Chapter 2163: The special ability of the wooden people

In the face of the enthusiasm of the Terran people, Su Ye could not respond at all for a time, only to face them with a smile.
At the same time, some wooden people also took the initiative to come forward and handed some of their own things to Su Ye, indicating their welcome to him.
"Mr. Night Wind, I really appreciate you this time. I can take the initiative to help us when we are in such a crisis. This is a small gift, please accept it."
"This is the food specially made by my family. You can accept it!"
"And mine."
"My mine!"
For a time, the wooden tribes swarmed to the front of Su Ye.
Although the former Kudzu chief took the initiative to tell, no one can get close to Su Ye, but did not say, do not give Su Ye gifts!
Shouldn’t the gift be a violation of the order of the vine patriarch?
It is this kind of psychological thought at this moment, at the moment, the wooden people who took the initiative to present their gifts to Su Ye.
Su Ye looked at the gifts they handed over at this time. They were all kinds of things, including ore, medicinal herbs, fruit wine, bread... and some other sundries.
If you just talk about value, these things may not be worth the money, but for these people, it may be the best thing they can give themselves at this moment.
Su Ye is naturally not likely to accept their gifts. In the face of satisfying their enthusiasm, Su Ye waved his hand and said with a smile. "I really appreciate everyone's gift. Everything is very good. Your heart, I also lead. But these things, I am unacceptable."
"To tell the truth, this time the Mu people have brought you a lot of trouble. If you accept everyone's things, then you really can't go."
"It’s all gone! There are a lot of things to do next, you need to do it."
During the speech, Su Ye’s figure has been actively retreating but two steps, indicating his attitude.
However, the wooden people who took the initiative to give gifts, no one left at this time, one by one standing there, looking at Su Ye.
It seems that not accepting their gifts is a sin.
The atmosphere was a bit embarrassing for a while.
"What are you doing? What are you doing! What are you doing!"
Fortunately, in the ear of Su Ye’s ear, the sound of the vines screamed.
One by one, aren’t all for you to prepare for the next dinner of a human friend? Why have you come here? I told you not to disturb the orders of Mr. Night Wind, but they all became the wind of the ear?"
Following the sound, Su Ye saw that behind the crowd, the wooden patriarch Kusmine was hoping and hurriedly came over.
The wooden people around the Su Ye are also the first to give way to the vines. No one dares to take the initiative to stop him. Even almost no wooden genius dares to look at him.
Obviously, the genus of the vines has a very high prestige in the group.
The vine went straight to the side of Su Ye and stood side by side with him. His eyes revealed a little angry look at the wooden people in front of him, and immediately said aloud.
"What are you doing here for me now, one by one, are you idle and have nothing to do? Are you ready for the things you have prepared?"
"Oh la la!!"
The wooden people seem to be very afraid of the vines in the state of anger. After their voices have just fallen, one by one is immediately separated, and no one dares to stay here.
Looking at the empty surroundings, Kuto looked at Su Ye with a very sorry look, and said quickly, "Mr. Night Wind, I am really sorry! My people have brought you some trouble."
Su Ye smiled and shook his head. "Ha ha ha! Nothing is ok! The wooden people are very enthusiastic. The vines are the patriarchs, and then you can no longer blame them."
Listening to the words of Su Ye, the vine immediately sighed and then nodded quickly. "That is certain, it is certain!"
The current Su Ye, for the vine, is a big tree that can be found at a critical time. If the cycass people accidentally touched him because of some unfriendly things, then the vine can be I really don't know what to make up for.
Fortunately, the Su Ye at this time was not angry, and this made some of the fears that existed in the inside of the vine, and it disappeared.
The vine followed and looked up at Su Ye and asked.
"Right, Mr. Night Wind, don't know if we can arrange the wooden people to get in touch with the human friends who come in advance?"
The proposal of Kuto, just in line with Su Ye’s thoughts, he quickly nodded and smiled.
Of course, so, I will give you a coordinate, and then let the friends of the wooden people go there and wait.

Subsequently, Su Ye directly sent himself out of the glorious forest and reached the coordinates of the edge of the Mt.
After seeing the vine, he took out a token and pressed it gently. The token flashed immediately, and he also said directly to the token. "I will give you a coordinate position. People, to meet human friends, can not make any mistakes. The coordinates are:,!"
The sound of the vines just fell, and under the gaze of Su Ye, there was a cold voice in the token. "Yes! The patriarch!"
After the token was collected, no need to ask Su Ye to ask anything. The vine was directly and actively explained, "This token is the patriarch of our wooden family. If you hold the token, you can use any of the wooden people. The people of the wooden family have a call."
"The guy who just spoke to me is the captain of the Musca Guards, a guy who is not bad. Then he will take the wooden people to the coordinate position you gave, and directly come from afar. Human friends."
"Right, Mr. Night Breeze, there is nothing wrong with it, and then I have to look at it in the woods."
Su Ye smiled and nodded, "very honored!"
Next, under the leadership of Kuito, Su Ye followed the visit to the Terran.
The area of ​​the wooden ethnic group is quite large, equivalent to a human town. The total population of the wooden people is as high as 400,000. However, for some reasons, nearly half of the 400,000 people are not in the ethnic land. It is scattered throughout the territory of the Terran.
The architecture of the wooden people's land can also be said to be diverse, and the introduction of the roots of the vines, these are the buildings built by the wooden people of the tribes with their own ingenuity and some imagination and reference.
Finally, the vines with Su Ye came to a place where the wooden people were cleaning up, and the area was quite large.
Kate pointed at the piece and said, "Mr. Night Wind, as you can see, this land, I let the people clean it up, and finally put a wooden building on it to entertain the human friends from afar. ""
Su Ye looked at the huge area of ​​the land in front of her eyes, and then her eyes fell on the body of the vine, and asked a little uncertain.
"The vine patriarch, I have not misunderstood, you mean, in a day or more, to clean up this large piece of land and then cover the building for 200,000 people?"
Su Ye thought that the vine was joking, but the vine was very confident at this time and immediately nodded, "This is of course!"

