Chapter 1792: Showdown!

"According to you, time doesn't have self-awareness anymore"
"That's not the case, but a basic rule of the universe. When I told my master this method before, I just wanted to try it."
There is no way to catch bugs, which makes Su Chen a little unhappy. If he keeps catching bugs and keeps Yun Ru pushing all the technologies of the empire to the limit, how wonderful it would be.
It's a pity that this situation can only be thought of. Yun Ru's ability to upgrade the two technologies of the empire to this level has exceeded Su Chen's expectations.
Especially the life technology, how can it suddenly rise to the point where it is close to the peak? This is only a million years.
"Commander, the research of life technology can be considered luck. I don’t know why I suddenly unlocked a lot of key information in my mind, and I understood the meaning of it all at once. Only then can life technology be upgraded to version 90. This version of life technology is enough to make an ordinary person close to immortality, even if a constellation-level powerhouse is seriously injured and dying, it can be saved."
"Even at the limit, death and resurrection is not a legend"
Su Chen has always been clear that the power of life technology, after all, used life energy when creating the dark universe seed.
The original resurrection method of the Red Police Empire had great limitations, and it couldn't be compared with the pinnacle of life technology.
"There is also soul technology. This research is much more difficult than life technology. We need some life to study. In order not to be discovered, we can only search for a few races to study, and finally only reached the 30 version." Yun Ru was a little helpless.
"You have done a good job, the soul technology has really been researched by you, and the next research can continue. These technologies will definitely make a huge contribution to the empire in the future."
Su Chen looked at the doctor. He was looking forward to this time machine, but he was thinking about one thing, that is, whether he would return to the period when the human beings were born in the third universe or the past of the second universe.
These two things made him very concerned about who changed the past when human beings in the third universe were first born, so that human beings did not give birth to supernatural beings in the first place.
There is also the past of the Second Universe, why did the person who is suspected of his predecessor establish the Universe Alliance?
Su Chen wanted to know these things.
As an adult, he feels he must have it all
But there is only one time machine, which is very troublesome.
He can't think of a way for the time being, but there is Alice by his side.
"Uncle, I suggest that you can find a prop that can copy anything in the semi-digital star field, and copy the time machine. In this way, doesn't uncle have two time machines," Alice said.
Su Chen's eyes lit up. The semi-digital star field's props are very magical, and they can be used even if they leave there. If there is such a prop, it would be double happiness.
"It looks like it's time to contact the three spies."
The spies No.1, No.2 and No.3 were dispatched by Su Chen to the semi-digital star field very early. For such a long time, with their skills, they should have reached a very high level. Su Chen had never doubted this. .
But to contact them, Su Chen had to go to the semi-digital star field in person, otherwise the contact would be intermittent and could not be heard at all.
"My subordinates entering the semi-digital star field seem to directly enter the inner world. After I entered, it was fine. It seems that only I went there in person." Su Chen thought.
Su Chen asked Alice to directly establish a door to enter the semi-digital star field, and he walked in step by step.
After entering, Su Chen didn't feel any changes in the surroundings, but this time the system had a voice "Master, I just wanted to influence you, and it was cleared by me."
"The system, well done, I will continue to maintain it in the future." After encouraging the system, Su Chen began to contact the three spies.
"No.1, No.2 and No.3, now they are trying their best to find a prop. The effect is that you can copy anything. The copy has the same effect as the original.
At this time, when the three spies who were doing their own affairs heard the news, they immediately said, "Received, Commander."
What Su Chen didn't expect was that it didn't take long for the No. 1 Spy to respond, "Commander, I found a message similar to a prop, but this prop is not on the server where I am."
Spy No. 3 said that she didn't have any news about this kind of props. Only Spy No. 2 actually said directly, "Commander, I have it here."
Spy No. 1 was stunned. He thought it would be good if he had news, but Spy No. 2 was directly in his hands. The gap was a bit big and made him a little depressed.
Su Chen's eyes lit up, "Where are you?"
"In a server named Chaoluo clan, this race is very powerful, controlling dozens of servers. At present, I am the wife of the strongest Chaoluo clan."
What the hell
Why are you going to be a women's gangster again?
Su Chen was stunned. The second spy was good at everything. This was what made him helpless. From the first mission, he was gone forever on the road of women's clothing.
The Chaoluo clan Su Chen has never heard of it, but he can ask Alice to analyze whether there is any news about the Chaoluo clan in the place where the Red Police Empire has invaded. After summarizing, he can determine the location of the Chaoluo clan's server.
"Uncle, you can already determine the location of the Chaoluo clan, right here."
Alice showed a star map in front of Su Chen. This was an incomplete star map. Most of it was dark. After all, she knew too little about the semi-digital star field.
Su Chen took a look and found that the Chaoluo clan was quite far away, probably more than ten million light-years away.
Su Chen decided to go straight ahead like this. With his current strength, he didn't worry about these world-like races at all.
At this time, as the strongest of the Chaoluo clan, its daily small life is extremely easy.
Especially recently, it has married the most beautiful female in the clan, it is really reluctant to think about it.
"Beauty, let's wait and continue with what happened last night."
What it didn't expect was that it didn't react at all this time to the beauties who were so obedient to him before, and he looked at it with a look that made it very uncomfortable, making it furious.
"What is your look, believe it or not, I ate you"
This eating has no other meaning, just a superficial meaning. In the Chaoluo clan, if a clan member loses its value, it will become food for other clan members.
Spy No. 2 knew very well that as long as the commander came over, he would no longer have to hide.
"It's a showdown. Actually, I am a spy by the way. In terms of the of the Chaoluo clan, I am actually a male." The second spy directly changed back to the original appearance.
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