Chapter 254: Arrive at the border

If it is magical feats to say that the effect is magical, and it also needs to consume mental power, then this next, there is no need to consume anything.
System: You read the complete Ma Youfu's beginner's notes, you gain status, magic effect +1, permanent effective.
This is equivalent to saying that no matter what kind of magic he uses, there is a magic effect plus 1, that is to say, whether it is healing, damage, or restriction, this effect will be increased by 1.
This is a passive magic effect. It is not a magic speciality. You need to use it yourself and consume mental power to have an effect.
This passive state means that as long as he uses magic, the effect will follow the shadow and directly rise.
The system prompts here and it is finally over. Lin Chuan's heart is very full. He feels that he is a bit stronger again and can face more serious situations.
Perhaps, facing the ambush, he has a more fulfilled state.
But at this time, this beginner's notebook of Ma Youfu has some new changes.
From the previous notes, it seemed that although there was nothing unusual, it gave Lin Chuan a sense of agility. At this time, that agility was gone.
Looking through the notes, the above knowledge is still there. This is literal knowledge, and it will not disappear together because of the absence of Lingyun.
But this notebook does have some differences.
It seems that the occult knowledge is still there, but the magic expertise may be gone, and most importantly, the last state is gone.
This is the most important part of this notebook.
Ma Youfu's Beginner Notes (Deputy Weapon)
Quality: Purple Epic
Intelligence +3, Spirit +5,
Incidental Spell: Miniature Fireball
Miniature Fireball: Consumes 5 mana, causes 20 fire damage, and has certain physical knockback properties
Explanation: This is a note made by the great arcanist Ma Youfu when he was learning spells. There are many experiences and notes of Ma Youfu. Reading it can improve your understanding of spells and increase your knowledge.
Explanation: The greatest wealth of a mage is his knowledge
The attributes and the attached spells have not changed, even the description has not changed, but the quality has dropped by one level.
Lin Chuan secretly wondered what this was because of the passive effect, which made the quality of this notebook rise. At this time, he got the effect. The effect was gone, and the quality naturally dropped.
It turns out that, although Lin Chuan feels a little regretful, if this state is always there, he can use this notebook to cultivate his men.
It's a pity that this notebook lacks that state, and it loses its importance.
But then Lin Chuan was dumb again. Even if this thing is not in that state, the knowledge attached to it is still very precious. Even a large family will be very greedy.
Putting Ma Youfu's beginner's notes away, Lin Chuan looked at the time and found that it was too early. He came out of the semi-plane, just when the horizon was almost white.
Lin Chuan sat down, opened his mouth just to swallow a mouthful of Donglai Ziqi, then opened his mouth and continued to swallow.
There are three suns in this world, and there is nothing wrong with it. There are also three purple qi from the east, two more than the real world, right?
When he got up, Lin Chuan continued on the road. On the back of the star point, he began to continue to watch the knowledge in the mountain and river map. He plans to do so now. Half of the time is spent checking this knowledge, trying to figure out the practice, and half the time is spent watching Think of the door to the interior.
When resting, take out Edwin's handwritten notes to see Edwin's experience.
When it was time to eat, Lin Chuan hit a rabbit and started barbecue.
Along the way, some of the beasts that Lin Chuan encountered were casually dismissed and killed. He didn't know which monster was cheaper. He didn't have time to stop and clean up.
It's like those big bosses who don't have time to stop and pick up ten dollars on the ground, millions of dollars every minute, still care about these ten dollars?
This manuscript was handwritten by Edwin. It records very detailed records from the time he was born, to entering the temple, starting to practice, and until his legendary stage.
This is a handbook that records the experience of a lifetime, so it is not equipment, nor does it have many additional attributes.
But this cannot be changed, the preciousness of this manuscript.
In particular, there are many ways to promote pastors, as well as pastors’ practice methods,
Lin Chuan himself does not know how to practice the path of a priest, but there must be such people in the guild? For example, Lin Yuan is.
Even if the priest of the Holy Light is different from the priest of the gods, the general practice method is always correct and it is worth learning and enlightening.
Besides, this thing is still very useful in the future if you have a god.
Every player has aspirations to be a god, and Lin Chuan is no exception.
Lin Chuan was fascinated when he saw it. It wasn't until Star Point touched him with his head and contacted him anxiously that Lin Chuan reacted.
Putting the handwritten notes away, Lin Chuan hurriedly took the roasted rabbit down, the burnt smell couldn't be removed.
Lin Chuan was a little helpless. He cut off the darker areas above. Lin Chuan took a portion of fish soup for Star Point, and ate the badly roasted rabbit.
After taking a short break, Lin Chuan continued on the road. This time, he was going directly to the border of the Star-Moon Kingdom.
There are troops stationed along the border, just for fear of surprise attacks.
However, there are not so many troops stationed on the Plain of Stars, because those two countries cannot come from here. There are too many monsters in the Plain of Stars, and they are still in groups. Passing here, the command to be killed by the monster does not leave.
And this is why this place can become the territory of the Three Kingdoms, but in the end it is the three-regardless zone.
It was very late in the evening that Lin Chuan rushed to the border. He wanted to cross the border directly, but Lin Chuan sensitively discovered that there seemed to be something wrong with the border.
This is the only way for the Star-Moon Kingdom to enter the Plains of Stars, and it is common for many adventure groups to come here.
But what is unusual is that these adventure groups are obviously looking for something, they have no idea of ​​going out to the Plains of Stars.
"It's those people behind? They are sharp." Lin Chuan received the star into the half plane, where there is food and Lilith, it won't be too boring.
Lin Chuan found a big tree by himself, climbed up the tree, hidden his figure among the dense leaves, and observed it quietly.
After half an hour, Lin Chuan was able to determine that he was indeed looking for someone. As for whether it was himself, there was no way to determine.
"The people behind this are not entirely fools." Lin Chuan muttered to himself, then stepped into the half plane, and waited until late at night before acting. These people, let them move more. .
If, they are looking for him.
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