Chapter 1254: Following the alliance

The desert wolf dared to look at the dragon and the world, never thought, the dragon will make such a decision.
Let the Dragon Kings Association collectively follow the Alliance.
Isn't it afraid that the wild monsters will be directly smashed to a wave of annihilation?
The look hesitantly looked at the dragon and the world, and finally the desert wolf couldn’t help but say to him, "President, you are sure to let the players of the Dragon King Guild, behind the Alliance, this is a danger of extinction. After all, the relationship between our Dragon Kings and the Alliance, you are also clear..."
I haven't waited for the desert wolf to finish. The dragon line is immediately swaying and waving. "Don't say it, I know what you have to say. I just thought about it. Don't worry, the night wind won't be stabbed." The Alliance’s mission to destroy the orders of our Dragon Kings Guild!

The desert wolf immediately smashed, and then immediately could not help but curious.
"President, why do you say that!"
Long Xing looked at the desert wolf in the world, and then slowly said without any hint of concealment.
"I just contacted the presidents of some other large guilds. They are now ready to bring their guild players ready to enter the devil's collar. Now, the powerful guilds of other cities should also hurry to enter the devil. The collar."
"And the night wind guy, I am afraid this is the idea, let your own squad enter the devil's collar as soon as possible, he wants to compete with the large guilds of other cities."
"Although I don't want to say it, I have to admit that our Dragon King's Guild is not a level with the Alliance. Even in the Dragon King's Guild, there are many players who joined the night guild!"
"Those players, now are outside the Cao Ying heart in Han, as long as the night wind, my Dragon King Guild, I am afraid that a lot of traitors will emerge in an instant!"
"So, if the night wind really wants to destroy our Dragon Kings Guild, after the establishment of the guild, it can be done completely, just need him to say a word."
"And now that time has passed so long, there is nothing. Obviously, the night wind guy, I am afraid I will not see our Dragon King Guild in my eyes!"
"So, now, even if you are going to the devil's collar behind the Alliance, the night wind should not say anything. After all, dealing with us is just a waste of time in his eyes."
Listening to the words of the world, I don’t know if it’s an illusion. The desert wolf has seen a few points from his gaze that he can’t hide.
Think about it too. After all, the Dragon Kings Association started with the same starting line as the Alliance, and it was also the biggest opponent of the Alliance.
It’s only been how long it took, and the Alliance has already left the Dragon King’s Guild behind, and even the Dragon King’s Guild has no qualifications for the Allied Alliance!
At the same time, the Desert Wolf is also convinced that although the dragon in the world is presenting this matter in an understatement, it must be the heart of the night wind and his thorns.
After all, if there is no night wind, there is no alliance, and there is no alliance. Now, in the city of Luoyun, the scenery of the Dragon King should be the Dragon King Guild. More directly, it should be the most beautiful scenery in the world.
But now, in fact, to other cities, mentioning the city of Luoyun, the first thing those players think of will only be the night wind!
As for who is in the world of dragons, sorry, really few people know.
After a while, after listening to the analysis of the world, the desert wolf immediately said to him.
"No problem, I will be long! I am going to call the players of the Dragon Kings Guild, and follow the Alliance to the Devil's Collar!"
Speaking of this, the desert wolf seems to think of something, the words paused for a moment, and then asked the dragon to the world, "Yes, president, I have one more thing to ask here, the devil's collar pass What to do, I heard that there is no such thing to enter the devil's collar, and will be chased by the demons!"
Longxing said calmly, "Wait until the entrance to the devil's collar, I heard that in the entrance of the devil's collar in some cities, there will be the existence of the devil's inn, which will sell the devil's collar pass! Falling city should also have it. !"
At this point, the thought of the dragon in the world is just a message that has just been obtained.
Before using the city upgrade book, Night Wind also sold a large number of demonic collar passes to players in other cities.
Therefore, the dragon line world subconsciously believes that the entrance to the devil's collar of Luoyun City should also have the existence of the Devil Inn. Otherwise, where is the large number of demons' passes?
In addition, the Dragon World is also somewhat skeptical, the devil's collar pass in the Lost City Devil Inn may have been purchased by Su Yetong.
However, this time is not the time to think about these things, the current task is to go to the devil's collar as soon as possible.
Subsequently, Longxing world simply told the desert wolf some things ~ ~ directly let him arrange the Dragon King guild players ready to follow the Alliance to go to the devil's collar.
After the desert wolf left, Long Xing Tian immediately contacted the presidents of other guilds in Yuncheng, such as the world, the squad, the hunting guild and so on.
Dragon World is also unobtrusive to tell the next move of the squad players to them, and suggests that they each bring their own guild players, and with their own Dragon King guild, together with the squad, go to the devil The collar!
After a few measures, the presidents of several guilds also agreed.
At the same time, the two women's guilds of Qingmo and Lanhaiyu, as the Alliance Guild of the Alliance, saw the sudden movement of the Alliance, and their president directly contacted Su Ye.
Ask what the Alliance wants to do.
Su Ye also said to them without any concealment, "I want to let the Alliance of the Alliance come to the devil's collar. If you want to come, you can come with my Assassination Guild!"
For the words of Su Ye, the blue sea 棠 and the clear ink side, simply did not consider anything, they immediately agreed.
Seeing their promise, Su Ye also said this incident in the squad chat channel.
It was at this time that Su Ye also suddenly received a message of obsession, about the side of the Alliance.
"Fengshen, we are gathering now, and I quickly rushed over to you. In addition, I just received a report from the Tangkou players, saying that the Yunyun City Dragon King, the Killing Alliance, etc. have had a holiday with us before. The guild, also a sudden action, listened to the internal players of the guild said that they must follow our alliance to come to the devil's collar!"
"Aeolus, do you want to solve them halfway?"
(End of this chapter)
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