Chapter 1730: Strongest state [7000 words large

The skull in the field of Su Ye is completely a hoe.
The head is huge, a bone spur, and the scorpion is densely covered in every corner of the skull, exuding a very sharp cold.
Among his pupils, there was a cold white flame that seemed to be extremely cold.
In the mouth, full of white teeth, it is terrible.
As the ground trembled, his body buried in the ground finally came to light.
What is different from the skull-like head is that the body is covered with shredded rotten meat, and a large, large pus is constantly falling from the rotten body wound.
The pus is extremely corrosive, almost at the moment of landing, above the ground, it is a black.
The body is extremely large, nearly a kilometer long, and it can be seen from afar, and it can clearly see the appearance of a few blood dragons.
Then, the huge wild monster, turning his body slightly, was a burst of roaring sound, which suddenly rang in the ear of Su Ye.
Just a slight sigh of heaven, it was an endless snoring, with a little hoarse voice, and it was completely resounding throughout the world.
The system's message notification was also the first time in Su Ye's mind.
"Please note! The tenth inferior blood dragon (corrosion variant) has appeared, please resolve the battle as soon as possible!"
Listening to the message from the system, Su Ye looked up slightly and looked at the target opponent. After looking at it again, he checked his details.
"[Inferior blood dragon]: 65-level variation corrupts the level monster, blood volume: 2 million! Physical attack: 30,000! Spell attack: 25,000! Physical defense: 40,000! Magic defense: 50,000!"
"Remarks: The inferior blood dragon of corrosive emperor variability, once a horrible monster exiled here by the blood dragon family a thousand years ago, he has extremely terrible corrosive attack ability, and for all goals, is absolutely grinding Press! And, he feeds on other inferior blood dragons!"
"Small tip: Since you have killed nine inferior blood dragons, you have successfully awakened the inferior blood dragon of this corrosive emperor variability from sleep. Now he has already treated you as himself. The only goal of the offense!"
After reading the information of this inferior blood dragon, Su Ye’s brow could not help but wrinkle slightly.
This inferior blood dragon, no doubt, is very powerful, and it is terrible to the extreme.
Compared with the nine inferior blood dragons before it, it is completely one day and one place, not the same day!
Su Ye took a deep breath and breathed a sigh of relief. In the look, there was already a bit more seriousness that could not be concealed. Then if he was not careful, he would be directly killed by the attack of this inferior blood dragon.
In other words, the situation in which Su Ye originally struggled easily did not exist in the next period of time.
At this time, the inferior blood dragon of the corrosive emperor's variability has turned slightly, and his eyes were placed on the body of Su Ye. Suddenly, he screamed and screamed and angered.
"Damn human!"
"You actually killed my nine foods! You know, how long do I have to go hungry? For nine years, I will have no food for nine years!"
"Human, next, I will kill you personally to vent my anger!"
During the speech, the inferior blood dragon directly swayed his body and went straight toward the Su Ye. Within a few hundred meters of his body, he wrapped a transparent thin curtain, a thick and silky Bloodshot, on the thin curtain, keeps flowing.
The entire ground, at this time, is a state of tremor.
Wait until after a certain distance.
Su Ye has been shrouded in the thin curtain, and he is also screaming with a crisp sound.
At the same time, one after another damage value, with almost two seconds at a rate, constantly emerged from Su Ye's body.
Seeing such a situation, Su Ye could not help but breathe a deep breath.
If it is not its own passive ability to return blood, to maintain this state of blood loss, otherwise, it is really a bit difficult to cope.
As the footsteps of the inferior blood dragons got closer and closer, Su Ye couldn't help but turn his head and look at the roaring dog and the wooden unicorn standing on his shoulder, saying straight.
"Next, you have to mention one hundred and twenty hearts. After all, this guy's situation is really a bit scary! If you are not careful, we are likely to be completely annihilated!"
Listening to the words of Su Ye, the roaring dog and Mu Qilin did not hesitate at all. They nodded directly and said the same thing.
"Well! We know! Master!"
Subsequently, Su Ye slightly smashed the Emperor's knife and the crescent hook in the hands of the pad, and his eyes were placed on the inferior blood dragon.
At this time, the inferior blood dragon, after a roar, his eyes suddenly placed on his body, the original moving figure, at this moment is also stagnant.
After another roar, his mouth suddenly turned into a purple-red light, which bloomed out. A light ball that was originally only the size of an adult fist. At this moment, it was exploding at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.
It was only a few seconds, it was already about one meter in diameter, and it was filled with a red glow.
Then, the inferior blood dragon slightly mouth, the light ball in the mouth, suddenly spit out.
With the Su Ye, which is almost afterimage, whistling toward the Su Ye, the momentum is extremely embarrassing.
When passing through the air, even the surrounding air burned and kept a clear sound.
