Chapter 1: Me and three gold coins

He Feng Ji, 4113, April, 4th.
The advent of night did not bring any peace to the city. The shops on both sides of Qingshiban Street were crowded with people.
The shop owner and the guys were very busy, but even so, their Philosopher's Stone loudspeaker still kept ringing.
"Take a look, take a look, the tomahawk created by Simon, the master of dwarf clan casting, is there any way to smash the sky? Is there a big discount today, only forty silver coins!"

Don’t miss it when you pass by. Look at this pattern, look at this blade, look at this material, no matter where you go, it will be the best saber dropped from the third floor of the dungeon. Shining star! Now there is a big discount on the price, only fifty silver coins, fifty silver coins!"
"A full carbon steel mithril dagger, the elf beauty has been opened, the fairy girl has shed tears, as long as you wear it, whether you are walking sideways, jumping or crawling, you can show the strength wherever you go. The strong domineering president Fan Er, he only needs twenty silver coins, what hesitate about, the real value for money, the real big sale!"
"It's really a bunch of vulgar people, too vulgar!"
I curled my mouth and looked around with greedy eyes. The sour grapes burst out again, and I cursed bitterly.
Forgot to introduce, I am An Xiaoyi, a traveler.
In the last life, I was a 28-year-old otaku, loved ol and loli, and read countless island countries. I was a mediocre uncle who lived with countless dreams.
It's just the effort of dropping eye drops, and I passed through.
I opened my eyes again, surrounded by blood and stumps. I stood up and walked for a few miles. I could no longer find a living person, except for the ruins of collapsed houses and the unbroken ruins.
Back to the original place, looking at the familiar face lying in a pool of blood, with a surprised expression before death, an inexplicable pain and loss gushing out from the bottom of his heart, the feeling of sadness, as if the child was watching him. Parents pass away forever.
However, the parents of the original owner of this body are indeed gone forever.
Just now.
Yes, this is the hapless kid who killed his parents and destroyed the entire village.
After finally getting used to this body, I sat on the rock and read the whole memory of this child, and finally sorted out the cause and effect of the whole thing.
It turns out that all this is not the child's will, the initiator is his left hand.
It was an arm with a black inexplicable pattern from birth. When the child is excited, this arm will take away the child's reason and release extremely terrifying destructive power in an instant.
This kind of thing has happened more than once. The last time was when he was chased by a huge lion when he was five years old and had nowhere to escape, triggered by extreme fear.
When he opened his eyes again, the lion had turned into a puddle of flesh, and all the vegetation within a radius of several tens of meters turned into fly ash.
Since then, this arm has been wrapped in thick linen.
Coincidentally, since the pattern of the arm was tightly wrapped, such a disaster has never happened again.
Everything should have been very plain until that day. .
The child quarreled with his parents, angrily tore off the linen on his left arm, and then, the scene afterwards.
After understanding the cause and effect, I feel a little sympathetic to this child.
But now that I have taken over this body and have a new beginning, I don't plan to continue to waste it like the previous life.
This body is only sixteen years old, and at the same age, he can do many ‘great’ careers that he dared to think about but dared not do in his previous life, although he has some inherent defects. .
I glanced at the pattern on the left arm of the new body and curled my mouth, but it was still acceptable.
Bind his left arm, stood up, and prepared to leave the barren area, a vague voice suddenly appeared in my heart, as if the child whispered: " me...find out...this arm...the real one. the reason."
Then, his left arm twitched.
I was taken aback and almost jumped up.
But after calming down, he sighed, and sympathy surged again, and said: "Okay, okay, I promised you, as the price of taking over this body."
Ever since, my first life goal was established.
To achieve this goal, first of all, is to survive, look at the dark half of the sky, I muttered in my heart, at least there must be a place to live.
The village had been turned into a ruin, but he had no choice but to live in a small hotel in a neighboring village.
I have a habit brought by my previous life. No matter which hotel I live in, I always look for a mirror and take a photo. It can be regarded as a kind of narcissism.
When I first looked in the mirror, I was taken aback by myself.
Although the teenager's face is very handsome, but what does the untidy white hair look like? Non-mainstream people are born with a lack of vitamin B?
I was angrily and wanted to find a place where I could get a haircut and dye my hair, but the moment I walked out of the village and stepped into the town, my heart was relieved.
What is white hair? What is non-mainstream? At least it is a person. There are many weird things in this world.
This continent is called the Hefeng Continent, and it is a very awesome continent, because there is only one continent on the entire planet.
There are all kinds of species living on the continent, including humans, orcs, elves, fairies, dwarves, and goblins.
It’s not difficult to see that the wives of the orc tribes often hold the arms of the human husbands, leading a mixed race to the happiness of walking around the streets. Scenes.
