Chapter 2996: important information

Chapter 2996 Important information
Prince Lulu took the lead and asked, "What are you going to do this time?"
Arrange for someone to investigate the situation of the palace inside Dayu City.
This kind of thing, it is true that the meat buns beat the dogs, but there is no return.
And if you want to really investigate something, you have to dispatch a god-level existence.
Any effort like this is really too big for them.
Prince Lalu wants to hear what other princes think.
"Since Mr. Yefeng has already asked for it, what other solutions can we have? We can only do it."
"Yeah! From the time we stood with Mr. Yefeng, we had no choice."
"Send someone! Each of us will send a middle-level to form a team, leave Prince Tana's mansion, and go to the palace to investigate the internal situation."
"Mr. Yefeng's consideration is also correct. Now King Rogge's real reliance is not these monsters, but the devil hidden in the palace. If there is only one devil Jack, our winning rate may be very large, but if more If there are other demon gods, this winning rate will be infinitely reduced."
"Hey! We can only investigate the situation inside the Imperial Palace of Dayu City as soon as possible!"
The princes present all looked very helpless.
But they also know that there is no other way than to follow Su Ye's arrangement.
The situation in the Imperial Palace of Dayu City must be investigated as soon as possible to know for sure whether there are any other gods besides the Demon God Jack.
In order to obtain such intelligence information, each person must send a middle-level god-level existence to investigate.
One counts as one.
As long as these people leave, it is impossible for them to come back.
No matter how strong the background of the princes is, it would be unbearable for each to lose a middle-level god's trump card.
But right now, that's the only way to do it.
When everyone was about to make the final decision unanimously, Prince Tana remembered what Prince Tucker had said at the last moment, and followed her suddenly and said, "It's not that there is no turning point, we may not need to send a medium When God goes to the palace, he can also investigate the situation inside the palace."
The princes present all looked at Prince Tana with unconcealed doubts on their expressions.
Prince Tana continued: "It's very simple! We just need to catch a few live monsters from the outside and come in!"
"Although the monsters have lost their minds and their instincts are only to kill and perish, their memory still exists!"
"I've seen from an ancient book before that creatures who were turned into monsters by the power of the demon gods. In the early period of time, they still retained some memories of their lives in the depths of their souls."
The more Prince Tana spoke, the more excited he became.
"And the monsters in Dayu City are currently in their early stages, and there must be some memories left in their souls. We just need to catch them and use some special abilities to search for relevant memories from their souls. ."
"In their minds, there must be some memories about the interior of the palace. That is to say, we can use the memories of these monsters to understand the situation inside the palace of Dayu City."
"If they don't have a demon in their memory, it's not too late for us to send someone to the palace to investigate!"
Prince Tana's words caused the eyes of the princes present to widen involuntarily, and their pupils were filled with undisguised vibrations.
The first time Prince Lulu came back to his senses, he made a decision: "Just do it!"
"Catch some monsters from outside and search for the memories in their souls."
After the other princes came to their senses, they nodded excitedly one after another.
"Good good good!!"
"As expected of Prince Tana, he has a lot of knowledge. If we can really investigate the situation inside the palace from the memory of the monster, we will make a lot of money."
"What are you waiting for now? Hurry up and act!"
The princes immediately agreed with Prince Tana's approach.
As long as this method is successful, the princes can avoid a big loss.
After all, no matter how powerful the monsters are now, it is not a big problem if you want to catch a few monsters at the level of gods.
It didn't take long for the princes' orders to be issued.
Dozens of gods rushed out of Prince Tana's mansion.
A fiercer battle broke out outside Prince Tana's mansion.
The gods came back, bringing with them more than a dozen monsters whose limbs were broken, but they were still struggling frantically, without pain.
The princes came out and looked at the monsters on the ground, with a deep sadness hidden in their pupils. These monsters, a few days ago, were ordinary people in Dayu City, just because of a thought of King Rogge, they will They all turned into poor monsters.
"Let's start!" Prince Tana took a deep breath, looked at the former human beings lying on the ground, and finally gave his own orders to the gods, "Search their soul memories, about the memories of the inside of the Great Yucheng Palace. ."
The voice just fell.
Several powerful gods present immediately released the divine power in their bodies, and went straight to the monster lying on the ground. The pressure made them like facing the majestic mountains. It was because of fear that he slowly became quiet.
When the divine power falls on the monster, the gods carefully control it, let it penetrate into the body of the monster, and slowly erode their soul.
The massive amount of divine power, in the soul of the monster, is like a dense tentacle, quickly opening the memory of the monster that is like a vast book.
This method is very domineering and cruel. As long as the memory is read, it will be erased in an instant, and the same souls that carry the memory are also constantly being dissolved.
But at this time, the faces of the monsters did not show much sadness, and even because their memories were erased, they gradually showed a somewhat human expression, relieved and relaxed.
To become a monster is also a hellish pain for them.
The gods controlled their own divine power, and read them in great detail in the ocean of monsters' memories.
ten minutes later.
When all the monsters lying on the ground closed their eyes peacefully and their bodies completely lost their vitality, the gods withdrew their divine power and stopped searching for their souls.
"How's the situation?" Prince Lulu asked with concern.
The other princes were also a little nervous waiting for the result.
If this time, from the soul memory of these monsters, we can successfully find the information about the situation inside the palace of Dayu City, then everything will be fine.
