Chapter 48: Blast the gate

Negotiation experts know a few things. The Tianyu auction house has ended, but it was finally stolen from the finale auction by someone. It seems that they are now chasing the person who grabs the thing.
So he briefly said things, Su San was furious: "What, what I want was actually snatched by the crowd, where is he, I want to smash him to pieces!"
Negotiation experts never thought that Su Chen was the real commander of these people. After all, who would have thought that the commander of a military base would sneak into their base city?
"My Excellency Commander, please calm down. That person will be caught soon. Then we can hold an auction again. If you are interested, you can participate at any time, but can these legions ..." The main purpose of negotiation experts, It is to let these legions leave, otherwise these legions will pose a great threat to the base city.
How could Su San let them catch the commander, he came here this time to rescue the commander.
"You can't catch anyone, we can help." Waiting for the negotiating experts to speak, I saw Su San shouted, "Where are the soldiers!"
"Are!" The 1,000 soldiers behind shouted at the same time, their voices rushing to the sky, even the base city could hear this shocking voice.
"Go to the base city to catch people. If you can't catch people, everyone will be punished!"
After speaking, these soldiers completely ignored the ugly negotiating experts and went straight to the base city.
The negotiating expert was sweating and hurriedly took out a mobile phone and contacted the high-level inside. He could not let the weapons of the base city hurt these soldiers, otherwise the two sides would be in an endless situation.
However, the negotiating experts have forgotten a bit. After the last battle, the two sides were already endless.
A thousand soldiers were lined up in a square formation and walked together. That situation made the soldiers standing on the city walls have some inner drums. Since the end of the world, they have never seen such soldiers again. This is only before the end of the world. .
Each gate has its own gatekeeper. The gatekeeper here is an extraordinary person at the beginning of the fifth rank, and his strength is not weak.
But when he saw the thousand soldiers coming, he felt he didn't know what to do.
As long as he ordered, the 1,000 soldiers would soon be finished, but after that, the base city and the opponent would fight, even if the base city can win, it is estimated that it will lose a lot.
The opponent's strength is not weak.
At this time, the big brothers are also arguing, and there is only one reason for them to quarrel, that is, how to treat these people.
Some people advocate fighting directly with each other and dare to provoke the base city.
However, some people think that the opponent's vanguard troops have such strength. The real strength may not be lower than that of the base city. In the end, they will only be defeated if they fight.
Both sides could not convince each other, and finally the Wang family head said: "Don't you forget that we sent an army to deal with them the other day, do you think they will complain with virtue?"
The words of the head of the Wang family are very realistic. They have already fought once, and no matter how good the attitude is now, the other party cannot forget it.
In this case, then fight!
The battle started suddenly. The first city fire was the city's city defense artillery. As the base city's largest and most powerful artillery, the city defense artillery built a lot of credit, and this time was no exception.
At least a hundred gates of anti-aircraft fired and shells were fired at the soldiers' place. No one would think that these soldiers could survive.
Unfortunately, they did not know the strength of these soldiers.
Seeing that these shells were going to bloom among the soldiers, all of a sudden, those people only felt a flower in front of them. These soldiers were surrounded by something like a small fortress, surrounding them, and the firearms and guns in each person ’s hand The tube became thicker and bigger, exuding a breath of fierce beast.
This is exactly the soldier's special ability to deploy!
This ability is only available for some arms, and the deployment capabilities of each arm are different. For example, the deployment capabilities of soldiers can form a small fortress around them to protect themselves, and the power of weapons in their hands has also changed. , Become stronger.
The only problem with the deployed soldiers is that they cannot move. They can only continue to move when they are un-deployed.
The deployed soldiers have greatly improved their offensive and defensive capabilities, and there is also a hidden ability here. This is still the system tells Su Chen, otherwise he does not know.
That is, when the number of deployed soldiers increases, and within a certain range, their deployment capacity will be increased, the maximum can be increased to a tenth of the total!
That is to say, each of the 1,000 Red Police soldiers can increase their attributes by 200%, which is a bonus after deployment.
It can be said that these red police soldiers, all of which are iron bumps, can not move.
Countless shells fell into the soldiers' range, and no one would think that these soldiers could survive. Although the city's anti-aircraft guns are the weakest guns, they are aimed at the guns. They are more powerful than guns.
Even if a third-order survivor was hit by the city's anti-aircraft guns without any precautions, at least he was seriously injured. If he was unlucky, he would die on the spot, not to mention lower than third-order.
These soldiers are the third-level peak strength. Hard anti-city anti-aircraft guns are not a big problem. With the addition of various deployments, they can resist the urban anti-aircraft guns without any damage!
When the people on the city wall saw the soldiers without any injuries, everyone was silent.
"Did I get dazzled, but the city's anti-aircraft artillery, how could it not be a single person? Are they all beyond the ranks of the four or better?" Someone murmured.
No one believes that these soldiers are beyond the ranks of the fourth, even the base city can not do this.
The people in the base city are stupid, but the Red Police soldiers are not there. After their deployment, the firing distance of the guns in their hands increased, just hitting the city gate, so a thousand Red Police soldiers fired at the same time. The scene was quite shocking.
Boom ...
There was no small sway in the gate, but it was an attack by a thousand soldiers, even if it could resist the gate of the fifth-order transcendent, it was a bit overwhelming.
"Fight back, kill me all those people!" The city guard couldn't help but gave the order.
Accompanied by the orders of the city guards, various sounds rang on the city walls, including city defense artillery, rocket launchers, and various firearms. As for the more advanced artillery, no one used it. The soldiers also used these advanced artillery, which was too waste Too.
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