Chapter 2457: Seal Goddess

Damn... Damn it!
Su Ye felt 10,000 sacred beasts running by.
Ed Orange, the of collapse, was actually sealed in this doll.
This should be the legendary with the position of God!
At the very beginning, he was a higher god, far stronger than all the Saipan patriarchs he had encountered before.
But the little girl who couldn't see the information in front of me gave it to myself directly and casually, just as a condition for playing the game together.
This one……
It's really hard for people to refuse!
Putting away the doll that sealed Edju, the of collapse, even when facing the unfathomable and innocent little girl, Su Ye couldn't help but take a deep breath, revealing the gentlest smile he thinks of her life, slightly Bend down, lowered his head, and said, "Okay! Let's play together!"
While speaking, Su Ye looked around again, but now in the Prince Basil's mansion, this little girl is a member of Prince Basil's family, but not herself.
A guard, accompany the big boss to play with 123 wooden people, the fool also knows there is a problem.
Just in case, Su Ye suggested.
"But can you change the place?"
Who knows, this proposal was immediately rejected by the little girl film, "No!"
"I'm going to play together here!"
"Um!" Su Ye said, "What if someone else sees it?"
The little girl said with a smile, "No one will see me unless I want him to see my existence."
Su Ye believes that she has this ability, but she can't do it, so she immediately pointed to herself and said with a smile to the little girl, "What about me!"
"Hmm..." The little girl suddenly fell into a groan for a while, after a little thought, she smiled and said, "Then I will let others not see you, so it's fine."
As soon as the voice fell, the little girl gently raised her hand, and a ripple in the space immediately escaped to the surroundings.
Wherever he passed, complex inscriptions followed, covering the surroundings.
In just two or three seconds, Su Ye noticed that the space with a radius of nearly 10,000 square meters was directly divided by the lock.
An NPC walked by in the distance, it seemed to have been affected by some kind of influence, and he ignored this place, detoured and left, without even looking at this side.
When Su Ye was observing around, the system's message prompt suddenly sounded.
"Please note that your current space has been directly divided by unknown existence and cannot be detected by any other detection skills."
"Friendly reminder: The time in the space is imprisoned, almost eternal."
Along with the system's message prompt, Su Ye didn't have time to let out her shock and damn, the little girl's crisp voice just rang.
"Well, big brother, no one can see you now, let's play games together!"
"For me, 123, a wooden man! No movement, no laughter, and no blinking!"
After the little girl said the film seriously, she immediately proposed punishment clauses without waiting for Su Ye to correct her mistake.
"If you lose, you have to meow."
"I'm telling you, that's how the cat calls--meow meow meow." After speaking, the little girl added a sentence very seriously.
A face of cute story.
"What if I win?" Su Ye, who was completely unprepared, asked calmly.
This little girl's movie is definitely a big boss, the random dolls in his hands are all things that have sealed the of collapse, and some other good things should be in the hands.
Su Ye was a bit greedy.
"If you win, I will learn to cat meow." The little girl immediately replied.
"No other special rewards?" Su Ye didn't dare to provoke her, so she asked tentatively.
"Then learn how to bark-barking, how about?" The little girl replied in the film.
Su Ye: "..."
"If you don't speak, then it's acquiescence." The little girl said immediately, "I won, you learn how to bark, meow. You win, I learn how to bark, barking."
"The game starts now!"
As soon as the voice fell, Su Ye immediately entered the state of 123 wooden people.
No choice!
BOSS lets you play games, what else can you do.
However, Su Ye opened a small hanger, using the system to directly put the character in a semi-hanging state.
Learn to meow?
This kind of thing can't happen to yourself in a lifetime!
The little girl stared at Su Ye motionlessly.
Two minutes later.
The little girl's film seemed to be a bit unsupportable, her eyelashes flickered twice, and finally she couldn't help blinking.
The little girl's film is also very bold, without looking for any reason, she just learned how to bark.
"carry on!"
After yelling twice, the little girl's film started again with 123 wooden people.
Three minutes later.
Five minutes later.
Ten minutes later.
One hour later.
Three hours later.
Five hours later.
Su Ye, who has always been very patient and very good, finally couldn't help it. After the little girl barked happily in the movie, she immediately asked, "When will the game of 123 wooden people end?"
Although the time in this space is directly fixed, it is still almost eternal.
But Su Ye, who was in it, could still feel the slow passing of time very clearly.
For five hours, although he was in a half-hanging state, he was motionless.
But I have been watching, unable to quit the game, that is also a kind of extreme suffering, not to mention this game, I won, without any substantive rewards, it is really uninteresting.
"I have been losing now, wait until I win, let's talk about it!" The little girl replied in a reluctant film.
"carry on!"
As soon as she finished speaking, Su Ye blinked, and...
