Chapter 1383: How to grow cosmic treasures? (Fifth more...

"Universal treasures can really be planted" Su Chen asked.
Su Feng nodded earnestly. "It is theoretically possible, but it requires many experiments. In fact, during the carpet search before the Red Alert Empire, some things very close to the rares of the universe were found, and some of them were given to Yunru for their research. Part of it was given to me."
Su Chen really didn't know these things. After all, he left many things to the people below.
It may be that the subordinates felt that these things did not meet the standards of the wonders of the universe, so they didn't tell him.
Even if they are very close, they are not cosmic treasures, and there is nothing special about their abilities.
"Tell me about your results." Su Chen got a little bit of interest. Anyway, I'm idle, and it's not bad to listen to Su Feng's research.
"Commander, my thoughts are"
According to Su Feng, the so-called cosmic treasures are just things that survive in some special environments and are created over a long period of time, so things are very simple.
As long as he can simulate a similar environment, and then use the time weapon in Red Alert 4 to accelerate the local time of that environment, he may be able to artificially create a cosmic treasure.
Su Feng thought so and did the same.
The result is all failures
If Cosmic Treasures can be made so simple, they will really be everywhere.
However, Su Feng also obtained a lot of research data. According to him, the probability of success next time is more than 30%.
This success rate is already quite terrifying. Who dares to say that there is a 30% probability to create a cosmic treasure
"Is there any latest experiment? I'll check it out." Su Chen was very curious, and was going to see the situation in person.
"Yes, commander, please follow me."
Su Chen was just about to follow, and after thinking about it, she wanted to go back and took Leng Yuwei's hand and walked out together.
"I can't go out, there are still outside" Leng Yuwei wanted to stop Su Chen.
Su Chen waved his hand, "With me, even if that woman comes out, it will be fine."
Last time, Su Chen was not by his side, otherwise he would never let Leng Yuwei be captured. What's more, the most important thing is that Su Chen’s current strength is the ninth-order constellation.
A Wing Clan parent star directly raised his strength to this level, even if that woman appeared, Su Chen was sure to catch her directly.
It is with such confidence that Su Chen dared to take Leng Yuwei out of the earth.
Su Chen followed Su Feng with Leng Yuwei and came to his planet.
"Commander, madam, the laboratory is inside the planet, let's teleport it directly," Su Feng said.
With the current space technology of the Red Alert Empire, a short-distance space teleportation can be completed without the need for a teleporter. The three people came to a small teleporter and appeared inside the planet in the blink of an eye.
In Su Feng’s words, his experiment this time was to plant a plant-based universe in a high-temperature environment.
Standing in a glass-like room, Su Chen saw a Chinese cabbage suspended in a hot environment outside the glass room.
The ordinary Chinese cabbage must have turned to ash here, and the Chinese cabbage that can exist here must have been transformed by Su Feng.
Sure enough, Su Feng said,
This Chinese cabbage is the only one that barely meets the standard among a large number of Chinese cabbages that I have transformed. At present, it has survived in this environment for five days in real time, and the actual time is about 500 years.

The use time is accelerated and consumes energy very much, so the Red Alert Empire can support Su Feng's energy use.
"When will it become a wonder of the universe"
"I don't know for the time being, but based on the energy feedback inside Chinese cabbage, I calculate that it may take more than one million years."
Simply put, it will take many years to create a cosmic treasure.
"Can't let time accelerate faster" Su Chen didn't have so much time to wait.
"There is a limit to the acceleration of time. Once it exceeds it, it is easy to be imbalanced, but I am trying to find a way to increase the capacity of Chinese cabbage. It seems that the probability of it becoming a cosmic treasure is not small." Su Feng said.
This is just an experimental project. Even if it fails, other experiments can be carried out. At most, it will consume some energy.
Su Chen suddenly thought of something. There is only high temperature here. If other conditions are added, will the cosmic treasures appear faster?
"Have you tried adding other things"
"What the commander said is" Su Feng was puzzled.
"For example, the fire energy of certain cosmic races"
Su Feng is also a smart person. He reacted at once and was overjoyed at the time. "Yes, I have always been limited to using the high temperature of the planet's core, but I forgot that this is just an experiment. It does not necessarily have to simulate the same environment completely. Add some other factors appropriately."
There are many races in the universe that can use fire energy, and some vassal races have such. Su Feng can bring some vassal races to help him work.
After reminding Su Feng, Su Chen and Leng Yuwei returned to the ground and played in Su Feng's back garden.
I have to say that Su Feng has taken care of the entire planet in an orderly manner, without any confusion.
Here, Su Chen saw many strange plants and also met Yao Yifei.
"Your Majesty, why are you here?" Yao Yifei was no longer the girl who didn't know anything before. Later, she realized how thick a thigh she was hugging.
"It's okay to come and see, how are you feeling now" Su Chen asked with a smile.
"It feels very good. If I chose to stay on the planet at that time, maybe I would never know so much interesting knowledge in my life. The teacher gave me too much knowledge and it is worth studying in my life." Yao Yifei was excited. Said.
Su Chen casually said a few words to her, and was about to go back. Su Chen suddenly felt a burst of energy and appeared near him.
He is very familiar with this kind of energy, isn't this the life energy that Lin Feichong said at the beginning
Su Chen turned his head and looked at Yao Yifei. Seriously speaking, he looked at a flower in Yao Yifei's hand. The life energy he had sensed just now emerged from this flower.
The life energy is very advanced, it cannot be detected by the Red Police Empire's current technology, and only Su Chen's current strength can detect it.
Su Chen appeared next to Yao Yifei in an instant, and she was taken aback. He didn't explain, took the flower from Yao Yifei's hand, and felt it carefully.
Although very weak, with only a trace, it is indeed life energy.
The question is why this flower has no life energy in other places
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