It takes about a day to clean up this land, but it takes only about two hours to build a building for 200,000 humans.

"Two hours?!"
Su Ye was surprised at the moment. If the face of the vine was full of self-confidence and pride, he would have to refute it.
"Yes, two hours!"
The vine continued to nod. "That way! I will build a wooden house on the spot and show you how fast our wooden people build the wooden family."
The voice just fell, under the gaze of Su Ye, I saw that the vines easily lifted up their right hand, and then it was an emerald green light, which was instantly ignited from the five fingers and landed in an open space not far away. Above.
The next moment, the scene that Su Ye could not understand appeared.
On the open space, a tree seedling grows, and then the sapling grows at a speed visible to the naked eye.
The growth of this sapling does not grow like a normal sapling, but it seems to grow slowly into a wooden house under the maintenance of certain forces!
It took less than ten seconds from the extension of the vines to the formation of the wooden house.
This is almost the same as out of thin air.
On the side of the vine, looking at Su Ye’s face, he couldn’t help but smile. He couldn’t help but smile. Then he said straight away,
Mr. Night Wind, you don’t know, building a wooden house is the natural skill of our wooden people, but only the emperor Above the level of the wooden people can be built in this way."
"This wooden house can hold a hundred people, but it's too rudimentary."
"Mr. Night Wind, are we going to go in and see?"
At this time, Su Ye was also very curious about the situation inside the wooden house that the vine was built casually. Therefore, he did not even think about his proposal. He nodded and promised, "Go! Go see!"
The voice just fell, not waiting for the vine, Su Ye went directly to the newly built wooden house.
Pushing open the closed wooden door, Su Ye stood at the door and looked at the dripping inside the wooden house. The look was filled with shocks that could not be concealed.
In the field of vision, this moment is built by the vines, the table stools, the wardrobe beds, and so on, all the furniture in the normal room is complete.
At the same time, the bed is covered with fluffy sheets of plants.
Su Ye walked in, looked at the curious look, and touched it. Followed by the vines coming in, watching Su Ye, asked with a smile.
"Mr. Night Wind, what about this wooden house?"

It’s really a little too incredible!

Su Ye really didn't know that the Muss had this kind of skill, and the words were not worthy of their praise. "If I didn't see it with my own eyes, I am afraid I wouldn't believe anyone."
"This big wooden house, and the furniture inside, and so on, is actually built in a flash. This is really amazing."
"I now believe that it is only by virtue of the ability of the vine patriarch, you can complete the construction of a wooden house where 200,000 people live within two hours."
The vine is humble and hurrying and waving his head. "Mr. Night Wind, you really are laughing. I can't do these things alone. After all, my mana is limited. I have 200,000 human friends living. The wooden house has to be accompanied by the people."
"In addition, in the construction of wooden houses, the ancient elders of Guza are the most powerful of our wooden people. He can instantly complete a wooden house where thousands of people live."
Su Ye looks at the huge wooden house in the interior. This is already a hundred people. To accommodate a thousand people, I have to build a tenfold expansion on the basis of this wooden house.
This Guzha is really a bit strong!
Especially to build a house, it is really a good hand.
In Su Ye’s mind, I thought about it at this time, and then how can I let the wooden elders and elders Guzha follow them to build a house.
This is a big deal!
After a while, Su Ye returned to the gods, and his expression hesitated under the vine, or asked.
"The vines patriarch There is something, I am very curious, I don't know how many emperors are in the wood people?"
"The emperor wooden people? This makes me think."
For the sensitive inquiry of Su Ye, the vine did not show any resentment, but instead thought about it with a little uncertainty.
After a while, the vines returned to the recovery of the road. "Because the wooden people have rarely carried out statistics in this area, I don't remember the specific figures. However, there should be 50 people in the emperor. !"
"50 emperors!"
This data is really beyond Su Ye's expectations. I thought it wouldn't be much. At most, it would be seven or eight. Who knows that it is directly fifty.
A wooden tribe of the vassal woods has 50 emperors, so what are the top ten races in the mountains?
So, how many hundred or even thousands of emperors went?
It seems that the overall strength of the Lushan Mountains is much more terrifying than what I imagined.
In the face of such a terrible force, this time, let Rhodes come over and rob them, and they don’t know what they are doing right.
The vine looked at Su Ye, whose brow was suddenly wrinkled. He asked, "What's wrong?"
"The patriarch! The patriarch!"
Just as Su Ye and Kuto said something in the wooden house, there was an eager shout outside the wooden house.
The next moment, a wooden man ran in, looked up at the vine, and ignored the Su Ye, and said quickly, "The patriarch, the orc family came over and said to see you!"
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