Chapter 2427: The decision of Pinnacle 18

Even some of the patriarchs present glanced at each other, and already had an idea.
It is better to carry out a major cleaning of the Jianming clan before the night wind comes.
On the surface, everyone seemed to be friendly, formed the Pinnacle 18 Clan and worked together for two thousand years.
But if it really involves some genocide, no one will be soft.
The keen Edward immediately noticed that something was wrong, and the jealousy on his face disappeared instantly, with a smile on his face, promised, "Don't worry! Don't worry! I, Edward, as the patriarch of the Jianming clan, promised here that it would never be at night. After the wind arrives, I will challenge him in any form. In addition, my people will be restrained."
Having said that, Edward looked around and found that they were still looking at himself with distrust.
It can't go on like this. If they really believe that their Jianming clan will challenge Yefeng, as a result, the entire clan will disappear forever and ever.
Edward likes to fight, which is correct, but his current identity is the patriarch of Jianming clan, no matter what, it is impossible to watch his clan be destroyed at the moment of escaping from underground prison.
After gritting his teeth, Edward took out a scroll directly from his arms, and when it was spread flat on the table, the expressions of everyone present, including the Cyclops, were slightly moved.
Edward’s voice then rang in everyone’s ears,
Everyone knows that my Jianming clan has a wishing scroll. After so many years, the wishing scroll has been used many times. Although the wishing power on it is running out, let’s make another wish. There is still no problem with the next wish."
As soon as the voice fell, Edward used the [Wishing Scroll] directly in front of the Cyclops.
Under a purple light, Edward expressed his wish.
"Any member of the Jianming clan who challenges a human named Yefeng will die the moment the challenge is initiated!"
After the wish was finished, the purple light directly submerged into Edward's body.
And the [Wishing Scroll] is also directly turned into powder because of the exhaustion of the power of the last point.
The patriarchs of the top 18 tribes who were present saw this scene with a smile on their faces.
"Haha! Patriarch Edward, look at you, why do you do this! We are old friends for hundreds of years, how could we not believe you!"
"Yes! Isn't this a waste of [Wishing Scroll]?"
"No need, no need. Patriarch Edward, you really don't need to do this."
"After we leave the underground prison, everyone is still the pinnacle of the 18 races of the alliance, together in the sky, breaking our reputation!"
Edward didn't say a word, but with a faint smile on his mouth, he looked at these hypocritical guys.
Everyone is the same, so why bother to wear masks and make false claims to each other.
Really had enough!
When you leave the underground prison, you must be wiped out one by one!
This thought was in his mind, but what Edward said was completely different.
"It should be, after all, I am also worried that my people will provoke the night wind and bring unnecessary trouble to our peak 18 people!"
"Let's continue to discuss, and then the specific measures to deal with the arrival of the night wind!"
Afterwards, the patriarchs of the top 18 tribes had a two-hour discussion, and after they had made detailed plans for everything, they started to take action one after another.
Under their call, soon the entire upper level of the underground prison began to move.
The clansmen of the top eighteen tribes set out from their clan land toward the middle level of the underground prison, then mobilized people to enter the lower level.
A series of orders from the Pinnacle Eighteen Clan were spread throughout the underground prison at the fastest speed.
"Killer, kill!"
"Snatcher, kill!"
"Thief, kill!"
With ten killing orders, the entire underground prison went directly into the cleansing of evil.
In just one or two hours, more than 10,000 people of various races became corpses.
The first wave was cleaned up, and finally came the order.
"The underground prison, the first beauty contest in the past two thousand years, is based on human aesthetics. All races must participate. If there are violators, they will be exterminated!"
Due to the majesty of the Pinnacle Eighteen Races, none of the races in the underground prison dared to stand up and say a few more words and took the initiative to follow suit.
When the beauty contest was fast going on, the Pinnacle Eighteen Clan sent a total of more than 30,000 people, with other races in the underground prison, and began a major cleanup of the entire underground prison.
