Chapter 2303: Legendary Soul Bone Staff

The tomb is a bit big.
It took Su Ye more than ten minutes to dig into the violent coffin board.
A white coffin covered with blood.
Ye Chen shoved it down with a shovel, leaving only a white mark on it.
"So hard!"
Ye Chen was a little surprised.
After all, the shovel in the hand is an epic item.
Immediately after, Ye Chen directly checked the material of the coffin with the help of the system.
"[Bai Leng Shi]: A hard stone with weapons below the epic level, which is difficult to cause too much trauma.
After seeing the details, Su Ye couldn't help but smile.
It turned out to be Bai Lengshi? !
This war giant spirit family is really rich!
Bai Lengshi is a very rare special ore.
Su Ye has never seen it in this life, and the last life was just outside a super guild station where he saw a stone lion made of Bai Lengshi.
Since it couldn't be split, Su Ye didn't have to expend that effort, and glanced around the coffin to find the joint of the coffin.
Slightly force.
The casket swayed slowly, but it was still very difficult to open it.
Youyou, who was standing not far away, couldn't help reminding, "Master Yefeng, you only need to use some soul energy to easily pry this coffin."
"Or shall I come?"
After finishing the speech, Youxing carefully looked at the whistling sky dog ​​on Su Ye's shoulder.
The roaring sky dog ​​has just swallowed the pictures of the two semi-god-level remnants of the war giants.
At this moment, when you were walking, facing the swollen tengu, it was totally a twelve-point spirit. I was afraid that I would offend the other party by accident, and then I wouldn't do it.
Su Ye nodded gently, "Yes! Then trouble the elder Yuxing."
Although he also has an attack on the soul, but in terms of use, it must be worse than the wandering of soul creatures.
"Yes. Lord Yefeng!"
After Yuxing responded, she walked towards Su Ye cautiously, her gaze glancing at the wheezing dog from time to time.
Seeing howling Tiangou did not look at him from beginning to end, Youxing was slightly relieved.
Came to Su Ye, Yu Xing's hands gently laid on the coffin board, followed by a thick gray soul breath, emanating from the palm of his hand, covering the coffin board.
The effect was immediate, and the casket trembles immediately.
Su Ye just exerted a little effort, and the entire coffin board was lifted directly to reveal the inside.
As Su Ye expected, the funerary items in the violent coffin were quite abundant.
In addition to the glittering piles of gold coins, there are various items.
There are only two legendary weapons.
A piece of armor, a bone of soul!
Su Ye couldn't help but checked the details of the armor for the first time.
"[Soul Armor]: 42-level legendary level equipment. After use, it can increase its basic soul defense by 20,000 + 200%."
"Remark: Can only be used by soul creatures."
Armor is good armor!
A simple increase in the value of soul defense has fully proved his value.
It is simply the best equipment for soul defense.
It's just that this remark is a bit of a hindrance. It can only be used by soul creatures, so does it mean that it has something to do with it.
With a low sigh, Su Ye threw the soul armor into the super backpack, without looking at it.
Subsequently, Su Ye's eyes fell on the soul bone staff.
This should be the bone stick taken from his body after the storm became a soul state.
In a sense, this can be regarded as a tyrannical magic weapon.
The bone rods are all gray, with blood-colored inscriptions, carved with one after another incomparable patterns.
On the sidewalk, seeing the pattern on the bone rod, I could not help but exclaim.
"Instant Soul Skill Inscription!"
Su Ye looked at Youxing suspiciously.
He was still very curious about this strange vocabulary.
Youxing also immediately explained, "Master Yefeng! You don't know, the staff in your hand is the weapon used by most of the war giants. The inscription pattern above is rumored that only Saint-level or above Inscriptions will be portrayed by the talents of the war giants. "
"It's called the Instant Soul Skill Inscription. Every pattern is a soul-like skill, and every skill portraying requires a lot of material to be wasted. On this staff, there are less than twenty soul-type skills. skill."
"And when used, these soul skills can reach the state of being issued instantly. They can not directly consume any of their own energy, they can directly send one, or they can directly send twenty."
"This is also the reason why the war giants are very powerful in high-end combat power."
Su Ye was a little surprised, "It's so powerful!"
Twenty soul skills at once.
Even if it is full of blood and half BOSS, it can be instantly blinded.
At the next moment, Su Ye Lima looked at the details of the next staff.
"[Soul Bone Staff]: Level 52 Legendary Weapon! Soul Attack Improvement: 20000 + 80% of its own basic soul attack. Comes with the skill [Soul Beam]!
"[Soul Beam]: Soul-like skills, by waving the soul bone stick, you can emit a gray soul attack light, causing 10000 ~ 20000 soul damage to the target."
"Remarks: Twenty-three different soul skills are also depicted on the soul staves, namely: [Soul Imprisonment], [Soul Oblivion], [Soul Roaring], [Rebirth of the Undead] ... [Insight 】 "
"Tip: The bone stick is automatically generated by the spine in the flesh of the war giant!"
"Occupational restrictions: none!"
"Minimum level: 40!"
"[Soul Imprisonment]: After use, you can directly impose imprisonment lock on souls below your level and combat power. Duration: 30 seconds! Cooldown: 10 minutes!"
"[Soul Oblivion]: After use, you can directly perform a soul attack on targets below your level and combat power, causing damage to half of your total health. For those above your level and combat power The goal is to cause 10,000 real soul damage. Cooldown: 10 minutes! "
"[Soul Roar]: After use, it will directly cause 5000 ~ 20000 random damage to the target, and there is a chance that it can be directly deterred! Cooldown: 10 minutes!"
