Chapter 1368: Sermon

The cavemen who were still whispering immediately remained silent.
This is a historic scene, a step that they took to change their destiny.
From this moment on, they may be embarking on a completely different path.
In the future, cavemen may also be able to set foot on the stage of history!
Cassandra is satisfied with this effect, not only because she is a priest, but also because of the changes she has brought.
Cassandra sighed and said loudly: "My lord is the lord of the four seasons and controls the cycle of the four seasons. Spring, summer, autumn and winter are my lord's domains. The recovery of spring, the prosperity of summer, the harvest of autumn, and the accumulation of winter are all The authority of my lord!"
He was talking, and at the same time he used his call to action.
Inspiration is a divine art used to inspire believers who have no faith, so that these people can feel the greatness of the true God, and thus give birth to a heart of faith.
This is a basic divine art, basically all priests can.
Even many paladins would use it.
This is a way to promote the glory of the true god, and it is also biased towards the spirit and soul, so that people can get close to the true from the soul, so as to dedicate their faith.
Now, Cassandra is using this magic to draw everyone's souls closer.
Cassandra could feel that the cavemen present seemed to be more energetic, and their souls began to become active.
Where he couldn't see, above the caveman's head, lines of faith began to gather.
This line of belief had some fluctuations before, but now it is beginning to become firm.
Moreover, the traces of green began to become pure.
"Really a good believer!"
Lin Chuan saw this scene through Cassandra's eyes.
Even Lin Chuan can have a God's perspective to capture the situation around Cassandra.
Cassandra looked around, except for Tuya, the cavemen's emotions began to agitate.
Cassandra knew that the fire had arrived, and she should start preaching.
Cassandra fell to her knees and said loudly.
"You are the of the four seasons, you dominate the changes of the four seasons!"
"You are the of spring, and you have the authority to revive everything!"
"You are the God of Xia, and you have the authority to flourish!"
"You are the of autumn, and you have the authority to harvest everything!"
"You are the of winter, and you hold the authority of all things!"
"I pray for your response, I would like to believe in your way, practice your will, and may your way walk on the earth as if it were in your country!"
As Cassandra fell to her knees, the other cavemen also fell to their knees and began to chant with Cassandra.
This prayer was actually known to all cave dwellers yesterday, and has been tried many times in private.
Lin Yang also received a lot of power of faith, and his divine power reserve was also abundant.
Lin Yang is the incarnation of the ancient of Lin Chuan, and Lin Yang's divine power reserve can also be used by Lin Chuan.
If Lin Chuan is willing, he can now use his divine power to increase his level, and then he can use the abilities of the elements to start the promotion.
But Lin Chuan didn't intend to use it in this way. It was too wasteful. His supernatural power was a panacea, and almost everything could be done.
This is not something Lin Chuan is willing to waste, and now he has improved very quickly, he doesn't need to be like this.
Moreover, he is now entangled with the brain demon. If he sits down and breaks through, he will immediately be seized by the brain demon and hit a carbine.
At that time, Lin Chuan will be more dangerous.
If he stays away from the brain demon and finds a safe place, then there is no way he can do what he promised the goddess of life to do.
And the brain demon is really too precious, so precious that Lin Chuan is not willing to give up.
This brain demon is very useful. If he missed this time, he probably would never have a chance to get the brain demon.
This is a very big opportunity, Lin Chuan has a faint feeling, so he doesn't want to miss it.
Cassandra led many cavemen, chanting the prayers of the Lord of the Seasons line by line.
Tuya looked at it and thought these prayers were good.
But in his heart, Tuya was actually sighing: "These prayers are the authority of the Lord of the Seasons. But these authority seem to overlap with many gods in existence!"
Authority is a priesthood, a lever used by the gods to mobilize certain powers.
Although mortals do not know these, they also know the importance of the priesthood to the gods.
The God of Spring overlaps somewhat with the authority of the Goddess of Life, and overlaps with the authority of the Goddess of Bud.
And the God of Xia, the authority of prosperity, overlaps with the Mother Earth God.
And so on, there are many priests that overlap with the current gods.
These things seem to be different, but the actual effect seems to be the same.
What Tuya didn't know was that what he guessed was indeed true.
At this moment, in the upper plane, among the several realms, several true gods opened their eyes.
The body of the goddess of life opened its eyes and looked suspiciously toward the main material plane.
After a while, the goddess of life shook her head in doubt, and said, "Who is it? This priesthood overlaps with my life priesthood. Who wants to rob me of the priesthood?"
But he checked for a long time and used some method, but in the end he found nothing.
I only know that this matter seems to be related to me, but I can't grasp the specific details.
After thinking about it, the goddess of life issued an oracle.
In a God Realm not knowing how far from here, countless various puppets were walking around.
If there is an alchemist here, he will definitely keep his eyes open.
This is actually all kinds of puppets, stone puppets, iron men, bronze men, silver men, gold men, obsidian men, all kinds of them.
But the facial expressions of these puppets are very three-dimensional and angular.
But it gives people a very smart feeling, with emotion in those eyes!
This is not a puppet, but a brand new life!
This is the kingdom of the Mother Earth. In his kingdom, the puppets made up of many minerals seem to be mineral lives.
His priesthood also involves part of the laws of life!
At this time, in the depths of the kingdom of God, a woman opened her eyes. His body was like metal and mineral, with a metallic texture, and it seemed to be the simplicity of the earth.
This is a very contradictory feeling, but when people see it, it feels very close.
He opened his eyes and glanced at the main material plane, and then closed his eyes again.
Other than that, there is no more action.
He is an ancient god, and there are many temples on the main material plane. It can be said that the temple of the Mother Earth is still very powerful.
Many countries worship this ancient god.
But the Mother Earth did not treat them differently, or in other words, He did not attach great importance to these beliefs.
Just because the matter involved himself, he took a look and didn't know what he saw.
It's just that the corner of his mouth seems to have a smile.
It's very light, if you don't look carefully, you will definitely not see it.
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