If not.
Then the next situation is a bit bad.
They need to mobilize the power of their gods and enter the Imperial Palace of Dayu City to search, and these gods will never return.
In the face of Prince Lulu's inquiry, the expressions of the gods turned a little strange, with some doubts and uncertainty in their expressions, and they did not speak.
This time, they did find some memories from the monster's soul memory, but these memories made them feel a little unreal.
Seeing their expressions, Prince Tana frowned and said in a deep voice, "If you have anything, just say it!"
"I did find some memories of the palace!" Prince Tana's subordinate of the gods said, "But in the memory of the monsters I searched for, it seems that the devil Jack does not exist in the palace of Dayu City. In the entire hall, Only King Rogge is alone."
Someone spoke, and the descriptions were similar to what they had found.
The other gods also said without hesitation.
"The situation I've investigated here is the same. Apart from monsters everywhere in the palace, there is only King Rogge left, and there is no sign of the devil Jack."
"Is this the case with the memories I got here?"
"I didn't get any memory of Jack the Demon God either."
When all the gods present said that they did not see the demon Jack, the expressions of the princes present became strange.
"In the palace, not only are there no other demon gods, but even the demon Jack has disappeared, leaving only King Rogge?"
Prince Lulu said to himself.
"This is so weird!"
According to the information obtained before, it can be determined that there is indeed the devil Jack in the palace of Dayu City, and he was also summoned by King Rogge.
But now, the gods have not found any memory of the demon Jack from the memory of the monster.
This devil Jack, just like he suddenly disappeared out of thin air.
"Is it possible that when Jack the Demon God turned the people in Dayu City into monsters, he also deleted their relevant memories?"
As soon as the prince said this, he was immediately refuted by a powerful, infinitely close to higher god, "Impossible, my soul is a complete soul, all memories are in a complete state, and there is no There is no trace of modification by the devil!"
Other gods also agree with this statement.
Modifying memory, this kind of thing is indeed something that anyone can do easily, but I want to leave no trace in modifying memory.
Unless the other party is an existence like the Seal Goddess.
Otherwise unlikely.
And the demon gods are not good at memory modification. What they are best at is killing.
"Is it possible that in the Imperial Palace of Dayu City, there are indeed only King Rogge and a bunch of monsters left?" Prince Tana said suspiciously.
Now she has no idea in her heart.
It is impossible to conclude whether this intelligence information is true or false.
Prince Tana's subordinate gods seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly said: "By the way, the state of King Rogge is a bit strange, his whole body is wrapped in black mist, and his face is also extremely hideous and terrifying. Like the devil."
They found another common memory, and the gods nodded in agreement.
"Dealing with it, the memories I found about King Rogge are also like this."
"The current state of King Rogge is indeed very strange. Personally, it is difficult for me to regard him as a normal person."
"King Rogge has undergone tremendous changes. The people I searched for the monsters in memory were originally a good guy, and he also felt that King Rogge's breath was very strange, a bit similar to the breath of monsters. "
"Also! King Rogge..."
With the memories they searched for, the gods continued to supplement the memories of King Rogge one after another. They have all seen King Rogge, so they can also give a detailed description of the current changes in King Rogge.
Under the descriptions of the gods, the princes gradually described a specific appearance of King Rogge in their hearts.
Prince Tana made a detailed comparison between the depicted image of King Rogge and the image of the devil he had seen in ancient books, and finally he came to a conclusion.
"Why does King Rogge give me the feeling? His current appearance is a bit similar to the legendary demon god!"
The Prince Lulu immediately nodded.
"Yes! The improvement of King Rogge's strength is also a bit too weird. When he was imprisoned by us, he indeed broke through the demigod and became a weak god, but now, King Rogge gives me the feeling, a little bit. Similar to a higher god, or even a more powerful main god."
The descriptions of King Rogge by the gods from the memories they obtained are very powerful.
Just the aura emanating from it makes the public feel as if they are facing an existence that cannot be directly looked at, and there is no idea of ​​resistance in their hearts. It is almost an instinctive trend to enter a huge black door and enter the moment~www lost all memory.
At that moment, they also turned into monsters.
"Since this is the case, what happened to King Rogge? Could it be that he and the devil reached an agreement again to give something to improve his strength?"
"The most important thing right now is not whether King Rogge's strength has improved or what level he has risen to, but whether there is a Demon God Jack in the palace?"
"According to the memories of the monsters before they were alive, they did not see the figure of the devil Jack in the Palace of Dayu City. Perhaps he has already left the Palace of Dayu City, which means that there is only King Rogge left in the current palace!"
"I also suspect that there is only King Rogge left in Dayu City. After all, the devils are extremely greedy. The previous imprisoning of Prince Tucker was considered a shot by the devil Jack. If he wants to make another move, King Rogge must have to pay other price."
Some princes began to infer that in the Imperial Palace of Dayu City, there is no longer the figure of the devil Jack.
In other words, only King Rogge and the monsters stayed in the Imperial Palace of Dayu City.
After gradually thinking that his guess was correct, Prince Lalu couldn't restrain his excitement and said quickly.
"Only the words of King Rogge are left in the Imperial Palace of Dayu City. This is important news. You must tell Mr. Yefeng as soon as possible!"
(End of this chapter)
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