Chapter 962: Only the cleaners are left.

At this time, the remote attackers of the four cleanup squads that have been prepared in the distance have seen that the five people have been spiked.
Hesitate, they also immediately launched an offensive against the clear water orchid!
The arrow was accompanied by a spell attack, and the volley leaped away toward the clear water.
However, their attack was directly resisted by the Dragon War and the Heavy Mountain, and none of them attacked the clear water.
The blood volume dropped by the Dragon War and the Heavy Mountain is very small, but it is also instantly treated by the cute little Princess and Ye Yuer, and the first time is full.
Seeing the cleanup team squad they have to attack again against the clear water, although their attack power is not good, but if they let them attack there, it is also annoying.
After thinking about it, Rhodes immediately looked up and said to the clear water orchids, "You wait here for a while, I will kill the players of the four Cleanup Squads."
The Dragon War immediately asked with some concern, "What if the cleanup suddenly turns around?"
Rhodes also looked up and looked at the three cleaners who were fighting with Su Ye in the air. He said with a smile. "Nothing, the boss is squatting on it! The clean guy should not have a chance to attack me!"

The night wind team was also subconsciously looking up at Su Ye, and then nodded, said, "Well, too!"
Later, Rhodes no longer said what the figure flashed, and he went straight to the players of the four clean-up squads not far away, carrying the dagger, and rushed straight to the past.
Rhodes quickly disappeared from the glory of the nine-day light curtain of the phoenix dance.
At this time, the players of the four Cleanup Squads saw Rhodes rushing to his side, and his expression was a little flustered.
"Not good, that Rhodes attacked, and that guy seems to be the top ten of the Huaxia District's power list!"
"Unless the captain can come over and support, otherwise we are afraid that there is no possibility of surviving."
"This is really troublesome!"
That is, during the time they talked, Rhodes figure suddenly appeared in front of them.
Rhodes looked confused and even stunned the team of four players.
With such a reaction, it is really hard to imagine that they are actually players who are known as the Cleanup Team of the Big Three.
Immediately, Rhodes' mouth was slightly sneer, and then gaze smugly from the four Cleaner squad players.
Then, Luo German sneered and laughed. "It's really hard to imagine that as a player of the Cleanup Squad, there will be no reaction to my arrival. Such an opponent is really a dish!"
At this time, one of the players of the Cleanup Squad immediately couldn’t help but look straight at Rhodes. He pointed at him with anger and said, "!"
However, his words have not been finished, and Rhodes’ figure has disappeared into his eyes.
The next moment, it was already a slanting dagger, and the knives went straight into his body, and Roddler smiled disdainfully.
And the player had to stare at the value of the damage slowly floating on his body, and he looked a little shocked.
Then, Rhodes did not stop, and the dagger had just pulled out and he broke into his body again.
Rhodes' second knife directly emptied all the remaining blood values ​​of his body.
The player of the Cleanup Squad, the next moment, was also directly turned into a corpse and fell to the ground.
The score of the night wind squad can easily increase by a thousand points.
Next, Rhodes basically did not encounter any resistance, easily killed the other three players of the Cleanup Squad.
Rhodes looked down at the body of the player of the Cleanup Squad lying on the ground. So far, the Cleanup Team has ten people, and has already been killed by nine. The score is easily obtained by as many as nine thousand.
On the other side of the clear water, the squadron summoned by the cleanup is also almost cleaned up.
There were hundreds of cockroaches on the scene, and now there is also a golden scorpion general and a few scorpion venoms. The rest of the cockroaches have been turned into a pile of dead bones.
At the same time, Su Ye, who has been watching the ground in midair, can’t help but nod and praise.
Good job!

Rhodes immediately looked up at Su Ye and said with aloud, "Boss, I will help solve the remaining cockroaches."
Su Ye nodded, "Go!"
At the same time, the cleaners who are standing opposite the Su Ye are also slowly drinking a bottle of green holy water just lost the blood volume value of fighting with Su Ye, and instantly responded.
However, it is also expected in general with Su Ye, after taking more than ten times of green holy water, the effect will be reduced.
At this time, the speed and proportion of the blood volume recovery of the cleansers is also a very significant reduction when one starts.
At this time, I watched Rhodes kill their members of the squad and clean up the squadron they summoned.
The cleanuper did not have a look of anger, but his expression was slightly weird. He said to Su Ye with a smile on his face. "Night wind, your teammates are good! At the same time, I also want to thank your companions, those who have my team. The spicy chicken teammates have all been killed, but this time just let them withdraw from the squad, and after the end of the squad, I will let them disappear in the sky! A bunch of garbage, living is also a waste of air."
Listening to the words of the clean-up, Su Ye mouth can not help but pumping, although knowing that the clean-up is the main brain to make things, not people, but looking at his attitude towards his teammates, it is really not used.
Then, the cleaner continued, "Okay, I won't play with you anymore. The green holy water has slowly lost its effect on me. I also know that you have been keeping the means for me, then the next I will really go all out, I hope that you can sustain it for a while under my attack. You are the first guy to let me really make the strength, don't let me down."
However, Su Ye only looked up slightly and looked at the cleansers, and then smiled disdainfully. "Why is there any means to get out of the cards, why are you so embarrassed!"
"Ha ha!"
Listening to the words of Su Ye, the cleansers look no anger, just a faint smile, confident in the look!
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