Chapter 607: Second moon

Throughout the day, everyone is thinking about this issue related to their future.
In the end, nearly 30% of the people expressed their willingness to go to the real earth with the Red Police base. Most of these people are young people full of adventure. That is other planets, whether it is the earth or not, they can come for a free interplanetary voyage. , Where to find such a good thing?
A small number of professors and scholars also agreed to go to the real earth, and they were very interested in the red police base.
"Commander, a total of 920,000 people said they would go to the earth." Ju Ling reported the summed number to Su Chen.
Su Chen was a little surprised: "So much?"
In his opinion, it would be good to have one or two hundred thousand to two hundred thousand, but the result was somewhat unexpected.
"Someone has analyzed various advantages and disadvantages on the Internet, so that these people have a full choice. Of course, the most important point is that the Zerg has over-exploited the resources of this planet. Many people have seen this. They would rather go to another planet. "
Su Chen nodded, that's right.
The resources of the planet have been overexploited. In a short period of time, the humans of Earth 2 want to live a good life. It is not a simple matter. Since this is the planet controlled by Su Chen, he certainly will not watch the planet decline.
"Contact Yan Yunxing and let them send some energy and ore regularly to help the people here to make initial development."
"Yes, commander."
The various orders proceeded in an orderly manner, and the week passed.
Su Chen looked at the tall macro-transmitter in front of him, and then looked at Yun Ru: "Are you sure you can return to Earth?"
Yun Ru rolled her eyes: "Commander, you have asked more than a dozen times. I can swear as the chief scientist of my Red Police Base, absolutely no problem."
"However, just in case, do you want to test it first?"
After all, this is the first attempt, and Yun Ru has no bottom of heart. It would be embarrassing to accidentally send the commander to nowhere.
Soon, one hundred red police soldiers came to Su Chen as the first batch of testers.
Since this is a test of whether it can be sent directly back to earth, it must be your own talent.
"Wait, even if we send them away, we can't reach them?" Su Chen suddenly remembered the question.
Yun Ru seems to have been ready for a long time, she took out a small device: "Commander, this is a gadget I have researched, it has only one function, that is, it can amplify a special signal, so Complete communication between the planets. "
"This little thing is so amazing?"
"This is something I removed from Yan Yunxing's device, and then I researched it myself. The effect will definitely not be worse than the original goods. Commander, you should take 10,000 hearts!"
Seeing Yun Ru's confident expression, Su Chen could only believe it.
Soon, the Macrometer was activated, and a hundred Red Police soldiers disappeared in front of him.
"How long will it take to receive the signal?"
"Well, it should take a few hours."
Su Chen thought, after all, it was 3.5 light-years apart, and several hours were already very fast. Considering what advanced knowledge might be involved, Su Chen did not continue to ask why this signal could be transmitted in the universe, anyway. Yun Ru said he must not understand.
As a commander, he can just sit back and enjoy his achievements.
This kind of waiting was a bit painful. Su Chen went out and walked around for a while, and Ju Ling and Tan Ya followed him all the time.
Since coming to Earth-2, Su Chen has never walked out of the Red Alarm Base. After all, there is no place on the planet similar to the Earth. Most of the environment has changed, and the city has been ruined. Humans are still in Rebuilding.
Every step taken, Su Chen could feel the dust on the ground flying up. The ground here became dry powder and lost vitality. There are many places similar to this kind of ground.
Zerg looting is a kind of looting that does not consider the consequences. They will absorb all the things that can be used on a planet, leaving a scarred planet to leave. They are pests in the universe.
He looked at the sky, it was blue, and finally it looked like the earth.
Su Chen suddenly thought of something: "Other things can be created, I can figure this out, but about something outside the planet, how do you do this?"
Tan Yali immediately said: "According to the information we have obtained, the knowledge of the universe on this planet is exactly the same as that of the earth. There are various constellations named, and there is also a moon in the sky."
"Really? I don't know if there are lunar people on this moon, and that debris."
Thinking of this, Su Chen directly borrowed his teleportation ability and took the second daughter to the moon.
At this time, the side effect of teleportation appeared, Su Chen's body appeared stiff, and the two women were immediately armed to protect the commander.
After almost half a minute, the rigidity ended. Su Chen said helplessly: "The teleport ability is good or not. It is that the farther the distance is, the longer the rigidity is. The setting is really troublesome."
"Yun Ru said that if she conquers all space technology, this side effect can be eliminated. We can do this step to the present level, it is already very powerful." Ju Ling comforted.
Su Chen thought that this is the truth, because most humans can't access such high-end things as space technology.
After the chat, Su Chen looked around, almost the same as the real moon, with moon craters and craters everywhere, while the other side was always in darkness.
"Since the behind-the-scenes hand cares about the details so much, there might be a lunar man here, so let the Macross send the base vehicle over."
Along with Su Chen's order, a base car was sent over, and the subsequent steps needless to say.
A large number of arms and tanks came here and began to explore the shadowy side of the moon. A few hours passed quickly, and they discovered it.
Underground somewhere on the moon, they found the existence of the lunar man, exactly like the real lunar man, all strangely shaped, except that no debris was found on the shadow surface, everything is normal.
"In this way, the debris was an accident, and even the black hand behind the scenes was not found." Su Chen sighed slightly.
At this moment, Yun Ru's voice sounded: "Commander, the signal is received, they successfully transmitted to the earth, but ..."
"But what?" Su Chen was a little strange.
"But the earth ... something went wrong."
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