Chapter 40: Help the headwinds

After the upload is completed, the technician Xiao Zhang quickly promoted it to the full video side!
As for promoting the slogan, Xiao Zhang didn't have to think about it. The fingertips were so fast that they were finished in ten seconds.
"The night wind is the ultimate operation, killing 100 players in five minutes!"
Looking at the slogan, Xiao Zhang made a snap with satisfaction.
"Just like this, perfect!"
Easily press the Enter key, buffer for a minute, click on the website, the video has started the recommendation in the most eye-catching position.
After the night wind was released in the early morning of the morning, the popularity rose sharply. The posts about him in the forum were everywhere, and the attention was very good.
As for the live broadcast platform, since the end of the night sky broadcast, the total traffic has been more than two million. Some anchors have just started to broadcast in the morning and have been shocked by the number of their own audience, almost double their usual.
"What happened? How many people are there in my audience?"
When a host called Aqua was on the air, I couldn't help but ask.
The good news fans immediately replied.
"At 4 o'clock in the morning, the night winds are flying live!"
The water color also immediately took out the mobile phone and opened the buckle. He went to the group to ask the specific situation.
This group is the anchor group of the live broadcast platform. The anchors in the group are the anchors of the live broadcast platform, but they are still very deserted.
Today, when the water color is opened, the information prompts
and it keeps ringing.
When I saw the source of the information, the water was a bit stuffy.
What happened between the nights, so that the usual incomparable anchor group is crazy.
The water curiously opened the anchor group of the information
. The dive anchor door in the group was like crazy, and kept sending messages. The water color just looked at it and didn’t know the specific situation. So I started from the beginning. Start.
Very strange, the first message was sent around 4:50 in the morning. It was a message from a warm female host. The first one was.

The live platform is amazing night!