There is mud on the ground, wipe it clean!
There is a hole in the road, make it up!
The face is too dirty, wash it quickly!
The entire underground prison immediately became clean and tidy at an extremely fast speed.
To tell the truth, these waves of operations of the Pinnacle Eighteen Clan really looked at the other races in the underground prison with a look of bewilderment.
What happened?
Why did the Pinnacle Eighteen do this?
With a hunch that something big will happen, they mobilize all the contacts they can mobilize to find the reasons behind them.
But what about this matter, only the patriarchs of the Pinnacle 18 clan knew, no one else knew.
Therefore, those people did not investigate any news, but they heard that the 18 Pinnacles were gathering wealth, which seemed to be used for sacrifice. This incident directly supported many people's guesses.
The Pinnacle Eighteen Clan is really doing things, and the underground prison in the future is really going to undergo drastic changes.
However, the source of the information channel is the pinnacle 18 clan patriarchs. They can only guess that this matter is likely to be related to humans. As for the others, they know nothing, they can only follow the pinnacle 18 clan's footsteps.
What are you doing, what are you doing!
Soon, the elders of the Pinnacle Eighteen Races were dispatched to the underground prisons one by one, persuading them to take out half of their ethnic group's property, and if they disagreed, they would directly destroy the race.
Under the mobilization of the Pinnacle Eighteen Clan, everything went smoothly!
It only took less than a day.
Everything is settled down.
Under the review of Tyrannosaurus Cyclops, one hundred beauties in underground prisons that meet human aesthetics were personally selected.
All the clansmen of the major ethnic groups who committed crimes in the underground prison have disappeared; the cleaning work of the underground prison has entered the final stage; the entire underground prison, nearly half of the wealth, has also been gathered in the uppermost layer. The strongest Slaying God Alliance in the underground prison is personally guarded.
The meeting of the patriarchs of the top 18 tribes was held again.
"Very smoothly!" The one-eyed tyrannosaurus said with a satisfied smile, "Then, the most important link will begin."
"Let Ye Feng's reputation reverberate throughout the underground prison, from the age of 800 to just born. You must know the name of Ye Feng and his glorious deeds."
While talking, the one-eyed tyrannosaurus took out more than a dozen thick books, put them on the table, and continued, "These are the 100 people from different races who tell stories most in the underground prison. Compiled stories about Mr. Yefeng."
"Except that the protagonist is the night wind, each content is different, you all read it, if there is no problem, according to the compilation of these books, propaganda to the people of the various races in the underground prison."
Many patriarchs of the Pinnacle 18 tribes were all looking at the one-eyed tyrannosaurus in shock.
I thought that I knew everything about him, but I really couldn't understand the operation today.
Normal people, who can think of it.
Directly compile a book for publicity, so that the reputation of Yefeng can spread throughout the underground prison at the fastest speed.
Someone glanced at the title of the book.
"The Battle of the Night Wind Breaks the Sky"
"Zhetian the Great-Night Wind"
"Yefeng Mortal Cultivation Biography"
"Dragon King Night Wind"
The title of the book is simple and rude, especially the bold characters, which are particularly eye-catching and shocking.
It is very interesting at first glance.
The patriarchs of the top 18 tribes couldn't help picking up the book.
"Swipe it!!"
After turning a few pages, I finally found that I was so obsessed with the plot of the text that I couldn't help myself, and some people even made exclamations of exclamation from time to time.
"Thirty years in Hexi, 30 years in Hedong, don't bully the young and poor. That's good!"
"He came from the void, stepping on the stars, crossing the sun and the moon, and ascending to the throne of the great emperor! Although it is not clear which emperor is better than the gods, it is always refreshing to see."
"Yefeng saw that it was a bit uncomfortable, so he couldn't help but stepped back two steps, his face was silent. This is not bad, it is completely conceivable that the forbearance of Yefeng and the city."
"I Ye Feng works all my life, why should I explain to you! I Ditian, look, is this what people say?"
