Chapter 2019: Andre imaginary shot

Listening to Andre’s words, Su Ye’s look could not help but be a little shocked.
Unexpectedly, this giant Wang Batu is a sly character.
In order to become a god, the giant Wang Bata first sacrificed his two companions, and then thought about giving Andre also a sacrifice.
However, it seems that it should be detected by Andre in advance, and this should be the main reason why the giant Wang Batu was sealed here.
At the same time, when Andre’s voice just fell, the hunter of the giant Wang Batu was already a bit sloppy.
"This can't blame me, it's not because you are too strong. In order to keep up with your steps, I can only use the method of sacrifice to continuously improve my strength, and their two guys just meet me." The requirements of the sacrifice are also very easy to start."
"However, what I didn't expect was that after they sacrificed them, I could only become a half-god, and only one step away from the true God."
"Andre, you don't often say that you are a friend and a knife, and you are on the top of the mountain? Why do you give up your principles when I need to use you to be a true God?"
"I just need to be a god, I may have a chance to resurrect you in the future! Andre, I am a good friend, you use your life, help me, why not!"
Looking at the resentment of Wang Bator, the mighty giant at this time, Su Ye’s look is already a little shocked.
The logical thinking ability of this giant Wang Bato's resentment is really a bit too powerful.
For a friend to insert a knife, he actually understands it, a friend is his tool, and he wants to be a directly to sacrifice his friends.
This wonderful way of thinking, Su Ye is really the first time I met.
As he spoke, the expression of the ghost of the giant Wang Batu became more and more embarrassing.
"Andre, you have to know, but I personally took you on the road. If it weren't for me, you never knew where you died. Anyway, even if you want to repay my kindness, you should let me. Sacrifice!"
"The gracious picture, isn't that you often hang on your lips? How can you be so empty?"
Looking at the resentment of the giant Wang Batu at this time, Andre’s eyes always seemed very dull, neither interrupting him nor making any expression.
A few minutes later, after waiting for the resentment of the giant Wang Batu, the illusion of Andrei, this time finally finally said slowly.
"Brothers are brothers and sisters, not tools. You have helped me a lot, but I have helped you a lot. You suddenly killed our two other friends and wanted to kill me again. I found out. After that, I didn't immediately kill you!"
"Just sealed! I just want to seal you for hundreds of years, let you calm down, hope to change your way of thinking, but never imagined that your thinking ability has become more and more solid! It really disappoints me, and I am very disappointed with the two companions you killed by yourself!"
"Bato, you shouldn't be like this! As a giant king, your heart is completely inconsistent with your body shape, not even as big as a normal little devil!"
"I can't understand your way of thinking. As the illusion that Andrea left, I will follow his instructions and think that you have not fully reflected, I will kill you!"
During the speech, Andre’s illusion has raised his hand slightly, and the golden light shone toward the surrounding area. The surrounding void collapsed silently and silently. The terrible momentum is even more sudden. .
This kind of momentum is simply unstoppable.
Su Ye only looked at the shadow of Andre, and immediately retreated a little and kept a certain safe distance.
Otherwise, even if it is Andrea's illusion, it is not an attack against himself, but when it is time to be affected, if something unexpected happens, Su Ye really wants to laugh and cry.
At the same time, the grievances of the giant Wang Batu saw this situation, and the look was full of panic that could not be concealed, and the eyes filled with prayers and said quickly.
"No...Andre, you can't be so cruel! I am your best friend! I am wrong, I am really wrong!"
Andre's illusion looked at the ghost of the giant Wang Batu, sighed slightly and said slowly.
"Bato, you know, what you are now, very hypocritical!"
When the voice just fell, Andre’s virtual shadow did not explain to the giant Wang Bato’s resentment. The hand that had been lifted was gently waving toward him.
The golden light of the dragonfly bloomed in an instant, and after the hand of Andrei, it was like the sun falling from the same round, and it fell directly toward the ghost of the giant Wang Batu.
The sound of the bursting of the air, but also constantly roaring, echoed throughout the palace.
In the eyes of the hunger of the giant Wang Bato, the appearance of pity and pity has disappeared, and the replacement of him is the anger and resentment of Haotian.
"Damn Andrea, if I have a chance to escape this time, I will find out your body and directly frustrate!"
In the thought of the giant King Barto, since Andre has passed his career to Su Ye, it should mean that Andrei has died.
During the speech, the grievances of the giant Wang Batu are already a near-substantial black light curtain, rising from the sky and shrouded toward the oncoming "sun".
At this moment, the hunter of the giant Wang Bato is already trying his best to resist the attack of Andre’s illusion, because he knows that if this attack can’t resist, then the only one who greets him will be death. .
As the only witness to the presence, Su Ye is full of ideas at this time.
If you personally kill the ghost of the giant Wang Batu, will it explode artifacts?
This skill of Andre’s phantom looks a bit scary. Will it be the legendary skill above the SSS+ level?
After Andrei’s illusion of killing the giant Wang Batu, will he gain any unexpected benefits as an inheritor of Andre, such as giving a skill book, or a treasure map?
For a time, there were too many thoughts in Su Ye’s mind.
At this time, the collision between the illusion of Andre and the ghost of the giant Wang Batu is already beginning.