"I Nima. This inferior blood dragon with a corrosive emperor variation is the absolute master here, and has such a terrible attack attack speed."
"It’s a top player who wants to avoid his attack. I’m afraid it will take a lot of effort!

During the speech, Su Ye’s figure has begun to act.
Its own agility value, coupled with Mu Qilin's [Blessing of Wind Spirit] passive 30% agility value blessing, so that Su Ye's figure, in that moment, is turned into a near-transient shadow.
At the moment when the ball of light is about to reach Su Ye, it is a successful escape.
In the place where Su Ye originally stood, the light ball crashed down, and immediately it was a blackened, above the ground, and a hole of several meters deep was formed instantly!
Inside the deep cave, there is a stream of extremely corrosive liquids that are corroded and visible to the naked eye.
As for the Su Ye at this time, he just looked back and looked at it slightly, but the figure that ran wildly was completely stagnation.
What Su Ye needs to do now is to get rid of this inferior blood dragon in front of himself as fast as possible.
The longer the time, the worse it is for Su Ye!
At this time, the inferior blood dragon, but slowly said.
"Damn humans, I didn't expect your speed to be very fast!"
"However, what is the use of it? Under my attack, your speed is fast, you can only use it to escape!"
For the inferior blood dragon's words, Su Ye did not pay attention to what, the figure continued to rush toward his teleportation.
Just blink of an eye, the figure of Su Ye is already near the inferior blood dragon.
In the hands of the Emperor's big knife and the Crescent Moon poison hook, it was sent straight out at that moment.
In a crisp sound, two more than a thousand damage values ​​emerged from the inferior blood dragon.
This totaled less than two thousand seven, and the value of Su Ye’s look was a bit disguised.
Really did not expect that the damage value will be so low.
In the following time, Su Ye found himself and suffered more damage from the inferior blood dragon.
Su Ye saw this situation, and his face could not help but talk to himself with a little doubt.
"Is this inferior blood dragon, the damage to his own corrosion, can increase slowly over time, thus increasing?"
If this is the case, then wait until the damage is greater than the treatment of your own passive, then, at that time, it is really a bit difficult to do.
Looking at the thoughts, the Emperor's big knife and the crescent-shaped poison hook in the hands of Su Ye were sent directly into the body of the inferior blood dragon.
It was two more than a thousand damages, which came out of the inferior blood dragon.
For such damage value, Su Ye is completely dissatisfied at this time.
If you attack this way, you will not receive any benefit at all.
Looking straight into the inferior blood dragon, Su Ye looked a little hesitant after a while, it was a low voice and a low drink.
"Hunter suit set, the second layer of potential broke out, open!"
Su Ye’s voice just fell, and the sound of the system immediately rang in his mind.
"Please note that you are trying to open the Hunter Set [2nd floor potential explosion], need to consume 300,000 Class 1 energy stone, or 30,000 Level 2 energy stone, is it turned on?"
Just after the system was finished, Su Ye was immediately replied.
"Oh la la!!"
Su Ye's super backpack, immediately disappeared 30,000 secondary energy stones!
System: "The 30,000 secondary energy stone is consumed, and the hunter suit [the second layer potential explosion] is turned on!"
"The Hunter suit is directly promoted to a premium epic suit for 3 minutes. Cooldown is 2 days! Sets all attributes increased by 200%! Set all skills cool and refresh (without potential bursts!)"
Along with a burst of system news, the hunter suit on Su Ye suddenly burst into a milky white glow and emerged on the surface of the hunter suit.
At the same time, in the view of Su Ye, the various attributes in the personal panel are directly increased by 200%!
Su Ye is also feeling his body, full of powerful power.
next moment.
Su Ye's gaze once again fell on the inferior blood dragon, the Emperor's big knife and the crescent hook in his hand, gently squatting, it is a figure shaking.
The speed of the previous movement can be said to be close to the teleport, but at this time it is completely teleported!
A blink of an eye, the figure of Su Ye is appearing beside the inferior blood dragon.
In the hands of the Emperor's big knife and the crescent-shaped hook, it was a moment to the inferior blood dragon, and smashed the past.
This time, Su Ye’s damage to the inferior blood dragon is a far cry from the previous one.
However, Su Ye is also a little dissatisfied with such damage value!
This is a little bit more.
An attack caused about 15,000 damage, which is not worth mentioning for a poor blood dragon with a blood volume of 2 million.
Su Ye did not really think that after the opening of his second-level potential, he even caused such a damage to this inferior blood dragon.
Subsequently, Su Ye said directly to Mu Qilin.
"Wood unicorn, you take all your attack damage and throw it out to the inferior blood dragon."
Mu Qilin immediately nodded.
"Well, I know the owner!"
Subsequently, the whole body of Mu Qilin, a dense wind blade emerged in an instant.
The intensive wind blade rushed past the inferior blood dragon opposite.
