Chapter 2316: 派 大树 Support

"Damn it!"
In an angry roar, the figure of the whole person in the sky was pulled and torn by the vortex of terror.
At this time, even if he was the chief of the war giants, a demigod-level existence, he was only able to watch himself slowly turning into fragments.
Those war giants who are looking at here directly, have seen this scene, and one by one has been crazy.
"Master Patriarch !!"
They have never seen it, and the sky will look like it is today.
Suppressed by force, there is no ability to resist at all.
That human pet is a bit terrible!
However, now they, as members of the war giants, can't just watch their patriarchs and adults suffer such persecution.
Part of the war giants have already begun to move towards the snarling sky dog ​​in the sky.
Angry and noisy voices kept coming out of their mouths.
"Damn, you must save the patriarch!"
"Although this vortex can devour the soul, there must be an upper limit for engulfing, as long as we have enough people to break through the upper limit, we will definitely be able to rescue the patriarch!"
"This time, no matter what, the head of the patriarch can't have an accident."
"If the patriarch is gone, our war giants will be completely reduced to the third-rate race in the Luojia Mountains."
"For the future of the ethnic group, go!"
One after another, group after group, in a short while, there were nearly a thousand war giants of the clan, surging towards the vortex above the roaring sky dog's head, surging wildly.
The expressions of these war giants are all full of death.
"Ha ha!!"
Seeing this scene, Su Ye couldn't help but smile.
This spirit seems to be very touching, but it is only limited to this.
According to intelligence information learned from his vassal race.
In the Luojia Mountains, the war giants are also considered an unforgiving race. Basically, in the Luojia mountains, there will be war giants in every war.
For so many years, the number of people of all ethnic groups in the Luojia Mountains killed by them indirectly or directly has been several times that of the war giants.
And this time, they took the initiative to siege, but it was just enough to let the whistling beast.
There may be an upper limit to the endless devouring of the Howling Dog, but the upper limit is definitely not the war giants of the thousand people.
They went to save the muddy sky, and they just brought more food to the whimper.
Under Su Ye's gaze, the people of the war giant clan began to pour into the whirlpool above the head of the roaring sky dog.
"Hahaha! What did I think! Unexpectedly, this vortex has no effect on me."
"Brothers, as more people rush in, you can directly squeeze this vortex!"
"We will soon be able to rescue the patriarch and then kill this human pet!"
"Yes, yes! It must be killed, and waiting for him to grow up completely, it is a huge threat to our entire soul race."
At first, the expressions were still quite self-confident, and I felt that the vortex formed by the endless swallowing of the whistling sky dog ​​did not affect them much.
However, as soon as he slowly entered the depths of the vortex, many war giants and tribes started to panic.
In the depths, the force they are tearing against the soul is completely different from when they first came in. It can even be said to be a world apart.
All war giants are panicked.
"This ... how is this possible!"
"My soul is slowly being pulled, feeling the whole person is torn."
"What's the matter! Here, I can't even use the slightest soul attack ability!"
"Ah! It hurts. It hurts all over my body. My soul is being torn apart into pieces."
"Should not come in, really shouldn't come in!"
In the panic and noisy sounds, the influx of nearly a thousand war giants clan people watched one by one as they were torn to pieces.
It's just a few seconds.
That is, nearly one-third of the war giants have been transformed into nutrients, and with the vortex, they have not been able to enter the body of the whistling beast.
For the remaining two thirds, for them, death is also a matter of time.
However, Yun Tian still insisted.
As the strongest demigod-level existence of the war giants, he has nearly one-fifth of his body, which has been torn apart by tears, and all other places are covered with cracks.
However, in his own roar, he did everything he could to resist the endless engulfing of the whistling sky dog.
However, all this is in vain after all!
After absorbing the five or six hundred souls of the war giants of the clan, the swollen sky dog ​​has lifted the momentum of the whole person to a new height.
In the vortex above his head, there has been a sharp soul blade, which is constantly attacking the war giants.
However, the war giants can't make any dodge and effective defense. They can only watch their own figures in these attacks and are being cut and separated by speed.
The head of the humanoids has just received a call for help from the war giants.
The war giants have a special role for their humanoids, and he cannot allow them. At this time, the war giants have been hit hard.
"Call me Five Elders."
The humanoid patriarch immediately told a guard next to him, "Yes, by the way, call me the big tree."
"Yes! Patriarch!"
The guard hurried away.
Not long afterwards, the five elders of the human race, Mo Dye and the big tree, appeared in front of him one after the other.
When Da Shu saw the humanoid patriarch, he asked directly.
"Patriarch, do you have anything to tell us?"
"There was something wrong with the war giants!"
The humanoid patriarch said directly, "There are the Luojia Mountain races, united, they are attacking the war giants."
Da Shu asked with a surprised expression.
"Luojia Mountain races unite to attack the war giants and patriarchs, will this be no problem?"
Dashu has been in the Luojia Mountains for such a long time. He knows that the strength of war giants in the Luojia Mountains is second only to the top ten races in the Luojia Mountains.
In terms of background, there are human races behind the giant war clan.
In the Luojia Mountains, as long as the war giants do not take the initiative to attack other races, it is a blessing.
How could there be other races that unite to attack the war giants?
Sounds ridiculous!
"The war giants have purposely used the sound stone to contact the devil!"
