Chapter 1882: Sharp perception

Of course, this situation is also the most satisfactory and expected situation of Su Ye.
After all, their own offensive goals, only those guild presidents, to attack the rest of the players, for him, is wasting unnecessary time.
Next, whenever Su Ye disguised as a royal demon, in the moment of approaching the presidents of the guild, they would immediately provoke the presidents to yell at their players.
"Stop me, stop me from the guy, don't let him close to me, I can't let him close to me!"
"You all give me, as long as you kill the imperial demon, definitely give him a vice president position, and my personal reward is also very rich."
"What are you doing, the royal demon is coming over, you are giving me, even if you can't beat him, give me time to let me have enough time to reach a safer place!"
"This time if I was killed by the imperial demon, all of you are subject to the most severe punishment of the guild."
However, even in the constant command of these presidents, or even threats, they can't stop the escape of those players.
After all, even if the president’s order is harsh, it will not be able to match his own equipment!
In the hearts of most people, they were kicked by the guild.
If all of your equipment items are blasted, it is really a night before returning to liberation, which guild will not be a guild, and I am afraid that it will be countered by wild monsters.
These are not the results that they have always used to position themselves as "elite" and want to see.
Therefore, in the moment when a real disaster occurs, they will choose to escape the first time instead of facing it.
This is why Su Ye did not put these guild powers too seriously in the beginning.
There are a lot of people, even if there are thousands of people, it is also a bunch of numbers.
If you are only a few thousand people, you can be invincible.
These guild powers from dozens of cities are obviously belonging to the former, with a mixed heart and scattered sand.
The major guilds in Luoyun City, at this time, have been under the control of Su Ye, and have been under management for some time. Although they cannot be said to be the heart of the people, the orders issued by Su Ye, no matter which cloud City Association, up to the president to the ordinary players, no one dare to comply.
As long as he gives Su Ye a certain amount of time, he is absolutely confident that he can completely turn the power of Luoyuncheng into an invincible epee, and the swordsman is in the direction, no one can stop, and it is invincible!
At this time, in the battlefield.
"Oh la la!!"
When Su Ye came over, the players who were still very insane, they ran in an instant.
Under the constant evasion of those players, Su Ye is playing an easy killing of those long-term players.
No one can stand up to the attack from Su Ye, and all of them have become the soul of his knife.
Su Ye's wealth from those who will be long-term players is also constantly increasing.
As long as there is enough strength, killing the player will be the fastest way to get rich.
Time is slowly passing.
Among the dozens of city guild powers, more and more players are being killed.
Without the hatred of those players who hold the demons, the battle between the demons and the players of the Falling City is getting bigger and bigger.
Even the players who have already appeared in the entire guild of the Falling City have turned their targets into demons.
Devils attack dozens of city guild players, who also attack demons.
The demons attacked the players of the major guilds in the city, and the major guilds in Luoyun City began to attack the demons gradually.
And the fierce battle between the players of the Los Angeles City and dozens of city guild players.
For a time, the entire scene, there have been pictures of the messy three-party Hu war.
However, with this situation, it is good news for the players of the major guilds in dozens of cities.
This means that they have fewer opponents, get more rest, and even escape.
On the other side of Rhodes, there have been players who have already seen the squad, and in the case of the devils suddenly shot, they have to fight back in the first place.
As the vice president of the League of Nations, Rhodes, seeing this scene, did not hesitate at all, and directly sent a message to Su Ye.
"Boss, there has been a battle between the devil and the players in the Falling City. We are here, there are players fighting the demon... What should we do next?"
Rhodes did not hide his words and told all the information he knew.
In the entire Allied Alliance, including Rhodes's mind, the only person who can conduct all-action command against the Allies is only Su Ye.
No one can replace him except him.
Su Ye also received Rohde’s message immediately. He looked at it carefully. There was no expression outside of the accident. Instead, it was always indifferent because Rhodes now depicts everything that is happening. They are things that they have already anticipated.
Subsequently, Su Ye directly gave Rhodes a reply.
"I have already anticipated this incident!"
"However, since the devil has begun to attack the players of the Falling City, then this battle should also be completely finished."
"The squad will give you a person to follow the situation and arrange the situation. I will speed up the process of ending the battle."
The information just came over, Rhodes, and immediately responded.
"Know, boss!"
After turning off the chat interface, Su Ye looked up slightly and looked at the players who were fighting around. He could not help but say a little regret.
"I didn't expect it to end so soon!"
There are still seven or eighty presidential players, and Su Ye has not killed himself.
However, because the demons have begun to have conflicting battles with the players of the Falling City.
If this kind of battle continues, then the players of the major guilds in Luoyun City will soon replace the guild power players in those dozens of cities and become the main targets of the demon siege. They will also give them enough time. Breathing time.
If they will take the initiative to unite the demons and attack the players in the clouds, then the whole situation will be completely overturned.
As a result, even if it does not fail, the city of Luoyun will inevitably win.
This kind of price is not what Su Ye wants to bear.
Therefore, in order to prevent the next thing from happening, you must start early as soon as possible and end the battle as soon as possible.
Clear out the outsiders, then drop the players in the city, and then continue to brush off the demons.
The next moment, Su Ye's gaze fell on the outside portal that was not far away.
