Chapter 1466: Netting plan

Such a big event, the people below naturally reported it layer by layer, and it quickly reached Zhu Hui's ears.
"It turned out to be this. Fortunately, Your Majesty told me some time ago, otherwise I would be really anxious." Zhu Hui smiled after seeing the news.
This is the root cause of the Red Police Empire. If Zhu Hui didn't know it, he would definitely send someone to calm it down.
As Zhu Hui suppressed the matter, the middle and lower tiers of some non-Red Police troops had no idea what this was.
Could it be that after your majesty was removed, even the prime minister could not be the master?
What should they do next
At this moment, Zhu Hui also issued a notice in his own name, probably meaning that they originally belonged to the private force of his majesty and were separated from the Red Police Empire.
Your Majesty is no longer Your Majesty, and they are no longer the former Red Police Emperor Team. In other words, they can completely escape from this alien attack, but for the sake of the residents of the Empire, they still took the risk of death in battle. The next battle, but there won’t be another one.
Unless your majesty can regain power
This is already an obvious hint, as long as anyone who is not stupid can see it, Su Chen's restoration of the status of the Red Police Emperor is the best choice.
After all, the various videos on the Star Network fully demonstrated the strength of the Red Police arms, which belonged to Su Chen's private armed forces. When Su Chen was in power, they could fight for the Red Police Empire.
Now that Su Chen is not the emperor of the Red Police, let him use his private armed forces to fight for the empire, I am afraid he is not a fool.
Then the only way is to make Su Chen the emperor of the Red Alert again
Thinking of this, many people began to call the human king on the star network, asking the king to take back the previous order and restore Su Chen's identity as the Red Police Emperor.
At this time, the King Jie, who became Su Chen's subordinate, saw this information, and he was also helpless. These were all things he did before, and it was really black history.
How could I be so stupid at that time, I had to face the commander
King Jie thought very depressed.
Naturally, the remnants of the empire didn't know about these things. They happily rushed into the Red Police Base, only to find that there was only a part of the robot defending, and there was no one.
Even the base's own defense system hadn't been activated, so they broke in easily.
Such an easy-to-obtain base makes them a little uneasy. What is going on?
At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded, "Your movements are a bit slow, did you hesitate for a while when the plan started?"
When the headed middle-aged man heard this voice, his expression changed. He was too familiar with this voice. Isn’t it the same as Lu Liu, who was in the virtual room before, as their representative and alienated alliance?
"Lu Liu, why are you here, what is going on with this base" the middle-aged man shouted loudly.
"Haha, haven't you already thought of it, why didn't you say it?" Spy No. 666's tone was very beating.
The middle-aged man’s face was very ugly, and he shouted with a gritted teeth, "You have taken refuge in the Red Police Empire, no, you have taken refuge in Su Chen, why once we succeed in the restoration of the country, you might also become an emperor, could you? Don’t you want to be the supreme emperor?"
Middle-aged people can’t figure it out, there are idiots who don’t want to be the emperor.
"I need to correct you. I am not a member of the Red Police Empire, but I am a member of the Red Police Empire."
The words of Spy No. 666 ruthlessly shattered the last illusion of the middle-aged man. At this moment, he thought a lot. This plan is probably a trap, a trap that wipes out their remaining forces.
Just when the middle-aged man was secretly preparing to contact other people through Xingwang, he suddenly discovered that his connection with Xingwang was interrupted.
Not only him, all the subordinates who entered here had no contact with Xingwang.
The middle-aged man has a pale face, "You can control the star network"
"It seems that you are not too stupid, so you have two choices in front of you, one is to fight and see if you can rush out, and the second is to surrender."
As soon as the voice fell, the middle-aged man knelt on the ground without hesitation, and saw that his boss was kneeling, and the others were also kneeling.
The middle-aged people feel that they have surrendered, and they should not die.
It’s a pity that he doesn’t even know what the plan is called this time. The plan to close the net is just them.
Su Chen gave them a chance, it was their own ambitions, and they didn't know how to cherish it, so there was no need for Su Chen to talk nonsense and order one word.
Along with the light flashing through the light tower, only charred corpses remained on the ground.
Spy No. 666 came out from the dark, looking at the scorched black on the ground, his face was cold, "Stupid people don't deserve more opportunities."
In the next second, his figure disappeared in place.
The same situation appears in other bases, but there are still a few remnants of the Empire that have not entered, after all, there are still smart people.
When some people find that they cannot reach other people, they feel bad and want to evacuate from the planet.
It's just late.
A large number of Red Police troops suddenly appeared, and they were caught off guard. With the huge gap in combat power, everyone was wiped out, and no one living person escaped.
If it weren't for these people to jump out by themselves, Su Chen wouldn't be convenient to take the initiative to attack them. It can be said that they did it by themselves.
"Commander, the network acquisition plan is half successful, and all the remaining forces in the empire have been resolved without any omissions." Spy No. 666 reported to Su Chen.
"What's the situation on the alien side?"
"According to reports from other arms, it seems that in order not to scare the aliens, they only show a slight upper hand for the time being."
The corners of Su Chen's mouth twitched slightly. This is really embarrassing for his own hands. When will the spies go to teach all the arms and teach them how to improve their acting skills.
"Well, don't kill all the aliens for the time being, drag time with the aliens, and expose the deepest nests of the aliens. I don't believe they don't have a stronghold hidden in the human star field."
For a long time, alien races have not been extinct, not only because of the first wave of apocalyptic issues, but also alien races have been in the human star field for so many years.
From the establishment of the human star field to the appearance of aliens, so far, aliens have too much time to make various arrangements in the human star field, and the human star field is limited by the number of kings and cannot move at will, even if it is patrolling. During the period, the king can only check some places roughly, and can't let the king search inch by inch of land on each planet. This is unrealistic. ,,,
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