Chapter 552: What is cruel

If Su Chen heard Wang Chun's words, he would definitely deny the three companies, I am not, I am not, don't talk nonsense.
It's just that Su Chen didn't have time to watch Wang Chun's situation all the time. After Wang Chun solved the ghost emperor, Su Chen's eyes were not there and he looked at Wuyu City.
Wuyu City is now the most dangerous time. Surrounded by countless shadow ghosts and ghosts, it has fallen into a state of isolation and helplessness. People in the whole city are going crazy. How can so many enemies fight?
The number of enemies attacking Wuyu City this time actually reached as many as two million. The number of warriors relying on Wuyu City alone was less than 200,000.
Even with the help of the red police weapon, there is no way to resist so many ghost races. The probability of a city breaking is too high. If there are some advanced ghost races among the enemies, the rainless city is almost finished, provided that no warships are dispatched.
Since they contacted Su Chen last time, they have confidence. Even if there are so many ghost races, they don't worry. As long as they can block the enemy's strongmen, the remaining ghost races can be swept away with warships.
The power of a warship is strong and strong, and weak and weak. In the face of a wide range of enemies, the warship is very strong and can kill a second.
But when it comes to the real top powerhouse, the battleship has no choice, especially the strength of the ninth-order powerhouse. The battleship can't even lock it. How to fight it is just a target.
"What happened to the ghost race?" The Air Emperor asked routinely.
"Nothing happened for now, just ..." Bai Huang's expression was a little strange.
"What's wrong?" Kong Huang looked over.
"It's just that our people saw the traces of human beings among the ghost races."
The air emperor's face changed, and the humans in the ghost family are undoubtedly human traitors!
On the earth, he hated traitors. If humans had these traitors, how could it be so difficult when dealing with mutant beasts?
The Emperor Dong's face was even more ugly when he heard this, and his son became a human traitor, even if he died, it became a hurdle that he could not pass through.
It can be said that the human emperor's views on human traitors are the same, unforgivable!
"Alice, can you find out the specific identities of those humans?" Emperor Kong shouted into the sky, and the figure of Alice appeared in front of him in the next second.
"As long as it is the human above Yan Yunxing, I have all the information backed up here. It is easy to find out their identity."
I saw a lot of data flowing in Alice ’s eyes, and the people around them were quiet. In a short time, she returned to normal:
The identity of those people has been analyzed. They are the people of the Human Guardian Alliance. 7th-ranked strongmen. "
The air emperor's face changed: "It's the Guardian Alliance that signed an agreement with us, they actually turned to the ghost race!"
When the Guardian Alliance came to them, they thought that the other party was really an alliance to protect humans, but they didn't expect to be a group of traitors!
"These should have caught them directly and beat them fiercely!" Yu Huang was very upset.
Such an alliance, actually doing this kind of activity, no wonder that Yan Yunxing fell so quickly, more than half of the land was lost in more than a year, and human beings on earth had been supporting it for thirty years.
"You can't let these people go, spy one, let's take the initiative to attack, use warships!" Kong Huang looked at spy one.
The No. 1 spy thought about it. This time the rainless city has a great crisis. In addition, there are human traitors. An accidental rainless city may really break the city. If this happens, how can they face the command? official? Unlike Su Chen, they only spent a lot of energy just to prevent Wuyu City from being captured, and had no spare time to occupy other places.
Of course, they did not know that Spy One had built several bases around it, occupying many cities. When these shadow ghosts and ghosts were surrounded, Spy One had already fully deployed these bases, which in turn formed an encircling circle To surround the enemy.
All of this was seen by Su Chen. He was also very unhappy with the human traitor. He was improperly human, and he went to rape.
Unhappy, Su Chen simply contacted the No. 1 spy: "Send the Macross directly to solve the few human traitors, looking at the eyes."
"Yes, commander."
Upon the command of the commander, Spy 1 immediately sent his hand over several over-the-air units. The trump card in the trump card was naturally a troop overtime air force. The weapon capable of erasing everything made people remember.
Supported by the Macross Commando and the Mind Commando, by the way, a new unit, Macross Sniper.
"Your mission is to enter the ghost clan and kill human traitors, do you understand?" Spy No. 1 looked at the overtime arms in front of him.
"Yes, sir!"
In the next second, the four over-the-air units disappeared instantly and appeared in an unmanned corner of the ghost race. They did not forget the sequelae of their teleportation. The farther the distance, the longer the stiffness after teleportation. At a long distance, they stiffened for ten seconds.
If this appears in front of the enemy, just such a long stiff time will make them die dozens of times.
As soon as the dead time recovered, they immediately checked the surroundings.
"The enemy seems to be in that building, we are covering, and the over-the-air commando is going to place a pseudo-c4 bomb." As the captain, the over-time air force regiment made arrangements.
The other three arms nodded, and the overtime sniper is a teleportation, appearing at the commanding heights, ready to shoot at any time.
Since it is a cover, there is of course some noise.
A subtle voice suddenly caught the attention of the ghost races patrolling around. They ran over and found nothing naturally.
The Macross team teleported around the building, dropped the pseudo-c4 bomb skillfully, and then made an ok gesture, teleporting again.
A few seconds later, an explosion sounded all around, alarming all the ghost races.
Do n’t underestimate the pseudo-c4 bombs of the Macross commando. This can kill any unit in the game. Wei Liqing is not powerful. Even in reality, the power of the explosion is equivalent to a small nuclear bomb.
The power of the pseudo-c4 bomb is also related to the strength of the members of the Macross commando team. The stronger the strength, the stronger the strength of the pseudo-c4 bomb.
"Who is it!" Shouted a strong ghost family. The explosive power just made him shocked. What made him angry most was that his human traitor was actually killed. How did he swallow this breath!
Soon, he found four figures standing on top of a tall building, which are humans!
"Humans, you are not guts, but soon I will let you know, what is cruel!" The Ghost Race strongman grinned, exposing the spiky teeth in his mouth.
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