Chapter 3049: very passive

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Not long after Rhodes made his statement.
The cherry blossom group in the island country also took the initiative to stand up and publish a statement of cooperation between the island country and the Huaxia region.
"The China region and the island region are the two strongest regions in Asia, and we attach great importance to this national war. After negotiation between the two parties, in order to represent the Asian region in the national war, we will achieve good results. Achievements, and finally decided to join forces and jointly launch a sprint to the final winner of the national war."
"In order to promote the cooperation between the two sides, and also in order to be able to cooperate tacitly when the national war is in progress, our island country area specially decided to send 10 million top players above level 150 to the Huaxia area to help attack Dayu. city."
"At the same time, this time, I also look forward to Mr. Ye Feng's ability to successfully lead the players in Huaxia District to defeat the Demon God Clan, take Dayu City, and complete the unification of Huaxia District."
The content of the statement is more formal.
Not only was it posted on the top of the Tianlin Forum in the island country, but it was also broadcast on the major news media in the island country.
For the island region, this is an unprecedented cooperation with the Huaxia region.
This can also be regarded as a joint cooperation announced by the two parties at the official level.
For a time, all the players in Tianlin focused their attention on the Island Country and Huaxia District.
In particular, the response from the players in the major regions of Asia was the most intense. After all, in the statement of the Sakura Group in the island region this time, it seemed that they did not take them seriously.
The Huaxia District is now the strongest in the Asian region, and everyone has no problem with this. It’s just that Ye Feng is driving a super floating city that no one has ever seen before, leading tens of millions of players to sweep the major cities in the Huaxia District. It has already made them realize the horror of the Huaxia District today.
But the island country area can be tied with the Huaxia area, and it is also the strongest?
What the is this?
At least in the major regions of Asia, almost no one agrees.
More importantly, in this statement, the Sakura team actually said that they would represent the Asian region and launch a sprint to the championship.
The various remarks behind this statement obviously fail to take other Asian regions into account.
What qualifications does the island country have to represent the Asian region?
Also, before this, the island country secretly united with more than a dozen major regions in Asia to form an alliance, trying to attack the Huaxia region from all directions at the beginning of the national war, eroding it step by step.
However, at this time, the island country turned out to be shameless and directly betrayed them.
This kind of thing is really unbearable.
For a time, players from various regions began to pour into the Tianlin forum in the island country, and made a cynic at the island region.
"The island country is the strongest? This is obviously the biggest joke I've heard in my life. Our stick country can easily be destroyed with only half of the people dispatched."
"The players in the island country are really thick-skinned, and their defense is at least at full value."
"Why can your island country represent the Asian region? What are you?"
"I said long ago that the players in the island country area are not a good thing. I talked to us about cooperation with the Huaxia area before, and now I turned around and announced that we have reached a cooperation with the Huaxia area."
"At the beginning of the national war, even if the Huaxia District is covered, we will take you down as soon as possible!"
"The national war can be defeated, but the island country must be eliminated."
"Yes! The national war can be defeated, but the island country must be eliminated!"