Seeing the reactions of these patriarchs, the one-eyed tyrannosaurus couldn't help but smile, knowing that the content is good, it is easy for people to remember the night wind, and it can also form a very clear concept for him in his mind.
"That's it!" The one-eyed tyrannosaurus decided on the spot, "One hundred thousand copies were printed and distributed to the people of the major ethnic groups in the underground prison for free, and I will arrange for those who write books to go to different races later. Preaching about the deeds of the night breeze."
"By the way, start with us, the top 18 people!"
"I want to hear his name in the entire underground prison before Yefeng comes."
After half a day.
A printed book is gradually distributed to the middle and lower-level ethnic groups starting from the top 18 ethnic groups.
Along with it, each ethnic group sent a storyteller.
And under the joint request of the Pinnacle Eighteen Races, the clansmen of all races in the underground prison must read those books in the clan before they can come out.
This effect can be said to be immediate!
It was only half a day.
The entire underground prison, all the clansmen of all ethnic groups, are beginning to discuss the name Yefeng.
"I personally think that Yefeng is definitely a god-man in the legend. Although he is a human body, he has already become a god! Really terrifying!"
"The Great Night Wind, arbitrarily forever, invincible in the world!"
"You said, in the human race, is there really a person called Yefeng? If he is there, he should be very powerful!"
"You haven't heard the second blind man say that the night wind is real, and the books we have seen are only adapted from his real experience, and they have been weakened a lot!"
"I heard the same from the three blind men!"
"It's not that the Pinnacle Eighteen Clan deliberately made a prank on us, right?"
"What do you think? Do you know who knew the night wind in the first place? The Pinnacle Eighteen Clan! It was transmitted from within them, and finally seeing that it couldn't be blocked, it took the initiative to distribute the booklet for us to read together."
The one-eyed tyrannosaurus then listened to the information sent back from his own people, and the corners of his mouth could not stop smiling.
Everything is in order.
Then wait for the arrival of the night breeze.
At this moment, some patriarchs of the top 18 clan are hiding in their rooms, obsessed with literary works, unable to extricate themselves.
There is still half a day before Falling Cloud City upgrades.
Su Ye, who had taken a small holiday for herself, was finally online.
As soon as I entered Tianlin, the alert tone of the friend's message was constantly sounding.
Open the friend panel, there is a lot of information.
There are big powers in other cities outside Falling Cloud City, basically because Falling Cloud City is about to be upgraded to become the main city, and they take the initiative to send congratulations.
"Aeolus, UU reading congratulations! Under your leadership, Falling Cloud City will finally become the entire Tianlin, the first city to be upgraded to the main city!"
"Luoyun City is going to be upgraded, Fengshen, congratulations! I heard that you have obtained a lot of resources in the Luojia Mountains. Are you interested in selling some? The price is up to you!"
"Fengshen, after Falling Cloud City is upgraded, I don't know if I can reserve a piece of land for me. I want to go and build a guild!"
There was a lot of information, and Su Ye couldn't reply at all.
However, he was not interested in replying either. He just glanced at it, skipped it, and turned to look at the message sent by Rhodes and Jia Dehua.
Jiadehua: "Dear Marquis, I take the liberty to interrupt you. According to reliable sources, the tide of beasts is already brewing. The city hall has arranged all the guards of Falling Cloud City, ready to guard Falling Cloud City desperately!"
Rod: "Boss, I now have my brothers from the Assassin League, and I have brushed a lot of demons."
"Boss, it's a bit of a situation. There are players in Fallen Cloud City. In the Glory Forest, they saw a large number of wild monsters. They are gathering in Fallen Cloud City. It seems that this is the beast wave we need to face to upgrade.
"The tide of beasts has already come under the city, covering the sky and the ground, densely packed. Boss, because you have never responded, I arbitrarily pulled out all the brothers in the abyss."
Su Ye immediately replied with a message, "Wait on the wall, I will be there soon!"
Just after sending it, Rod’s reply has come, "Okay, boss!"
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