can ignore ordinary mechas, but what about the large numbers of soldiers
Even an ordinary mecha can deal with a team of hundreds, let alone a mecha that can fly freely, it is estimated that there is no city master-level powerhouse, and there is no way to win it.
They had never seen this kind of mecha. Since Yan Yunxing didn't have one, it was probably from another planet.
"You really saw the flying mecha" The five people stared at Prince Hewlett-Packard tightly, putting him a lot of pressure.
"How dare I deceive the five district masters? Even if I succeed in returning to the country, I still need to rely on the help of the five district masters in the future." Prince HP is very humble.
Yan Yunxing is divided into 50 districts, and only those who have reached the ninth rank are qualified to be district owners. Over the years, the number of district owners has decreased and it is already very good that Prince Hewlett-Packard can find five.
The most important thing for Prince Hewlett-Packard is that these five district owners have not joined any organization, which makes him very relieved.
The five district owners nodded slightly, which they believed.
"In this case, we can discuss how to deal with the commander. A person from an alien planet wants to get involved with our planet. It's really a matter of life and death." A district owner sneered.
Races on each planet will have a great sense of rejection towards people from other planets, especially if the other party is still preparing to control their own planet, the sense of rejection will directly become a sense of hatred.
If it wasn't for Su Chen's strength, he would probably hit the door directly.
"His Royal Highness, I don't know how much you know about that red police base. As far as we know, the rumored red police empire outside seems to be inextricably related to the red police base."
"Don't worry about the Red Police Empire. It's just a few city master-level powerhouses who did it themselves. It should be based on the name of the Red Police Base. I have never seen that commander admit that it is related to the Red Police Empire. The strength is indeed not weak, and there are many subordinates, we can not use the human sea tactics." Prince HP said very cautiously.
"The best way is for the five district masters to take the city master-level powerhouses together and go directly to the base where the commander is located. In this way, with the strength of the five district masters, he will definitely be able to kill him. I am willing to share with the five district owners’ various materials and technologies.

"Can Organic Armor Technology" asked the host.
They worry that the Red Police base only has mechs but no mech technology. These are two different things.
"Yes" Prince Hewlett-Packard said categorically, even if it didn't, he would say yes.
General things won't interest the five district owners, but the mecha technology that can fly in the sky is definitely one.
Prince Hewlett-Packard is very proud. Since his recovery has become stronger and stronger, no one has been monitoring him at the Red Police Base, and his subordinates have changed from the original 7th-tier powerhouse to the city master-level powerhouse. He can win the district owner.
He feels that everything is his own effort
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