Chapter 2319: Destruction of the War Giants

The vagueness at this moment is quite self-confident.
Even, in his mind, he felt sorry for his brother.
He would die in the hands of such a guy.
However, the opportunity for revenge is coming!
The ugly face was full of excitement that could not be concealed.
Slightly lifted the Soul Bone Staff, which is now a soul-like skill, and went straight towards the wheezing sky dog.
Without any accident, hit directly.
Another damage value of more than 30,000, emerged directly from the body of the whipping sky dog.
He smiled with excitement and excitement, and now the snarling sky dog ​​seemed to him that as long as he kept this way, he was his own piece of meat that could be slaughtered.
"Master Yefeng! Do you want me to do a favor?"
Seeing howling Tianquan was hit again by evil spirits, Soul Stone asked a little at the beginning.
"Calm! Calm! My growling dog is not that silly!"
Su Ye, who was not far away, didn't worry at all, and even took the initiative to comfort the soul stone.
"It's just because the swollen sky dog ​​was unexpected, and suddenly killed the muddy sky, so that the muddy evil has some defense in his heart at this time, not very close."
"However, Elder Soulstone, don't worry! This vicious one won't laugh for long!"
Because, howling Tiangou is slowly narrowing the distance between himself and the evil.
Although this guy is always careful to keep it, but he still doesn't see too much the slight difference in distance.
Of course, this distance is not the attack distance of the endless engulfing vortex above the roaring sky dog.
I have been paying attention to the turbidity of the whirling sky dog's vortex, and naturally I will not easily notice it.
After a minute.
The vicious attack again, directly hit the whistling dog, and there was already an arrogant smile that could not be covered.
"Hahaha! Damn human pet, your life will be taken down by me in the future. I really did not expect to attack you so easily."
"You can also rest assured that when I kill you, your human master, I will soon send him to leave with you, after all, he is the culprit who attacked my war giants this time, how is it possible Let him go! "
At this time, the wheezy dog, who had not spoken for a long time, suddenly looked up, looked at the evil, and said with a smile.
"Vicious, you're done!"
There was a hint of danger in his nausea, but when he wanted to do something, the voice of the wheezing sky dog ​​rang loudly in his ear again.
"Endless devouring, the second paragraph! Open!"
Almost at the moment when the sound of the roaring sky dog ​​sounded, the vortex above his head immediately shrouded around at a very terrifying speed.
At first it seemed barely only a range of 100 meters, but now it has directly extended to the range of 150 meters, and it is still expanding.
Although the evil has been subconsciously withdrawn, but everything is too late, the vortex of endless swallowing has completely covered the evil in it.
A terrible engulfing breath emanated from the vortex, looming away from all directions.
"Damn !!!"
When even the pain that was enough to make his soul tremble, came from all around him, the vicious expression, at that moment, directly became distorted!
"You even cheated with me!"
He looked at the barking beast with vicious eyes and wanted to use his soul-like skills to attack the barking beast, but he was already in the vortex. All the soul-like skills, as long as they are hit, will be like mud bulls into the sea Generally, it was swallowed directly by the vortex, and there was no sound.
Soon, the vicious figure began to rotate with the vortex, slowly approaching the center of the vortex.
At the same time, under the force of endless pulling, the vicious figure is slowly cracking and collapsing at a speed visible to the naked eye.
Not long ago, the viciousness was already painful and only a burst of roar could be emitted. As for other reactions, it was gone.
I originally wanted to support Soul Dog's Soul Stone. At this time, I was only able to stare my eyes wide, and couldn't watch this scene in disbelief, muttering to myself.
"It's really terrible! Since entering the war giant clan, this horrible method is still hidden! And the ugly, it seems that it can only be swallowed slowly!"
Su Ye lightly explained, "Elder Soul Stone, you don't have to be too surprised! This is just normal operation!"
"After all, the former Huntian patriarch, Wowed Sky Dog, took it directly by unexpected means. Then we have to face it again. Among the war giants, the strength is second only to Huntian. The elders of the level are evil, and the snarling sky dogs naturally need to keep some means. "
"Elder Soulstone, I tell you a secret that will never be defeated."
Soul Stone looked at Su Ye curiously, and could not wait to ask, "Master Yefeng, what is it?"
Su Ye chuckled and said, "Never tell anyone your real hole cards! Whether he is a friend or relative or an enemy opponent!"
"The unknown is invincible!"
Listening to Su Ye's words, Soul Stone felt a sudden enlightenment, and even couldn't help repeating Su Ye's words.
"The unknown is invincible !!"
"Thank you Master Yefeng for your enlightenment!"
After Soul Stone recovered, he quickly thanked Su Ye.
"You're welcome!"
Su Ye waved her hand inadvertently, and looked back at the whimper.
At this moment, the swollen sky dog's attack on the vicious has been unreserved.
The endless swallowing power has already torn off almost one-fifth of the soul in the body.
It was still full of energy and wickedness. At this moment, it was completely dying, and it seemed that it was possible to die directly at any time.
There were only some instinctive painful and angry roars that emanated from the vicious mouth from time to time.
Now he must be quite regretful and desperate.
After five minutes.
The swollen sky dog ​​caused a swallow of the evil, and the whole person's momentum, at that moment, directly rose to a new level.
Its endless swallowing power directly became stronger.
Su Ye's order was issued in the past.
"Snarling Tengu, the rest, continue!"
