Chapter 1630: Strong bald head earned!

"Commander, what's the order?" Bald Qiang appeared in front of Su Chen, and asked after saluting.
"You go in this door and see what's inside." Su Chen said directly.
Without any hesitation, Bald Qiang opened the door and walked in.
After he entered, the door disappeared.
"The space is still there, but like before, I still can't see anything." said the duck.
"Then let's wait for some time to see what the bald head can gain."
At this moment, Bald Qiang found that he had walked out of a room, which was a living room with no one around.
"Strange, what is this place?" The bald head touched the back of his head and opened a door that looked like a house door.
Behind the door, there is a brand new room with several doors around.
"What's this, why are there doors everywhere"
Bald Qiang has never been a super unit that relies on wisdom to fight. As long as it encounters something that cannot be solved, it is right to punch it out.
He punched the wall and the whole wall cracked, revealing the new room inside
The bald head didn't believe in evil, and continued to bombard everything around, including the gate, but the result was still the same, he found that he couldn't go back.
"Strange, do you have to walk through the door?"
Bald Qiang thought for a while, closed his eyes, he was going to use his fighting instinct to choose which door to open.
Three seconds later, he opened his eyes and chose to open the space exposed by the brick that was broken by him. The moment he walked in, there was no sense of disobedience. The surrounding space was exactly the same as the place he had just seen.
In this way, he chose to open many doors according to his instinct.
He didn't know how long time passed, and finally he came to a room without a door.
"This is the last place." Bald Qiang walked in and looked around, but found nothing special. "The commander let me in, I can't find nothing, then just take something back. "
Bald Qiang directly chose the most conspicuous recliner in the living room, and he thought this could be used by the commander.
It was just that he tried it and found that the recliner seemed to be stuck to the ground and couldn't be moved at all.
"In this world, there is nothing I can't hold with my bald head"
Bald Qiang grasped the recliner with both hands, and the power of his whole body burst out, tearing the ground in an instant, and the whole room was completely torn apart.
Everything around was like a piece of paper, turned into bubbles, leaving only a dark space.
"Hey, I have come out." Bald Qiang looked around strangely, and the recliner in his hand was gone, "Unfortunately, I was planning to take it out to the commander."
At this moment, Bald Qiang suddenly punched behind him.
The darkness in front, like a mirror, shattered one after another, but behind the darkness, there was still darkness.
Bald strong frowns "Nobody"
It was because he felt something approaching that he punched it. The result made him very strange. His feeling should not go wrong.
At this time, a faint light appeared in front of his eyes, and Bald Qiang flew there immediately.
It seemed that the distance was very close, but it took a lot of time for the bald head to come to the bright side. This is a snow-white transparent bead floating here, looking very ordinary.
Bald Qiang stretched out his hand and picked up the beads, thinking in his mind, where he seemed to have heard the word beads.
After thinking for a while, he suddenly remembered, as if Les had obtained a bead-achieved constellation level in a mysterious space, and still possessed the soul power.
In the next second, the beads radiated a lot of light, directly blending into the body of the bald head.
Bald Qiang can feel that his physique is stronger, and his strength is also improving
This time it was the sound of the entire space being broken, and Bald Qiang was directly bounced out of the broken space.
Outside, several days have passed.
"Come out." Su Chen opened his eyes suddenly. In the past few days, if he didn't rely on the Red Alert World, it would be really boring.
After the bald head came out, Su Chen's eyes moved and the corners of his mouth smiled, "It seems that you get a lot of benefits from it."
"Commander, I'm inside" Bald Qiang briefly said about his experience, which seemed to him only a short time, but several days have passed here.
After listening, Su Chen was a little surprised "You found a bead similar to what Les saw at the beginning."
You know, the bead allowed Les to successfully break through to the constellation level and also gained soul power, so what about the strong bald head
"I feel that my strength has increased by a level, and my strength and physique have also increased a lot. Now that I punch down, it may be worth several of me before." said Bald Qiang.
In other words, Bald Qiang made this time.
Bald Qiang is Su Chen's subordinate, and if he makes a profit, Su Chen makes it.
"Yes, duck, continue to look for space. If there is such a mysterious space, find more."
"Okay, Commander."
"Are there any clues about the third wave of apocalyptic space?"
"Not for the time being. I suspect that the third wave of apocalypses did not appear from these spaces, but from other aspects." said the duck.
As a giant space system starry sky, it has found many spaces hidden in the human star domain, but it has not found a space that can trigger the third wave of apocalypse. Even the mysterious space just now is just a space to give benefits.
"The third wave of apocalypses will come sooner or later. It's not just a hidden space. At least one option can be eliminated."
Let the duck continue to look for space, Bald Qiang returned to his post, and Su Chen came to the command room.
For this third wave of apocalypse, he is very concerned.
In what way will this descend on the human star field, or the third wave of apocalypse is actually the Monk
If the Moncler tribe is really doing its best to deal with the human star field, then the human star field may be finished. After all, so many constellation levels are swarming up, and his men alone cannot stop it.
Just when he was feeling a little irritable, Alice's voice sounded, "Uncle, there is a message from the black hole that he has found the Chenri Empire."
"Give me the coordinates and I will go there myself"
At this moment, in a bubble space in the black hole, five constellations stand in the starry sky, behind which are overwhelming battleships.
In front of them, there is a big galaxy, this is the sun and sun empire they found.
"Unexpectedly, the Chenri Empire was so able to hide, it actually set up a blindfold, deliberately using a large number of Chenri Empire fighters to attract our attention, so that we thought it was really in the place Yuriko said. In fact, the Chenri Empire actually At Shaolong's." Natasha said a little unhappy.
This feeling of being calculated made her a little angry.
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