The "sun" general attack, when it touched the black light curtain, seems to have not been hindered at all. With an unstoppable momentum, the speed continues unabated and continues to crush the ghost of the giant Wang Batu. And go.
Under this attack, the value of the damage is constantly erupting from the grievances of the giant King Barto.
The grievances of the giant Wang Batu are also slowly and slowly appearing in the visible collapse of the naked eye, and the cracks in the road are constantly appearing from the already substantial body.
The resentment of the giant Wang Batu, has also been continually emitting a low-pitched snoring, the appearance is very painful, and the sound is almost from the cracks in the teeth, constantly speaking from his mouth.
"Andre, I didn't expect you to be so hot and decisive. I used your "hot sun" trick for me, but this trick should be almost using all the energy you left on the virtual shadow, if I If you can hold it, your virtual shadow will probably collapse directly."
"And wait until that time, it is your end!"
For the ghost of the giant Wang Batu, the way of talking about himself is almost self-talking, Andrei’s virtual shadow is simply ignored, and the defensive and confident look of the giant’s Wang Bato’s grievances is constantly relaxed. Break open.
For the murder of the giant Wang Batu, perhaps in the eyes of Andre’s illusion, it is only a matter of time.
As time passed, the "sun" had already approached the ghost of the giant Wang Batu, and the high value of the damage was constantly coming out of him.
The resentment of the giant Wang Batu, under the roast of the "sun", is now a piece of physical shadow, from the finger toes to the palm of the hand, gradually spreading to other parts of the body, they are It is constantly being erased and dissipated.
The roar of the grievances of the giant Wang Batu, slowly weakened, and the value of life was reduced to a certain absolute residual blood state.
However, at this time, the momentum of the "sun" was not changed at all, and continued to go to the ghost of the giant Wang Batu.
After a few minutes.
The grievances of the giant King Barto eventually collide with the "sun" completely.
The resentment is just to let the "sun" figure stay a little bit, and then it is directly swallowed by one-time direct.
In the last scream, the grievances of the giant Wang Batu have been directly annihilated in the sun, and even the ash is not absent.
At the same time, the system's message prompts suddenly rang in Su Ye's mind.
"Please note that due to your indirect participation in the killing of the giant King Barto, you get one in ten thousand experience points!"
Along with the news of the system, the experience value of the 41st level in the Suye personal panel has just risen to 96%, and the experience value of 4% is less than the upgrade.
This is an unexpected surprise for Su Ye, but there is not much excitement in the look.
If you get all the experience value of killing the giant Wang Bator, then how good it is, at least one level up to 20! By that time, I should be able to catch up with the first batch of testers, even beyond them.
This is really a huge regret.
Su Ye sighed slightly.
At this time, after Andrea Shadow was solving the grievances of the giant King Barto, his eyes turned calmly and looked at Su Ye, and then slowly said.
"You should be the successor of Andre, really good!"
Su Ye smirked with a modest reply.
"Thank you for your compliments! Your strength is also very strong!"
For Su Ye's somewhat flattering words, Andrei did not care too much, but continued to say slowly.
"I am just a phantom left by Andre. I just released that skill and it took me a lot of energy. I haven't been able to support it for a long time."
"However, after all, we also met, do not give you some benefits, just leave, it is not very good! This way, give you a chance, if you seize, wealth skills, etc., there is a chance to get.

Listening to the words of Andre’s shadow, Su Ye looked at him with hope.
I was just thinking about what excuses to use to get some good things from Andre’s shadow. I didn’t expect him to show it directly so soon, which was a bit unexpected.
There is no need for Su Ye to ask anything, and Andre’s illusion is to continue to slowly say.
"In a place called the ancient battlefield, there is a temple of death in the temple. The second statue on the right side of the hall of the Temple of Death is left. The inside is hollow. You only need to use a certain force to break it!"
"After breaking, you will see a door. After entering, there are some items that Andrea had plundered from the Temple of should include one or two gods, the wealth of which It should also be beyond your imagination."
The voice of Andre’s virtual shadow just fell, and Su Ye immediately grabbed the keyword and repeated it.
"The ancient battlefield, the Temple of Death, the left foot of the temple on the right!"
Andrei nodded and said nod.
"Well, that's right!"
In this place of the ancient battlefield, Su Ye has only heard of it. This is a very special copy. There are so many requirements to enter it. At the beginning, the whole day is just a little bit of the player who has been at the top of the day.
As for the internal affairs of the ancient battlefield, it has never been disclosed.
At the time, Su Ye did not use the information channel of the Alliance to learn too much. After all, the ancient battlefield was not something that Su Ye could touch at will.
For this kind of thing that can't be at your fingertips, or that doesn't have much benefit, Su Ye was the president of the Alliance, and it is impossible to arbitrarily order.
However, in this world, Su Ye has been fully qualified to enter any copy of the sky that he wants to enter, so this ancient battlefield is bound to have a look.
What's more, there is such a thing in the inside!
Players are more powerful. In the absence of any special circumstances, the most extreme can only create the self-created skills of SSS+, which is only created by God.
Of course, because there is a strong and weak point between the gods, then there is naturally a strong and weak distinction between their own creations. As for how to divide the skills, there is nothing more to say here.
Then Su Ye asked.
"Can you tell me in detail about the situation in the ancient battlefield?"
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