The inferior blood dragon with its huge body can't avoid the wind blade attack from the wood unicorn. The wind blade is in the moment, and it is all on the inferior blood dragon.
The value of the damage caused by Mu Qilin to the inferior blood dragon is quite considerable.
More than fifty damages, a densely popped out from the inferior blood dragon.
A one-time damage to the inferior blood dragon caused nearly 50,000 damage.
The value of such damage can be described as considerable.
It is also completely beyond the expectations of Su Ye.
As for the inferior blood dragon, it seems that it is because of the pain, and suddenly roared.
At this point, the inferior blood dragon suddenly turned his head, and his eyes looked angry at Su Ye.
To be precise, I looked at the wooden unicorn on the shoulder of Su Ye.
Mu Qilin’s inferior blood dragon is really causing too much damage.
next moment.
The inferior blood dragon straightened his claws and patted it toward it.
The claws are huge, and at first glance, it feels a bit confusing.
Su Ye is calm and said to Mu Qilin.
"You hold on to me and continue to attack the inferior blood dragon with an endless wind blade!"
Wood Kirin nodded.
"Know, master!"
Then, the whole body of Mu Qilin was once again smashing the dense wind blade.
Then, those winds screamed toward the inferior blood dragon.
In a crisp sound, the inferior blood dragon has produced a lot of fine damage.
The inferior blood dragon has dropped more than 50,000 damage.
This value of damage, even for a poor blood dragon with two million blood, is a bit too scary.
Therefore, the inferior blood dragon at this time is really too angry.
He not only wants to kill the leaves, but also wants to kill the wooden unicorns on the shoulders of the leaves.
Because he felt that the pressure that Mu Qilin brought to himself was more terrible than that of human beings.
Although the inferior blood dragon is very angry, the attack speed in the hand is very fast, but it can't keep up with Su Ye, who has the speed of terror at this time.
It was just a blink of an eye, and the figure of Su Ye disappeared into the place in an instant, successfully breaking away from the attack from the inferior blood dragon paw.
After the inferior blood dragon attack fell into an empty space, on the ground, a very deep paw print appeared.
The dirt and weeds above the ground are completely corroded in an instant.
After avoiding the inferior blood dragon attack, Su Ye did not idle at all, and continued to tell the wooden unicorn on his shoulder.
"Wood unicorn, your endless wind blade attack, don't stop, always give me an attack!"
Wood Kirin nodded heavily, and at the same time, the wind blade of the whole body once again surging the madness of the inferior blood dragon.
While the wind blade of Mu Qilin caused damage to the inferior blood dragon, Su Ye was not idle at all.
After all, the hunter suit's second-layer potential burst state is open, there is a time limit.
Su Ye doesn't want to waste his opening time. Although the attack is not ideal, it can also cause much damage to the inferior blood dragon.
Then, his figure was completely moved to the side of the inferior blood dragon, the Emperor's big knife and the crescent hook in his hand, and immediately smashed toward the inferior blood dragon.
Su Ye instantly caused more than 16,000 damage to the inferior blood dragon.
Subsequently, Su Ye sent the Sergeant's big knife and the crescent tooth that had just been sent to the inferior blood dragon body, and then sent it again.
Another two damage values, emerged from the inferior blood dragon.
At the same time, the endless wind blade of Mu Qilin was formed again, and another wave directly attacked the past against the inferior blood dragon.
As for the inferior blood dragon, at this time, in addition to the bursts of roar, there is no other means.
After all, his attack, Su Ye is completely easy to avoid.
Of course, Su Ye is a bit uncomfortable at this time.
At this time, the corrosive damage caused by the inferior blood dragon has always existed, and as I expected at the beginning, as time increases, the damage is slowly increasing.
The non-specified damage from the inferior blood dragon, Su Ye has the ability to avoid, but for this full range of damage value, Su Ye is not possible to avoid.
It is only able to look at the amount of blood falling on oneself and slowly approach the speed of recovery of its own blood volume.
When the drop speed exceeds the recovery speed, when Su Ye arrives, it is really a bit uncomfortable.
Although it is based on his current attack, although the attack of Su Ye is not too great, as long as the time is sufficient, it can completely kill this inferior blood dragon.
However, everything is not as fake!
Originally thought to complete the life hunter's professional tasks, it is not difficult, it can even be said to be very easy.
But at this time, it seems that I am still a bit too objective.
Next, Su Ye must kill the inferior blood dragon that is in the way in the shortest possible time.
The next moment, Su Ye once again launched his own attack against the inferior blood dragon.
After half a minute.
The amount of blue on the wood unicorn has almost been exhausted.
As for the inferior blood dragon, the original two million blood volume, there will be about one hundred and thirty thousand.
Among them, the unicorn blade with the endless wind blade directly destroyed nearly 500,000 damage.
This is a very scary amount of damage.