"[Rebirth of the Undead]: After use, you can randomly summon a spirit above the emperor level you have killed and let it assist you in combat. Duration: 3 minutes, Cooldown: 1 hour!"
"[Insight]: After use, you can directly investigate the state of the target soul, and will automatically find its soul weakness."
Of the 23 soul skills, Su Ye didn't let go of them, and all of them looked carefully.
After reading it, Su Ye couldn't help but sweat a little.
It's terrible.
Fortunately, the violence at that time was just a remnant soul state, and he was not able to use this soul bone stick. Otherwise, he would instantly instant 23 skills at once, not only the swollen sky dog, but himself must become a Corpse.
Fortunately, that did not happen.
Su Ye sighed heavily, and then threw the violent soul bone stick into the super backpack.
This item can be used as a powerful card for yourself, and in some cases, it can play a role beyond the abnormal.
Later, Su Ye's eyes continued to search among the burial funerals.
In addition to two legendary items, Su Ye also found some precious medicinal ores and sold them one by one, all of which could easily be auctioned for high prices.
Of course, Su Ye personally cannot sell these precious things.
After all, he is not short of money at this stage.
It took nearly half an hour for Su Ye to finally thoroughly clean up the funerary objects in the violent coffin.
I am also very productive.
After all the violent coffins were put into the super backpack, Su Ye said directly to the whimper.
"Continue to the next grave!"
Just as Su Ye was digging around in the tombs of the war giants, they were among the war giants.
The shadow of the dark spirit patriarch, with the clan people, was warmly welcomed by the war giant spirit clan.
Hun Tian, ​​the current patriarch of the war giants headed by the war, saw the shadow, and immediately greeted him with a smile on his face.
"Hahaha! Welcome! Welcome! You are very welcome to the dark spirits."
Youying is also full of acting, and immediately responded with a polite, "Huntian Patriarch is welcome!"
"We Dark Spirit Clan, this time coming to the War Giant Clan, hope that it will not cause unnecessary trouble to you."
Hundred days quickly shook his head and said with a loud smile, "Haha! Where will it! Where will it! Our war giant spirit tribe, really really want, you dark spirit tribe, live in our territory."
Followed by, the sky pulled the shadow.
"Come here! Let me introduce you to other friends."
Behind Huntian, followed by several other soul races, these races have already joined the Huntian soul race alliance.
They glanced at them.
What surprised you was that all the soul races in the entire Luojia Mountain have arrived.
In other words, the entire Luojia Mountains, except the Dark Spirit Clan and other soul races, have joined the Alliance of War Giant Spirit Clan.
At the same time that Youying was secretly shocked, she also made a reassessment of the true power of the war giants.
It seems that the strength of the giants of the war this time is already comparable to the top ten races of the Luojia Mountain.
As long as the Dark Spirit Clan joins, I am afraid that the War Giant Clan has already planned to formally seek the position of the top ten races of the Luojia Mountain in this Luojia Mountain War.
"You Ying patriarch, although you are almost all impressed by the people present, you still have to take the necessary form!"
"This is the elder elder of the spirits, McCa. It is one of the elders of our soul race major league."
Youying took the initiative to say hello, "I haven't seen you for a long time, Elder McCain."
In fact, they had just met not long ago. At that time, they secretly contacted because of the alliance of war giants.
Youying remembers very clearly that McCain's answer at the time was that their Spirit Spirit Clan would never join the Alliance of War Spirit Clan.
Who knows, this guy actually came in person and became the elder of this league.
It's really ridiculous.
There was a contempt in the shadow.
Although McCain had already guessed the inner thought of Youying, she still had a long-lost smile on her face, and quickly said, "I haven't seen you for a long time! Youyou Patriarch! You are still so young!"
Youying modestly said, "Hahaha! You're welcome! I just pay attention to getting up early and getting up early."
But at this time, Huntian directly interrupted Youying and said with a smile.
"You Ying Patriarch! I know you and McCa are very good friends. I haven't seen you in a long time. There must be many things I want to talk about."
"However, can you wait a moment, you have enough time in the future, how to talk, how to talk."
"I will take you to meet other friends first."
"Okay! Patriarch Huntian!"
Youying smiled apologetically at McCain's face, and then continued to follow the sky.
"this is……"
Under the warm introduction of the sky, Youying can be a new acquaintance with these "friends".
Half of the people here ~ ~ You Ying have contacted not long ago.
At that time, the attitudes they expressed when they established the Soul Race Alliance were all rejected.
But now, these people are standing here with a lot of them.
Each one is pretty hypocritical.
Youying can't stop mocking them.
After introducing the representatives of various races, Huntian enthusiastically exchanged a few words with Youying before finally entering the topic formally.
"You Ying Patriarch!"
"To be honest, I am really happy that you can bring the dark spirits to our war giants."
"There is nothing to say, only one sentence. In our large league of soul races in the Luojia Mountains, I have always reserved a place for you dark spirits. You are always welcome to join."
"At the same time, you Shadow Patriarch, as long as you enter, we still have a veteran position for you, which has a part of the command power to join the major leagues and major races."
In order to establish this soul race major league, Huntian spent a lot of effort.
If the establishment is successful, his heavenly name will leave an indelible stroke in the entire history of the war giants.
If he can use the major leagues to lead the war giants to the top ten in the Luojia Mountains, he will become a legendary figure among the war giants!
In the previous process, because of the refusal of the Dark Spirit Clan, some defects appeared in this big league. Whenever I think of it, the whole sky can't help but sigh secretly.
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