Chapter 428: Harvested a lot

However, not only does its basic attribute increase, but in addition to the increase in the lucky value and potential value, the other hidden attribute values ​​have also increased slightly!
Resilience 75, intelligence 81, mental strength 40, endurance 82.
The growth here is still the most spiritual, from the original 32, directly increased by 8 points!
Now, Su Ye's own strength is barely able to reach the same level of players with bare _.
The most obvious manifestation of this is the value of the combat power on the power list. At the beginning, it was only a weak leader who was more than a hundred mad, but now it is directly ahead of the value of nearly two thousand!
This kind of growth is a bit horrible. Even Su Ye can't imagine how terrible his own strength would be when his hunter suit rose to the gold level.
Su Ye’s heart was once again glanced at his personal attribute bread. As for the growth of what plants to eat for himself, Su Ye did not know, too lazy to think.
Anyway, the benefits are all available, and it’s too boring to think about how to come.
The rest of the plants are either not edible or basically useless.
But without exception, they all have their own uses.
For example, a strain of poison ivy, after being crushed into mud, can be directly used as a poison, applied to the wound, and can reduce 100 blood per second for 10 seconds.
There is also a hundred tough vines, which is a very tough plant, very suitable for ropes or traps.
After Su Ye took the basic information of all the remaining plants and looked at it, he stuffed it into his backpack.
Greatly enriched his material reserves, for the newly emerged Su Ye, this is a good start.
Then, Su Ye did not hesitate and immediately turned his attention to other items.
You know, plants only account for a small part of the place, there are a lot of other items, ore, gems, pet eggs and so on.
Looking at the piles of items like hills, Su Ye didn't know how many years this collection of treasures had gathered so many things.
Fortunately, although the items are scattered and random, but they are also classified by the treasure foxes, the ore is returned to the ore, the gemstones are gemstones... there is no confusion.
First of all, Su Ye's eyes turned to the top of the pet egg, and they used the system to look at their basic information.
"[Three-winged flying bird eggs]: Will be a pet egg."
"[Zijin Flying Fox Egg]: Lord's Pet Egg"
"[Eight-footed quail eggs]: elite pet eggs"
A total of 150 or so pet eggs, Su Yeyi looked at their information, almost the majority of the main-level pets, and a small number of elite and general.
However, there are only six handsome players.
However, the other Su Ye did not think that the treasure fox can actually get the king's pet eggs, and still two!
This is a bit amazing!
However, Su Ye is only a little surprised by this. After all, he has a roaring dog on his body, a wooden unicorn on his left arm, and a large-scale reed rabbit in Luoyun City.
Any one that comes out is a value that can directly kill the king's existence.
Therefore, for these pet eggs, Su Ye is also thrown into the backpack, and later the guild warehouse will strengthen the strength of the guild, or go to the auction, you can get a lot of money.
There is still a pet egg left on the hand of Su Ye, and the pet egg has a dark black body and a strange atmosphere.
What makes Su Ye even more strange is that even the system can't know the information about this pet egg.
"[Unknown pet egg], information: unknown!"
The most important thing for Su Ye is that when he took the piece in his hand, his blood volume was actually lost! !
At the same time, Su Ye also received constant reminders of the system.
"You are currently suffering from unknown real damage, and the blood volume is worth 1 point!"
This egg is poisonous!
Su Ye did not hurry to hold the egg and looked at it carefully. After watching it for more than a minute, except for the black shell of the eggshell, the breath was a bit strange, the other was nothing, the more normal egg was completely the same.
Intuition tells Su Ye that this egg is awkward.
After watching the unknown black egg again, Su Ye threw it into his backpack.
Some problems, or waiting to say later, now tangled is useless.
In the meantime, the drop of more than one hundred points of blood value, Su Ye did not care.
Even a bottle of red syrup does not drink, Su Ye directly turned his eyes to that small pile of ore.
The amount of ore here is not a lot, but the quality is high and the variety is scarce.
Picking up a dark green ore on the ground, Su Ye looked at its information.
"[Green Inkstone], quality: 86!"
This green ink stone is a relatively high-grade ore, and it is generally only used in the construction of equipment above the gold this fist-sized green ink stone, if you find the right alchemist, you can almost Change a piece of gold equipment directly with him!
Nothing, Su Ye just looked at the pile of ore on the ground, and it was collected and put into the backpack.
The remaining gems, Su Ye also only take those five-star gems, and the rest are really not necessary.
Half an hour later, Su Ye looked at the remaining items on the ground, and after carefully glanced through it, he picked up several useful items.
"It’s almost here!"
Su Ye looked at the variety of items in his backpack and smiled and let out a sigh of relief.
So many things, just earn more than a medium copy!
Looking around for a moment, the look hesitated, Su Ye still marked the coordinates of this side, so that I can come over later.
Perhaps, the treasure fox will come over time, and perhaps will continue to hide the baby here, although the possibility is very small.
When leaving, Su Ye took 500 carrots directly from the backpack and put them in the tree hole. I want to continue to attract the treasure fox, so I can see it next time.
Just don't know if this treasure fox loves not to eat carrots.
Out of the tree hole, Su Ye stood outside and took a deep breath, and suddenly felt refreshed. After all, the inside of the tree hole was really too stuffy, and he had just stayed there for more than three hours.
Of course, for more than three hours, I was purely obsessed with items and looking at the information of the items.
At the same time, Su Ye also turned around and looked back for the next four weeks, and did not find the figure of the treasure fox.
Regretfully shook his head, and then Su Ye continued to walk inside the glorious forest.
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