Faced with the big tree's doubts, the humanoid patriarch was not angry, but instead explained with a chuckle, "He said he can fight the fierce tribe is being attacked by the fifteen races of the Luojia Mountains, asking for quick support!"
"So, I will let you go with the five elders and ink dye this time."
"If you can handle it properly, you may be able to get the appreciation of the above gods and adults, and you are so talented, as long as you can get the guidance of the gods, you may have a chance to become a in the future!"
The humanoid patriarch is very concerned about the new humanoid sniffing tree that this clan found in the glorious forest and has evolved into a humanoid.
At the beginning, when Dashu entered the clan, the humanoid patriarch was the first to arrange relevant personnel, train them, and give him a lot of things that can enhance his potential.
Now the big tree, in terms of potential, can be said to be the first person among the humanoid sage class.
Within ten years, he will also inevitably break through the holy level and become a demigod-level existence.
By that time, the humanoid patriarch has made up his mind and will give his patriarch position to the big tree. He will retreat behind the curtain and practice quietly to see if he can break through and become a level in his lifetime!
The big tree looked stunned. He didn't want to participate in the war. He immediately made an excuse, "But I still have a few things to do!"
I also want to be able to leave the human race, leave the Luojia Mountains, and find my master.
But among the humanoids, there are items that can lock all humanoids, no matter where they go, as long as the humanoid patriarch wants to know, there must be nowhere to run.
For this reason, Big Tree has been looking for opportunities to destroy it.
Only by destroying that thing will you be free.
As for what kind of human tribal chief, who will become a or something in the future, Dashu personally really doesn't care at all.
The humanoid patriarch shook his head with a smile, not caring.
"Don't care about those little things, just leave them aside, and now the priority is to deal with the things on the war giant's side."
Da Shu has long learned to observe and observe, looking at the expressions of humanoid patriarchs, he no longer said much, nodded, and agreed.
"Uh! Okay!"
"Patriarch, I will go to the War Giants!"
The humanoid patriarch nodded with a smile, and then turned his head to look at the five elders Moran. This time, he said directly with the commanded tone.
"Five elders, you will take away 20 holy-level tribes from the tribe later, and you will assist the big tree to solve the matter of the war giants."
"If there is any accident, you must tell me the first time."
"In addition, under any circumstances, you must give priority to the protection of large trees, you should be able to do this?"
The humanoid patriarch's words just fell, and Mo-ran said quickly and respectfully, "Adult patriarch, I will swear to protect the tree!"
Of course, that is what he said. As for what he thinks in his heart, it depends on what he does next.
After all, among humanoids, everyone is not as united as the outside world imagines.
Especially at the time when the Luojia Mountain War broke out and the next humanoid patriarch determined.
Many humanoids will consider their own interests as much as possible, and for others, put aside first.
The humanoid patriarch nodded and said lightly, "Then, go quickly!"
"From humanoids to war giants, it still takes a while."
Mo Ran and Da Shu immediately said respectfully, "Yes, Lord Patriarch!"
Watching the ink dye and the big tree leave, the humanoid patriarch could not help but sigh slightly.
If you can command the gods in the action human race, you will not let them both go.
More importantly, the gods seem to have received some tasks and are secretly arranging personnel within the clan.
Even if he was a humanoid patriarch, he was directly kept secret and could not obtain any relevant intelligence information.
There is no way!
This is the rule among humanoids.
The patriarch is just a spokesperson who is placed on the bright side and used to communicate with other major races in the Luojia Mountains.
Actual rights are not as good as any patriarch in the Luojia Mountains.
Of course, these kinds of human race patriarchs can only complain in their own hearts, and it is impossible to say so.
On the one hand, because of the fear of suddenly facing the punishment of the gods and the higher existence behind him, on the other hand, after he withdrew from the position of patriarch, he broke through to the level of the gods, and he will become a person he hates now.
This is a cycle, and no one can change it.
The humanoid side has already begun to act, Su Ye side.
The wolverine has swallowed through its endless engulfment, and directly swallowed those human races who actively took the initiative to save the muddy sky ~ ~.
Right now there is a muddy sky with half of the soul still resisting and persevering.
And those tribes of the vassal of the vassal, who are watching this time, are already looking at the vortex above the head of the roaring sky dog ​​with a terrified expression.
"Terror, it's really terrifying! Nearly a thousand war tribes were swallowed directly."
"You see, the war giant spirit patriarch Hun Tian has been a little unable to persevere. Then it is estimated that as long as there is more time, he will be swallowed up by the pet food of Lord Yefeng.
"This vortex should have a terrifying lethality to the soul race. For our race, there should not be too much danger."
"It's not dangerous? Why don't you go in and try to see if you can swallow you directly?"
When there was a lot of discussion, Soul Stone didn't know when, but he had gathered beside Su Ye and reminded softly.
"Master Yefeng, the war giants have already informed the humanoids. If there are no gods coming from the humanoids, then we still have up to one hour to continue the attack on the war giants!"
"After an hour, we may face attacks from humanoids. At that time, we have to take a great risk!"
Su Ye nodded, agreeing with the Soul Stone's words, then raised her head, looked at the Sky Tengu, and said loudly.
"Snarling Sky Dog, act fast! It swallowed the whole sky, and it is advancing into the war giants!"
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