If it is on the earth, all three members of this family will be imprisoned in relevant departments. The mother and child will undoubtedly undergo various anatomy and analysis. As for the father, it is estimated that he will be sent to a certain mental hospital as a key research object.
Fortunately, this is the Hefeng Mainland.
Having lived here for five years, I haven't changed much from my previous life-I'm still the same poor.
The only three gold coins in his pocket are all belongings.
The broken sword on the back needs to be repaired, the clothes torn into tatters in the fight have to be changed, and the stomach that has been protesting from just now has to be filled.
Thinking of this, I couldn't help sighing, deeply doubting whether the career of adventurer is reliable or not, should I try another career, for example-
After scanning the surrounding shops, I finally shrugged helplessly.
There are various kinds of livelihoods on the Hefeng Continent, including ironsmiths, pharmaceuticals, vegetable growers, meat sellers, and sleepers. Ahem, anyway, it's all kinds of complicated, not according to the earth.
But the most common profession is adventurer.
There are adventurers on the earth, but the adventurers on the earth are either some idle experts or a group of rich people who are boring and looking for excitement.
The adventurers of Hefeng Continent are different from those cats and dogs.
Here, adventurers are a noble, proud, disciplined, and faithful profession.
What they want to explore is more dangerous than climbing a mountain and diving into the sea, a place called a dungeon.
It is said that the underground city is a gift from the of creation to mankind. The purpose is to stimulate mankind's indomitable spirit of exploration and the desire for knowledge in pursuit of the unknown.
Well, this explanation is too big, in words that we can all understand, it is—Daguai explosive equipment.
Many players who have played role-playing games have had such an experience-leveling up, spawning monsters, and exploding equipment.
Yes, the same goes for the underground city here.
Like the games you have played, there are monsters on every floor. After almost every monster is killed, something will burst out more or less.
It’s just that you can read the file and start again after you hang up.
Here, once it is hung up, it is really hung up.
Referred to as "Dead Alice".
This is indeed a high-risk profession.
But even so, people here still flood into the dungeon like a wave, with only one purpose, the legendary promise given by the God of Creation
For the person who clears the dungeon, I will satisfy any wish of him and give him a special reward.
I understand any wish. As for what the special rewards are, I rummaged through all the information that the adventurer base can provide, but I didn't find any clues.
However, at least there is hope of a solution to the left arm.
I thought silently.
That is to pass the dungeon.
But this is easy to say but difficult to do.
If you want to pass the dungeon, you must first have enough levels. Without high-level support, everything is for nothing. This is like a mosquito biting an elephant. You have to bite an elephant for a long time, but people have no response. At the end, you hang up with your nose.
Secondly, it’s not enough just to have the level. You have to have skills. Basic training skills are sold in the adventurer base, but most of them are outrageous and want awesome skills. Yes, go to the deep underground city to find them. The skills are awesome, even magic weapons are dropped, the key is whether you can go, even if you can go, you have to bring your life back.
In addition, even if you have the awesome level and defying skills, it is not worth it without a super weapon. This is like a peerless swordsman participating in a duel without a knife, let your sword skills be more powerful, no more Guy, the same can only be stabbed to death with a stick.
Want super weapons, to say, there are some in the deep dungeon.
You say that you dare not go, and it is easy to handle. The weapons made by the masters of the dwarves are notoriously good, and some top-notch ones are even comparable to magic weapons.
The key problem is that the prices of these weapons are even more against the sky.
In the final analysis, everything is for nothing without money.
Looking at the gorgeously dressed local tyrants walking by with mythril weapons and holding the only three gold coins in my pocket tightly, my nose was sore and tears almost fell.
The same adventurer, why is the gap so big!
I was hesitating whether to eat first, buy clothes first, or repair weapons first. I was suddenly hit hard, one staggered, almost fell to the ground, subconsciously, loosened my grip. Holding gold coins.
"Hey, look at the way!"
Looking at the thin shadows flashing in front of me, I reminded me dissatisfied.
"Forget it, let's go eat first."
He touched his hungry belly, and sighed helplessly.
Habitually, he touched his hand into his pocket.
However, in an instant, I stood there, with a buzz in my head.
I squeezed my pocket again, and it was empty!
Where are my gold coins!
In an instant, I almost collapsed, this is all my belongings!
They searched the ground carefully like a dung beetle looking for a dung ball, even refusing to let go of the cracks in the wall and the moving brick surface.
After scanning four or five times like a radar, I was finally sure that the gold coin did not fall to the ground.
Then, a thin shadow flashed in his mind.
He must have stole my gold coins, it!
In my anger, I threw away my feet and chased after the place where the thin shadow disappeared.
While chasing wildly, my heart roared: "I am so poor that I have only three gold coins left, and I will still be stolen by thieves!"
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