"Meow, meow!" An unusually strong cat cry rang in this small space. After all, I am willing to bet and lose, this is also no way. Su Ye endured the embarrassment and immediately asked, "You won! Can this game be over?" "Um..." The little girl shook her head in the film, "No, I have to continue!" Su Ye: "Why?" The little girl said in the film: "Your cat cry is not good." After saying that, she explained it seriously, "The cat cry should be like this-meow meow." "Not you That way-meow meow meow!" Learning Su Ye's cat cry, the little girl tried to make a hoarse voice in the film, but finally felt that she was still a lot worse, waved her hand, and said directly, "You are like that. Meow, no!" Su Ye: "Uh!" The little girl film: "Come on!" Two seconds later. "Meow meow!" "No way, your voice should be more crisp." "Come on! Following the clock." Meow! "Not yet, your voice is still too dull, big brother, that's what the cat calls--meow! ""Come! After minutes. "Meow meow meow!" "Big brother, although the voice is a bit similar this time, it still sounds very weird. You have to call it like this, meow meow meow. Just follow me and it will do." A second later. "Meow, meow!" "Hey, big brother, your cat's call this time is not as hoarse as the one you just called." An hour later. "Wow!" The little girl who finished learning the dog barking video asked immediately in confusion. "Big brother, why have you persisted for so long." Before he could not persist for even a second, why this time he stayed motionless for an hour. Su Ye: "..." He didn't say a word, but his heart had completely collapsed. I just learned to meow, and I almost lost all my shame step by step. Learned it again, no way. Learned it a second time, but it didn't work. In the end, it was a great shame to be taught how to call it by a little girl. The point is that after teaching, he was still said to be no good... If it weren't for the sake of being incapable of playing, Su Ye would have beaten up this little girl's movie. It's really bullying! …………Twelve hours later. "Wow!" "Well, big brother, you won again." The little girl with a tired expression shook her head and said, "I feel so sleepy now! I have to rest, we will play again next time "As soon as the voice fell, the originally isolated and separated space around it slowly merged with the original time and space, and bright inscriptions flew out of it, submerged in the body of the little girl. At the same time, the tired little girl took out a delicate token from her pocket on her waist, handed it to Su Ye, half-opened her eyes, and said, "This is my contact order. You can get in touch with me through this contact order wherever you are!" "As long as I am not sleeping, I will definitely be able to respond to you, and no matter where you are, I will pass. By the way, we will not play next time. 123 wood, let's play other games." After finishing speaking, the little girl waved her hand in the film and said to Su Ye, "Bye bye! Big brother!" Su Ye: "Bye bye!!" Next moment. Under Su Ye's gaze, brilliant rays of light rose up all over the little girl's film. The figure of the little girl in the film immediately turned into a little starlight and slowly disappeared in place. After everything around returned to normal, Su Ye subconsciously glanced at the time remaining in his current invisibility. 24 minutes and 12 seconds. Su Ye immediately felt awe-inspiring. That little girl movie is really a bit too scary. Not only can the time in the divided space be frozen, but the time of the items and props that he has been using is directly frozen. This ability. It shouldn't be an exaggeration to call her the Lord God! Su Ye tightly grasped the contact order in the handshake, this thing, as long as you use it well, you can make that unknown existence become your backer! A backer that no one can shake at present. Su Ye immediately checked the token information with the help of the system. "[Contact Order]: Special items, after use, you can communicate with special people." After carefully putting away the contact order, Su Ye took a deep breath, calmed down her excitement, and reconfirmed her invisibility charm. For the rest of the time, with the help of the invisibility effect, he went directly to the depths of Prince Basil's residence. No matter what, to complete the task now, we still have to put it first. …………Xiwu city countryside. "Buffalo, what do you think of this matter?" Mother Su, who looked a bit solemn, looked at Su Bufan and asked seriously. Su Ye thought about it slightly, and said with a smile, "This may be a bad thing!" Su's mother was a little dissatisfied with Su Bufan's optimistic answer, and said in a deep voice, "The Goddess of Seal, that guy, was originally to become the highest God, sealed six main gods, 80 high gods, and countless gods below the high gods." "These gods are all made into dolls by her. According to the plan, she will devour their gods one by one. And integrate them, and finally ascend to the position of the highest god!" "This is a ruthless character, and even in my investigation, the seal goddess once attacked you and me. After the war broke out, She did not appear. I originally thought that she had left Tianlin and went to other places." "But now it seems that she has some kind of problem and has to enter a young state, and memory and thinking seem to They have all been sealed up." "But this time, UU reading took the initiative to contact my son, and I feel that there is a picture behind it." "What are you afraid of! Wife!" Su Bufan directly waved his hand. , Said with a loud smile, "The goddess of the seal gave the doll made by the of collapse, Edju, to her son. What else can she do?" "Wife, don't forget, Edju is the main god! Although the ability should be All have been absorbed by the Sealed Goddess, but there are still gods in it. The value of the gods should be far greater than my son?" "Do you think that with the current state of the Sealed Goddess, you can see through Su Ye? Me and your son?" Mother Su thought about it for a while, and finally shook her head confidently, "This should be impossible!" "Destiny has been completely controlled by us, and our level is higher than the seal in this state. The goddess is a higher level, she has no possibility to see through Su Ye's true identity!" "That's not it!" Su Bufan said with a smile immediately, "Then it means that this incident is just a coincidence." "However, since it is sealed. The goddess valued my son so much, and gave my son the contact order she carried close to her body, so it shows that they are a little hopeful." Su Bufan touched his stubble, and suddenly grinned, eyes full of concealment. Constantly excited. "Hey, if you turn the Sealed Goddess into our daughter-in-law, you will be right. At that time, I don't mind, help her and make her the true supreme god." "After all, in her current state, He is the first person under the Supreme God." Su Bufan, who is only the main god, began to calculate in his heart.
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