Chapter 524: Talk of experience

"It's simple. From the beginning, I haven't believed your identity."
Su Chen's words surprised Taru. After all, he played the Qiluo civilization perfectly in every aspect, especially if he controlled everything here. Doesn't it look like it?
"Tell me, how did you find out!" Taru's face was grim, and he could not tolerate problems with his acting.
"If I say this is my experience, don't know if you believe it or not?" Su Chen is very sincere.
Indeed, Su Chen did not lie to Talu, he was telling the truth.
Since the last time I met the Lance of the Atlantis who pretended to be the last survivor of the Qiluo civilization on the earth, Su Chen said that he was so and so full of distrust for these people. .
Distrust at the beginning, then listening to the other person's words, you can naturally notice a lot of anomalies.
For example, Talu claims that he can use the telescope-like instrument to see everything on Yan Yunxing, so does he need to know the changes outside from the mouth of Yun Ru and others?
A person who should know Yan Yunxing theoretically does not need to understand this unless he really knows nothing.
Of course, this thing at most made Su Chen suspicious, and the most let him determine that this person is not the decision condition of Qiluo civilization people, that is the shield of the soul.
Qiluo civilization has mind technology, Su Chen knows this, then the question is coming, Taru has mind shield technology, why is there no mind control or soul shock?
There is only one answer. He is not a Qiluo civilization. Naturally, he does not have these two related technologies.
If there is no mind shield, Su Chen can control him completely, let him say anything.
Taru certainly does not believe in Su Chen's gibberish, but from experience, you deceive the ghost!
The current situation is very unfavorable to Taru. His consciousness is trapped in the mind shield, unable to control the iron ball outside, and he becomes a caged bird.
"What do you want from me?" Talu said.
"Tell me, your true identity, and what happened to the Qiluo civilization."
So Taru said a different version, presumably, he was a ghost race, that is, the first ghost race that was successfully transformed, he was considered the ancestor of all ghost races.
Taru was the name given to him by Qiluo Civilization, and he never forgot.
In fact, after creating more ghost races, he and his partner were forgotten by the researchers of Qiluo Civilization and kept in a room.
He did n’t know what happened in the middle, but one day he found that the door of his room could actually be opened. When he took his partner out, he saw an empty city. The whole city seemed to be given by Qiluo civilization give up.
He inferred some things from the information he found. The thing about the clone is true, but he didn't know the process in the middle. What he told Yunru and others was the story he made up.
Not only that, there is nothing left here, the only exit is because the space barrier cannot go out, he and his partner are trapped here.
They are a ghost race, a race, and naturally need to eat. But there is no food left here, they can barely survive by eating outside plants.
In this way, hundreds of years passed, and they reached the end of their lives, so they were ready to conduct an experiment, a consciousness transfer experiment!
According to some materials and instruments left by Qiluo civilization, they can carry out this experiment completely. Those people did not know what was encountered, and many things were not taken away, especially some large instruments, which were all thrown here. Convenient to Talu.
Since it is an experiment, it naturally needs an experimental body. The problem is that there are only two of them. Who will be the experimental body?
As a result, Taru ’s partner took the initiative to be the experimental body, and the carrier of the transfer was the iron ball. The iron ball was a research project of Qiluo civilization. It also transferred people ’s consciousness. Ways to complete immortality!
There is no physical limitation of natural aging. Simply relying on the iron ball can indeed be immortal, but this immortality is unacceptable to many people, and the project is thus stalled until it is restarted by Talu.
His partner started the experiment. At the beginning of the experiment, there was no problem. Her consciousness was gradually transferred to the iron ball, but it didn't take long for her consciousness to have a problem.
Taru was very panic and wanted to re-extract his partner's consciousness. Unfortunately, it was too late. Finally, before his partner's consciousness disappeared, he left an important message for him.
The iron ball can only bear the consciousness of human beings, they can't do it!
Later, Taru spent a lot of time and finally made some modifications to the iron ball so that it could carry non-human consciousness. Only then did he successfully complete the experiment, but his partner was no longer there.
With the body of the iron ball, he does not need to be restricted by food, searching around in this space, hoping to find an exit.
Unfortunately, he didn't succeed. It wasn't until Yun Ru and others came in that he realized that the space barrier was broken.
At that time, Taru wanted to use his identity as a Qiluo civilized person to deceive these people to help him do things, but he couldn't even dream of it. His identity was so quickly dismantled, and the old man was picked out. How can I still play?
Faintly, Taru felt a fatal crisis from Su Chen. He felt that Su Chen was very likely to kill himself. Of course, after living for so long, he certainly didn't want to die, and could only humiliate.
Su Chen's psychic power told him that this time Taru did not lie, and all he said was true.
Unexpectedly, it was interesting to find the real ancestor of the ghost family when a mining trip was made.
"Since you are the ancestor of the ghost clan, do you know what the ghost clan is now?" Su Chen waved his hand and an image appeared in front of Taru.
After looking at it, Talu froze for a moment: "He looks like a ghost race, but what is the ugly pattern on his face?"
Su Chen almost didn't laugh out loud, if the ghost family knew that their ancestors actually said that they were proud of ghost lines, would they tear them up on the spot?
"That thing is called the ghost pattern, and it is the proudest thing of the ghost race. It is made by one of your descendants. By the way, the ghost race with the ghost pattern is the orthodox ghost race. Those who do not have this thing are all beaten. Became heretics. "
"What ?!" Hearing this, Taru couldn't sit still.
Even if there is only consciousness left, he is still the old ancestor of the ghost race. The first ghost race on the planet, in theory, all the ghost races contain his blood.
In his eyes, what ghost patterns are all bells and whistles, and as a result, these non-mainstream ghost races, actually want to treat the orthodox descendants as heretics, can this be tolerated?
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