Below is a video screenshot of Zhang Yefeng's live broadcast.
After the warmth, two more two-eyed expressions of love were sent.
"Look at the big data!"
"Live time: 19 minutes, audience: 790,000+, subscription: 500,000+, gift: 30,189,178 days, and flowers, 2.57 million+."
It seems that this data has blown up a lot of anchors who usually love diving.
They are all envious of the big gods watching the night wind.
"If I had so much income in a year, how good it would be!"
"If I have half, it's not bad!"
The water continued to turn down. A dozen pages were everyone's envy of the night wind, and then the time reached about 5:20. One of the anchors in the live broadcast suddenly said: "My live broadcast today is more than twice as popular! There are more local tyrants who brush gifts, many of which I didn’t know before!"
It seems that this sentence has opened the topic, and many of the anchors that are being broadcast live have also said, "I am also!"
Seeing other anchors say this, the water color is also secretly nodding, and I have another opinion on this one. This may be the great effect.
If a popular anchor enters a small platform, it will bring a lot of traffic. This kind of traffic is the hidden value behind this anchor, and it is also the highest value. Many platforms will spend a lot of money to sign the big anchor. He valued the huge audience behind him.
The water color has turned down a bit, and it is all the news of casual chat, and there is no desire to look down.
Exit the buckle, the water color as much as possible to make yourself look a little spiritual, clear the throat, the water began to broadcast live.
This live broadcast, he has to pay more attention than usual. After all, if you want to keep so many viewers, you can do it without spending a snack.
I am seriously listening to the water in the live broadcast and seeing an audience say.
"The video of the night wind came out, and it was a hundred kills! It was very explosive! No, I have to go see it again!"
Aqua is now on the matter about the night wind, and quickly asked: "Where is the video?"
"The live page has a link!" The audience hurried back.
The water doubts point to the live broadcast page, and I really see a video recommendation.
The location is striking and the title is striking!
Quickly open it in.
After more than ten minutes...
"Do you want to see it again?" After reading the video for the second time, the water asked.
"look look look!"
"The anchor I want to see!"
Full screen barrage message, full of things to see.
The water then began to look from the beginning.
This is just a small live event, and it is also a microcosm of the Tianlin game platform, because at this moment almost all of the Tianlin game anchors are watching fans of the night wind.
Just uploading for twenty minutes, the number of hits reached 1.5 million.
Tianlin Forum has a special post link, the moderator plus fine top!
Someone who has a good thing downloaded this video and passed it on to other live broadcast platforms.
In just one hour, this video featuring the night wind has been popular on all live platforms!
There is also a very fierce competition between the live broadcast platforms. The video data of Su Ye’s early morning live broadcasts quickly reached the hands of the heads of major live broadcast platforms. They all expressed the desire to dig high-priced night winds, plus this The video that suddenly burst into flames, the industry insiders conservatively estimated that the video hits about 30 million, plus his previous three total hits of nearly 15 million game Raiders video, his The popularity is completely comparable to the big anchor!
When you hear the professionals say this, their hearts are even more urgent!
Some people actually found that the keyword of the night wind actually unknowingly entered the tenth hot search keyword, a game player can actually search for the top ten, it is simply unimaginable.
Someone took a screenshot and put it in the Tianlin forum.
In the Tianlin forum, I don’t know who initiated it.
"Let the night winds go to the headlines!"
This is obviously a post posted by the industry. It took seven or eight hundred words to tell everyone how to help the night wind.
In just a few dozen minutes, I got support from more than 100,000 players!
An hour later, this group of people who acted purely because of fun and play with viral promotion, posted to the major mainstream forums to post the story of the night wind. At the same time, some small media people who like to play online games also write some things about the night wind in their respective blog posts. Of course, the video of the 100-person killing is the most important promotion key.
In the meager, Tianlin players spontaneously reprinted the 100-person killing video, and some big V celebrities also reprinted it! In just a few hours, the reprint of that video reached more than 500,000!
The meager official also deliberately established a discussion topic of "Night Wind God". The number of people involved in the discussion has surged into four or five thousand! In just over half an hour, the amount of topic discussion has reached 100,000.
10:05, the hot night search on the eighth!
10:38, seventh!
Eleventh, sixth!
11:15, fifth!
11:40, fourth!
Twelve, third!
Twelve thirty-four, second!
It seems that the ranking is staying here, the hot search index of the night wind is rising, but after an hour is still the second place, and the first place has a gap close to the third and fourth.
The reason is that a million-family starred as a goddess star and a foreign male married! Since the goddess announced the marriage, it has been the headline for three consecutive days. The first place seems to be unable to shake!
In the Tianlin Forum, when a group of propagators are showing off their achievements, they are also discussing intensely, how can they be the first!
The second is always second. No one will think about who the second is, but will definitely remember the first one. The first is glory!
Just when everyone was showing up, Mo Tian came to a cross, and the game came directly to a big push!
Actually, the video of the 100-person killing of the night wind was directly promoted inside the game!
It's like a fire on a pile of dry wood instant burning is extremely strong.
Under the base of tens of millions of players, on the Internet, there is a lot of topics about the night wind!
14:30, first!
At the same time, the popularity of the night wind is still rising sharply, and even some foreign players come to join in the fun.
As for Su Ye himself, he is lying on the sofa at this moment, watching the movie comfortably, knowing nothing about what happened on the Internet.
In the end, Huang Feifei hurried out of the room and told Su Ye about it.
Su Ye squatted, really did not expect that he also had a headline day, then smiled bitterly: "This thing is good and bad, but I think it is more beneficial."
In the end, the direct impact of this video is three parties, six sons, Su Ye, and the world.
Six sons, he won a DVD of more than 300,000 in a five-minute video, and sold the video copyright of 500,000 to the Tianlin live broadcast platform.
Su Ye, let almost all players know the name of the night wind, the popularity is also completely comparable to those real big professional players.
As for the world, a video makes this guild almost instantly fall apart. A guild has dispatched more than 100 players, and one person has easily killed 100 people. You said that this guild still has something to join, as far as the original capital is intended. At this time, the consortium, which has been in the forefront of the world, has also dispelled its own ideas.
It can be said that Su Ye has not yet shot, and the world is gone!
On the other hand, it can be seen that Tianlin is different from other online games. Perhaps a top player can really hold up a sky in the sky!
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