That is the key point of the whole battle!
As long as the alien portal is taken back, the whole battle is almost over.
As the owner of the alien portal, Daqinhuang is an inevitable existence. As long as he kills him, he can end the whole battle.
At this time, the figure of Daqinhuang, in the vicinity of the portal of the alien world, is constantly appearing. He is using the ability of teleportation to constantly attack the imperial demons who besieged him.
From the beginning to the present, Daqinhuang almost completely stayed in the same place, constantly facing the offense from the royal devils, the figure did not move too far.
Of course, all of this is arranged by Su Ye.
Su Ye let the World of Warcraft control the Emperor Devil, let them control the Da Qin Emperor, let him always be in a high level of combat.
In this way, it is possible to prevent the big Qinhuang guy from making another moth, and he can continue to reduce the physical strength and energy of Daqinhuang.
After all, in this kind of battle, it is very uncomfortable even if there is the aid of the holy weapon of the alien portal.
In the view of Su Ye, the movement speed of Daqinhuang at this time is obviously a little slower than when he started.
The imperial demons who could not attack the Qinhuang Emperor at this time were able to touch him from time to time by virtue of their own abilities.
For Su Ye, this situation is his own opportunity.
next moment.
Su Ye did not hesitate any more, and he ran straight to the side of Daqinhuang.
After tens of seconds.
Su Ye’s figure appeared next to the alien portal, and he was the first to tell the swallowing Warcraft on the sky.
"I want to start solving this big Qinhuang, you let these royal demons, drag me to him!"
The sound of swallowing Warcraft immediately rang in Su Ye’s mind.
"Know, master!"
The next moment, the figure of Su Ye is going to the big Qin Emperor.
Around the emperors who were besieging the Daqin Emperor, they also noticed the appearance of Su Ye.
Each one looked at Su Ye with an angry look.
However, under the control of the ability to swallow World of Warcraft, those imperial demons just roared twice and did no further action.
Seeing this situation, Su Ye also could not help but smile and smile, but also a little emotional inside.
The swallowing of Warcraft is not the devil's nemesis. This gang of riots is actually controlled like a beggar, and even a little bit of resistance does not.
Just easily mixed into the interior of the imperial devils, Su Ye's front, it is a figure suddenly flashing.
A residual image appeared in the side of a royal demon not far from him.
In the moment when the figure was clear, it was the Qinhuang Emperor. The two big knives in his hand were instantly sent to the body of the imperial demon.
With the pain of the emperor's demon, the two damage values ​​immediately rushed out of his body.
"Damn human! I must kill you!"
The imperial demon was also completely irritated. In the roar of the roar, he waved the mace in his hand and slammed it toward Daqin.
However, in the face of the attack of the imperial demon, Da Qinhuang’s mouth is just a smile. After recovering the double-knife, the figure is flashing, and the moment disappears again.
The attack of the imperial demon was naturally completely empty.
However, Su Ye did not know whether it was an illusion. Just after the attack on the Imperial Demon, the big Qin Emperor seemed to have looked at himself.
Although his look has been somewhat overwhelmed, he seems to be fighting because he is in a state of total excitement.
This kind of thinking makes Su Ye's mind a little bit unstable. It seems that there is always something going on in the future.
Just after leaving this thought, the voice of the roaring dog is slamming.
"Master! Be careful!"
Upon hearing the voice of the roaring dog, Su Ye was completely two steps away from the instinctive first time. The Emperor’s big knife and the crescent hook in the hand were immediately held tightly, and looked up to see themselves. When the place was originally standing, Daqinhuang did not know when it was already there.
At this time, the great Qinhuang, looked at his own attacking double knife, looked a bit wrong, and then returned to God, but it was a look of interest, looking at Su Ye.
Subsequently, Da Qinhuang took the initiative to say that the Soviet-level demon disguised as Su Ye.
"Oh! I didn't expect that my attack turned out to be empty. This is the first time since I attacked you these royal demons!"
"I don't know if you are lucky, dodging, or because you have any special ability, can you predict my attack in advance?"
"Interesting, really interesting. You are the first royal demon to make me interested. Then I have to verify what the reason is."
At the moment when Daqinhuang’s voice just fell, his figure disappeared silently in the same place.
At the same time, in the mind of Su a system system about the roaring dog is also slamming.
"Please note that because you are currently in a dangerous situation, it has provoked your pet - the awareness of the owner of the roaring dog, and the current success has unexpectedly triggered the promotion of [Knowledge Perception] skills."

[Keen Perception]: After the skill is turned on, it can perceive all hidden minerals, herbs, wild monsters, etc. within a range of 300 meters. At the same time, it can lock the target, no matter how he moves (including teleportation). ), hiding (hidden skills below level A) and other actions, as long as within the range of 500 meters, can not escape."
"Remarks: The current target of the roaring dog is automatically locked: the player Daqinhuang, within the range of 500 meters, all the actions of Daqinhuang are in the perception of the roaring dog."
Listening to the system's message prompts, Su Ye immediately checked the panel of the next roaring dog, and after reading the detailed [Knowledge Perception] information after the upgrade, he couldn't help but smile and said to himself.
"not bad!"
This time, with the help of the roaring dog, this big Qin Emperor is the thing in the bag.
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