Players from major regions in Asia gradually released various forms of denunciation in the Tianlin forum in the island region.
The denunciation has intensified, and even seems to have formed a slogan to be the first to destroy the players in the island country in the national war.
At the beginning, the players in the island country would refute a few words, but as more and more people joined in, when the players in the island country gradually couldn’t cope, the administrator of the Tianlin forum in the island country directly authorized the permissions. set up.
Players from non-island countries are prohibited from accessing the forum.
Although this kind of authority was immediate, the Tianlin Forum in the island country, which had more than one billion people online at the same time, fell below 100 million in an instant. Related posts were deleted in batches, and the atmosphere in the forum became quiet in an instant.
However, in the Tianlin forums in other regions, players have begun to organize spontaneously, in the form of postings, calling on players to unite and target the island country in the future national war.
[This time the island country has betrayed us, and we must make them pay the price! 】
[Proposal for the National War to Destroy the Island Country Region! 】
[The shameless island country wants to use the prestige of the Huaxia region to do evil in our Asian region. In order to prevent this from happening, I call on everyone to unite and directly destroy each other in the national war in the future]
[The national war can be lost, but the island country must die]
[The island country is really shameless this time, they must be destroyed]
As another protagonist of the incident, the internal remarks in the Huaxia district have gradually subsided. They began to wander around the Tianlin forums in various regions of Asia as melon eaters, chatting with their friends while eating melons.
"Hahaha, I just came over from the Tianlin Forum in Bangzi Kingdom, and now it's all denunciations against the island country area. This time the island country area is completely over!"
"It really made me laugh. The previous statement from the island country wanted to use our Huaxia region to step on the major regions in Asia. I didn't expect the fox and tiger power to fail and were directly blacklisted by the major regions in Asia."
"The island country area is over! Hahaha! There are already more than a dozen major regions in Asia who are in contact, and they are preparing to form an alliance. When the national war begins, they will directly besiege the island country area, and the island country area is finished!"
"I remember that in the last online game, our Huaxia District formed an ally with the Island Country District. In the end, he was directly backstabbed by him at a critical time, resulting in the elimination of Huaxia District. In this national war, they cooperated with us. It is estimated that It's the same thought."
"Don't worry! Last time, we were not prepared, and the leaders at the time were not good either. Now it is different. If the island country dares to use our Huaxia region, it will definitely be eliminated immediately."
"To eliminate this kind of thing, we may no longer need to do it in China. Now the major regions in Asia are ready to directly destroy the island region."
"If the island country fights with those large regions, our Huaxia region can take advantage of the fishermen and make a lot of money."
Just because of a statement, the island country angered the entire Asian region and was boycotted. This fact really made the players in the China region feel relieved.
Everyone is also looking forward to the result that the island country will be destroyed as soon as the national war begins.

Sakura team leader.
Yamashita Village, at this time, has also paid attention to the current situation facing the island country. The old face is full of frowns and a pair of melancholy eyes, browsing the Tianlin forums in other regions.
At the same time, the other members of the Sakura group were also constantly sending him messages, informing him of the current situation and asking what to do next.
The man with the cat face: "Team leader Yamashita, because of a statement, our island country has become the target of everyone's shouting and beating in all major regions of Asia. In order to avoid the situation that the national war is targeted, what do you think we should do?"
"How to do it?" Seeing a question from a team member, Yamashita Village's brows furrowed even deeper, "How do I know how to do it!"
He also did not expect that just a statement would turn the island country into what it is today.
According to the intelligence information obtained so far, after the Huaxia District rejected the cooperation of the Bangzi Kingdom, the Bangzi Kingdom immediately began to convene the forces in the major regions of Asia to prepare for the alliance.
What Yamashita Village didn't expect was that the alliance headed by Bangzi Country was not targeting the Huaxia District, but the Island Country District.
"The national war can be lost, but the island nation must die!"
This sentence seems to have become the propaganda slogan of the alliance.
"This is very troublesome!" Yamashita Village said to himself, "In every major region of Asia, we have already regarded our island country as a thorn in the eye."
The development of things was completely opposite to what Yamashita Village expected.
He also planned before that, after cooperating with the Huaxia District, in the future national war, use the power of the Huaxia District to destroy the surrounding major districts, and the Island Country District will take advantage of the fishermen behind.
After Tuike won those big areas in Huaxia District, he could get a piece of the pie.
Jinke took the opportunity to win the Huaxia region when the power in the China region was weakened, and when the entire Asian region had no forces to compete with the island country region, and laid a preliminary victory in one fell swoop.
To this end, the Sakura Group has also developed a very detailed plan. UU reading
The plan was perfect, but now, it's backfired.
The major regions in Asia are bullying the soft and fearing the hard, and dare not take any action against the Huaxia region, but completely scatter their anger on the island country region.
This is really something that no one can stand.
very passive!
Now, even if the Sakura Group makes any further explanatory statement, it will not help, and may even add fuel to the fire, triggering a greater wave of opposition to the island country within the Asian region.
"There's no other way!" Yamashita Village patted his forehead, "All the escape routes have been blocked, and now we can only move closer to the Huaxia District!"
"With China's current strength, it should be possible to single out the major regions in Asia, so we can only wait until then to wait for an opportunity to look for opportunities to backstab China and win the strongest title in Asia. "
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