Chapter 830: Villain (Chapter 3)

In the field, a large number of orcs died. In contrast, the Red Police Army had no casualties, and the strength of the two sides was too large.
Most of the orcs are ordinary people, and the number of supernatural beings is rare, and there are fewer small galaxy levels. Often, there may be less than five small galaxy-level orcs in a city.
These orcs are just powerful weapons against the Red Alert Empire, and they have tried their best to protect the orc civilians behind them.
They could only watch the blood of the orc soldiers splashing on the spot, hit by bullet shells, and there was no breath.
The Red Police army was a crushing attack. Under the offensive of the Apocalypse Tank and Prism Tank, the orcs could not resist it. The bombing of Kirov’s airship made the orcs cry and cry.
"Dad, don't you die, I won't let you die!" An orc, who looks young, hugged a middle-aged orc and cried loudly.
"Brother, what's wrong with you, open your eyes, don't scare me!" A female orc, carrying a young orc, walked towards it step by step, but the orc behind her had already been hit by a bullet ,died.
This happened everywhere. In contrast, the army of the Red Police Empire was very cold-hearted.
After watching it for a while, Zhu Hui sneered suddenly: "How do I feel that we seem to be the villains in the movie?"
"It would be nice if we had such a good villain. Wasn't this the case on our earth at first, who should we reason about in the face of those mutant people and mutant beasts?" The air emperor pouted and didn't care.
When human beings on earth were ordinary people, what kind of confrontation did they face with those terrifying mutants and amazing mutant beasts?
Hot weapons can only protect them for a while, and there is no way to protect them forever. In the end, in the era full of darkness, they lasted for more than thirty years and paid countless efforts.
Here, they will only start against the rebellious orcs, as long as they are surrendered, they will all be captured and become slaves.
"The villain is the villain. There are always big fish eating small fish in the universe. I would rather we be a big fish eating small fish than a small fish that is worried about being eaten all day." Donghuang said with a straight face.
The White Emperor and several other emperors were silent. They were all people from that era. To say cruel words, that era was much cruel than here.
What's more, the orcs are not humans. They are aliens. Even if they die in front of them, they will not feel guilty.
Zhu Hui smiled, and he just said casually just now, he had no mercy for these aliens.
The army of the Red Police Empire is too fast. In just half a day, it has captured at least one tenth of the entire planet. At this speed, it will take a few days to completely occupy the planet.
In the starry sky invisible to ordinary people on the ground, Ju Ling and others faced the ten giant galaxy-level powerhouses on the planet.
They didn't want to come over at all, at least leave one or two to guard on the planet, but the other party threatened them, if they fight on the planet, they will completely destroy the planet.
This planet is the home of their orcs. They did not want the planet to be destroyed. They were forced to come to the starry sky.
"Who the are you, and why did you invade our orc civilization?" An orc that looked like a chimpanzee questioned Ju Ling.
This chimpanzee orc is also the strongest among all orcs.
"We are the Red Alert Empire, which belongs to humans and attacks other races, which is normal in the universe." Ju Ling said lightly.
Perhaps the other party had not experienced such a thing, and his face was flushed with anger at Ju Ling's natural tone.
"No matter what you are, dare to invade our orc civilization, then be prepared to die!" The chimpanzee orc shouted loudly, and a gray-black armor covered all the orcs around it. This is a talent!
Alice immediately made an analysis: "The other party is a talented ability to create an energy armor on the surface of the body of the same race around him. This armor can withstand the attacks of the fifth order of the big galaxy. Be careful."
Ju Ling took out the exterminator and fired a shot, which directly started the battle.
The other party seems to think the same as Ju Ling and others, directly two to one, two big galaxy levels against one big galaxy level, it stands to reason that the battle will end soon.
It's just that they don't know what kind of enemy they are facing.
The chimpanzee orc and a wolf orc pounced directly on Ju Ling. They felt a great threat from Ju Ling's body and stared at her.
Faced with the siege of two big galaxy-levels, Ju Ling was very calm. The bullet just hit the other party’s armor. The armor made some sway and finally stabilized. She already knew the approximate defense of the armor. She The ordinary bullets just reached the opponent's defense limit.
At the same time, the chimpanzee orc was shocked. He knew that his armor was very strong. The opponent's bullets almost broke his armor. What kind of bullets are they?
"Go to death, human!" the chimpanzee orc yelled, his hands gleamed with a faint black light, and he hit Ju Ling's head with a fist.
The wolf orc was very insidious. It appeared directly behind Ju Ling, opened his mouth, exposed his cold teeth, and bit down at Ju Ling's right arm.
With the bite force of the wolf orc, even if this bite continues, even the meteorite will become fragments.
Ju Ling was holding a sniper rifle, and her actions were not superfluous. Even if the two orcs were approaching, her expression remained unchanged.
Seeing that Ju Ling was about to be hit, at this moment, Ju Ling directly entered Super Human Mode!
Since she has evolved into a superhuman, she has not used this model for a long time. She only used it when she blocked the marshal of the Rota Empire.
In super human mode, her ability in all aspects has been greatly improved, plus her offensive evolution template, directly let her attack power break through the sky!
The endless energy is concentrated in the firearm in her hand. This process only lasts for a moment, and the energy concentration is completed.
Ju Ling flicked lightly, evading the attack of the two orcs, and then flew out with a bullet.
The chimpanzee orc felt strange. He clearly saw the appearance of this bullet, and he was confident that he could hide, but his body seemed to fail to respond, so he looked at the bullet slowly close to his head and put it on. past.
Not only him, but also the wolf orc who just happened to be behind him, his head was penetrated at the same time.
Two birds with one stone!
Ju Ling actually calculated everything around her, not only the time when she shot, but also the body of the two became a straight line after she evaded.
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