This time.
In the entire war giant clan land, there is no demi-level combat power, and the remaining war giant clan people, no one can stop the footsteps of the whistling dog.
Wherever I went, all the war giants and clan people I saw, howling the sky dog, directly swallowed it instantly.
The war giant tribe clan hiding behind the roaring sky dog ​​was also quickly found by the dark spirit tribe and eliminated it as soon as possible.
It's just over ten minutes.
The entire war giants clan land, has been directly promoted by the roaring sky dog ​​half.
The remaining half, the slowest can also be bought within half an hour, all cleaned up.
In other words, the war giants are half an hour away from being removed from the Luojia Mountains.
From the point of view of Soul Stone, the demise of the war giants has become a stubborn thing. He is just looking at Su Ye with interest and asking.
"Master Yefeng, what do you plan to do to take over the territories of war giants?"
Su Ye pondered for a while. This was really not thought of carefully. At first, he planned to attack the war giants. It was only because the war giants were among the Luojia Mountains, second only to the strength of the top 10 races in the Luojia Mountains. Existence, extinguish it, can excite the momentum of the vassal race on your side, and by the way, let the Luojia Mountains, the race still watching, choose their position as soon as possible.
At the same time, his roaring sky dog ​​is also able to easily restrain the war giants and destroy them without much pressure.
As for the territories of war giants, how to arrange them?
Su Ye thought for a while, then slowly said to Soul Stone, "You can use it as a piece of cake! Next, my vassal race, as long as it gives me credit for the Luojia Mountain War, I will directly Take a piece from the territory of the war giants as a reward! "
This is the only way Su Ye can think of now to deal with the territories of war giants.
After all, this place of war giants can be described as a bird that does not shit, it is extremely barren, and there are basically no underground veins.
Putting it in Su Ye's hands is of no use, it's better to use it directly to reward your vassals.
Anyway, for the races of the Luojia Mountains, the territory is the biggest reward. No matter what kind of bird he is, he will be very happy as long as the reward is given to them.
Soul Stone also nodded heavily at this time and said to Su Ye respectfully, "Master Yefeng is wise!"
Su Ye smiled. Then he said directly to the Soul Stone, "Oh, after the war giants are exterminated, your war giants who still have a physical state, I also plan to temporarily place them in the war giants territory a place."
"When the Luojia Mountain War is over, I will handle it properly."
Unexpectedly, Su Ye still clearly remembered his previous request, Soul Stone said gratefully.
"Thank you Lord Yefeng!"
As for the Soul Stone, as long as those flesh-like war giants are left behind, then the war giants are not destroyed, but a kind of rebirth.
From the state of chaos and evil, directly return to the embrace of the heavenly nature.
This is also one of his purposes to help Su Ye attack the war giant tribe.
Dashu Moran and his party have left the territories of humanoids and walked toward the territories of war giants.
"Big tree, can you go faster!"
Moran walked ahead, looking back at the tree anxiously, and couldn't help but urge, "We are now going to provide support for the war giants. If we go late, the war giants will be destroyed. Bian, it will definitely blame us by then. "
Da Shu looked up at the ink dye, and said calmly without hurry, "Elder Mo dye, what's the use of you anxious at this time?"
"The road is so long, go early and late, go fast and slow, what's the difference, anyway, it will come sooner or later."
"If the war giants really can't delay even the short time we get there, then it also proves that the war giants are really too weak."
"You said that in this celestial coming, what the race existence follows, natural selection, survival of the fittest. Weak flesh and strong food, survival of the fittest. A weak war giant race, for our human race, time Need protection at all times, so what's the use of keeping them! "
"Straight out, no, no!"
"You said, right?"
After finishing the speech, Dashu glanced back at the humanoid people he brought behind him and asked with a smile.
Some of these humanoid tribes were drawn by big trees among the humanoids, and partly because they saw the horrific potential of big trees, they took the initiative to turn over.
At this time, faced with the inquiry of the big tree, naturally one after another.
"Hahaha. Right, right! Master Dashu is right. The world is weak and strong, and the fittest survives. A war giant who can't even delay time, it is really useless to keep it! "
"Master Dashu's speech is still as entrenched as ever. It is sobering, and the idea of ​​staining the elders must be the same as I am now.
"Hahaha, Master Dashu, no matter what you say, I will maintain 120 approvals!"
Moran looked at these tribes in anger!
"You ... you!"
He knew that this guy, Big Tree, handled interpersonal relationships very well among the human races, but did not expect it to be so powerful.
These guys, even disregarding their identity as the five elders of the human race, blatantly patted big tree farts, and even a few dared to tease themselves directly.
Really crooked!
"Elder! At this time, important things are important!"
And at this time, a saint-class humanoid tribe brought by Moran himself reminded him softly.
Ink dye took a deep breath and recovered, and nodded gently, "Uh!"
Subsequently, they continued to walk towards the territory of the war giants.
According to the current speed, it is estimated that it will take forty minutes before we can reach the territory of the war giants!
After half an hour!
The whirlpool above the whistling dog finally stopped slowly.
In the whole war giant clan tribe, there is no one who can live in the soul war giant clan.
There are only some very weak flesh-like war giants of the clan, because Su Ye promised the soul stone before, and they were gathered together and guarded by the dark spirit.
in other words.
At this time, the war giants have been completely removed from the Luojia Mountain in the whole Luojia Mountain!
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