At the same time, by Su Ye, one person personally destroyed the damage value of about 200,000.
This kind of victory can be described as quite rich.
However, the look of Su Ye at this time is not too happy, because the damage value from the inferior blood dragon is already approaching the speed of his own blood recovery.
Time is a bit urgent, and it can even be said that it is urgent.
Su Ye immediately followed the blue amount of the bottom, and the wooden unicorn that had not made any skill attack, biting his teeth, said directly to him.
"Wood unicorn, I want to open my unicorn arm, you are ready!"
Wood Kirin immediately nodded.
"Hmm! I know, Master!"
Subsequently, Su Ye no longer has a little hesitation, and immediately whispered directly.
"Kirin arm! Open!"
Su Ye’s voice just fell, and the wooden unicorn standing on the shoulder of Su Ye suddenly snorted.
The green light of the road, from the wood unicorn's body, continues to bloom.
The next moment, Mu Qilin's body became bigger and more visible at the speed visible to the naked eye.
It was only after nearly 20 meters that the wooden unicorn was completely virtual and transparent before it stopped.
At this time, the wood unicorn, there is no such thing as the look of the mini-cute before, but it is full of a majesty that can't be concealed, between the wooden unicorns, the overbearing flow.
The wooden unicorn ghost shadow, at first it was looked at the eyes of the leaves, full of respect.
Then I looked at the inferior blood dragon not far away, and my eyes suddenly burst into anger.
A roar of screaming through the heavens and the earth suddenly broke out from the inferior blood dragon.
Then, the illusion of Mu Qilin was turned into a blue stream of light, and did not enter the body of Su Ye.
At that moment, Su Ye’s arms were stunned by a face that was overbearing, full of majestic wooden unicorn totems.
The totem is even more than just the hands of Su Ye, even in the neck and chest, clearly emerged.
For this situation, Su Ye is not too surprised. After all, according to the properties of the Kirin arm, the properties of the Kirin arm will be based on the specific grade of the wood unicorn, which will continue to enhance.
At the same time, the sound of the system also sounded instantly.

Congratulations, successfully open the Kirin arm!

"You will gain the ability to bless the following: increase your strength by twice your left and right hands (15 minutes after opening, 2 hours of cooling time), left and right hand defense +5000 + 20% of your own base defense, with a 33% chance (every three times Attacks, at least once) can directly immunize off the attack of the genius below the emperor."
"In addition, an additional 30% wind system spell attack."
"The ability to instantly attack the wind attribute magic ball (without cooling time) of 20% of your current life value, you can apply a health value of 10% of the total blood volume of the treated object (cooling time 2 minutes), by your After touching the left and right hands, you can increase the 5% growth value of woody plants or organisms."
Listening to the system's notice, Su Ye feels the tremendous power from the body, and the whole person is instantly in the heart, raising an invincible feeling.
The next moment, Su Ye whispered again.
"The ultimate hands, open!"
System: "Congratulations, the ultimate hands, successful opening!"
"Ultimate hands: You can get a minute of invincible time for the left and right hands, immune to more than 90% of all the morphing below the level of the level of the wilderness, 90% of the attack, the left and right hand strength to get 500% blessing! You can instantly send 10 for your current blood volume 30% magic ball! Cooling time: 1 day!"
However, even in such a situation, Su Ye still feels that the inferior blood dragon who wants to resist this corrosive emperor variation is still a bit hard.
In addition, Su Ye wants to show his strongest strength and see how strong he is at that time.
And this inferior blood dragon is undoubtedly a very good target.
Ever since, Su Ye is looking at the energy stone in his super backpack.
Looking at the number is enough.
The next moment, Su Ye was crying again.
"Hunter suit [three-layer potential explosion], open!"
System: "Please note that you are currently opening the Hunter Set [three-layer potential outbreak], which consumes 1 million Class 1 energy stones, or other levels of energy stone."
The system voice just fell, Su Ye is immediately replied.
"Oh la la!!"
As the voice of Su Ye just fell, the secondary energy stone in the Su Ye super backpack disappeared in the first time, and some third-level energy stone disappeared.
System: "Congratulations, successfully open the Hunter Set [three layers of potential explosion]!"

After opening, the Hunter suit is promoted directly to the top epic suit for 30 seconds. Cooldown is 5 days! Set full property increased by 500%! Set all skills cool and refresh (without potential burst)! Remarks: After using the skill, The player automatically enters the weak state for 10 minutes, and the full attribute temporarily drops 80%!"
Su Ye, who saw this situation, was originally a ruthless inferior blood dragon, but it was a two-step retreat, and the look was a little confused and hesitant.
Because he learned from Su Ye's body that he had never experienced the fear for a long time.
Feeling that this time is completely invincible, Su Ye looked at the inferior blood dragon, screaming and grinning.
(End of this chapter)
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