Chapter 987: The pace of hegemony will not stop! (Chapter 5)

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All spies report their latest situation. It can be said that each spy is doing their best.
Since the No. 1 spy became an important member of the Shadow Palace, Su Chen has let other spies be scattered to various places, that is to say their own development later, Su Chen has no interference.
Unexpectedly, one of the spies actually gave him a surprise.
This is the No. 9 spy. He accidentally mixed into the human vassal race, the Ward, but unfortunately, he has never found a chance to replace the identity of the second Ward.
There is no way, the number of the Ward is too small, even if there is one less, they will use the power of the clan to find, and the identity he replaced cannot be lost.
After becoming the Ward, he came to the place where the Ward lived, where he saw the Ward... arrogance!
That's right, it's arrogance.
He was completely unable to understand the thinking of the Wards, and was clearly a vassal race of human beings. Under the self-washing of their races, it became human beings had to lack them and support them.
This kind of brain circuit simply makes the No. 9 spy incomprehensible. These Wards are probably not fools.
Just like the last time the constellation-level ancestors died and they protested, if the Supreme Arbitration that Shi Wang said frightened them, maybe they were still in trouble.
But recently it heard some news that the Wards are preparing to join other tributary races and want to change their treatment!
This thing almost made the No. 9 spy couldn't help laughing, but he was professional and generally wouldn't laugh unless he couldn't help it.
A group of vassals actually want to improve their treatment. It can be said that humans did not destroy them, but only valued some of them. If it really angers humans, is it difficult to destroy them?
Su Chen smiled when he heard it. It was really a group of innocent vassals. Was it protected for a long time, making them feel qualified to negotiate with humans?
The reason why I promised the vassal race last time to help defend the human front is that the human king wants to know who is going through the middle.
Otherwise, a group of inflexible vassal races, how could they think of uniting to persecute mankind?
There is only one suspicious candidate, that is, the ninth-order strong man of the big galaxy that betrayed humanity. Knowing that this person was the person who is closest to the king, the strength is the strongest in the ninth-order human galaxy.
Because he is the ninth order of the large galaxy that has completed the evolution of cocoon breaking!
If anyone has this means and ability, then only him!
For this person's information, Su Chen knows very little, only knows that his name is Liang An, a large galaxy ninth-order powerhouse who has completed the evolution of cocoon breaking, and the rest is unclear.
Such a person not only betrayed humanity, but also gathered a group of people who betrayed humanity on the side of the cosmic race and formed a force.
This method can not be done by anyone.
The human king just used these vassals to fish, but they didn't realize it at all. They really thought they were strong.
Recently, he heard Lin Zhi say that after the vassals on their fronts won several small battles in the back, they swelled and flew into the sky.
They have completely forgotten that they rely on the weapons of the Red Alert Empire in order to win battles again and again with minor losses.
"Commander, do you need to inform the Ward? Yunru seems to be very interested in the Ward's body," Tan Ya reminded. "Well, don’t use it for a while, after a while, the stone king will send over half of the constellation-level Ward body, which is enough for research, we have to focus on two On the one hand, one is to attack other empires. Don’t stop. If you have a reason, just find one. Anyway, no agreement has been signed. The second..." fiction net.xia
Su Chen pointed to a place on the map and said: "The outside layout needs to be developed faster. At least when it comes into contact with the human star field, we have no less than 100 large galaxies in control. Even if there is no one, it is not a problem. We need Is the quantity."
"Understood, I will tell Ju Ling them." Tan Ya nodded.
After watching Tan Ya leave, Su Chen found that the super-arms in his hand were not enough, so is it necessary to start calling for new super-arms?
of course not!
Su Chen has a brand-new idea, that is, can the soldiers under him be promoted to super arms, such as Su Yi and them.
"System, upgrade ordinary arms to super arms, can't it?"
"Under normal circumstances, it is not possible, but the director has the second sequence of authority, which can be done, but at a certain cost."
"Speak, how much energy is needed this time?" Su Chen was very cautious.
After being pitted by the system for 90% of the energy last time, Su Chen understood one thing. Before anything happens, don’t say too much, otherwise it will be easy to hit your face.
"Each time the host captures an empire, plus the mineral energy of one hundred small galaxies for one year, one can be promoted to a super army."
"As long as the price is such, you really didn't lie to me?" Su Chen couldn't believe it.
When is my red alarm system so good?
The system said that he didn't want to talk to Su Chen and ignored him directly.
Su Chen didn't care, anyway, he only needed to be able to upgrade the super arms, that is to say, he didn't need to luck to summon the super arms, and he didn't need to please the system to give it a super arm.
Next, as long as he upgrades, he will be able to appear many super arms.
"Can an empire be able to upgrade a super armament, the conditions don't seem to be very simple."
There are currently only three empire controlled by Su Chen, one is the original Rota empire, the second is the feather warbler empire, and the third is the storm empire.
Next he had to attack other empire, then the goal was decided, Zhigu Empire and Sericulture Empire, these two nearby empire is the best choice.
On this day, the Red Police Empire directly declared war on the two empires at the same time, which once again shocked the human universe.
What does the Red Police Empire want to do, really want to unify the human star field, can this kind of thing really be done?
We must know that among the current human kings, there are several empires that still exist. Once their empire is attacked, the king will certainly not sit idly by.
Will the Red Police Empire be the opponent of the King?
No one believes that almost no one sees the behavior of the Red Alert Empire unless he directly troubles those who do not have kings.
It just happened that Zhigu and Seri became the two empires, and there was no king.
This situation is commonplace for people in the Red Alert Empire.
However, one thing is that the Red Police World is not currently used in the Storm Empire. At least before there are constellation-level strongmen, Su Chen is not going to spread the Red Police World out. He is worried that the existence of the Feathering Empire will be discovered by others.
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