Chapter 676: The power of debuff spells

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In fact, when fighting a warrior with a height of one meter and eight meters and a "medium" body type, when fighting with a "large" ogre who is three meters high, this difference in height will cause obvious psychological pressure.
Sometimes this gap is equivalent to an adult fighting a primary school student.
Therefore, the one-step spell of the minute-level "changing giant technique" can be called one of the key magic arts of warriors.
Even if this "transformation" process will cause the performance of defense and attack to drop by 1 and the agility by 2 points, it is still difficult to stop the strength +2 and the advantages brought by the use of large weapons.
On the other hand, the key divine skills of War and Animal Husbandry, "Divine Grace" (first ring, attack damage +1-3 luck), "Divine Power" (fourth ring, power +6, attack equal to the same level) can only be "Self", so Zhao Xu could not transfer the spell to other people until he mastered the 4th level ability of the spell guard.
Unless he casts a spell on the spell storage ring in his hand, and then hands it over to the other party to activate it.
This is also the only way for non-spellcasters to enjoy "self" spells.
Because these ogres do not have a mature alchemy industry system in their tribes, they generally only use the "great axe" for part-time barbarians. Most other ordinary ogres only have a giant stick that costs 5 gold coins.
According to the Warrior Association damage curve table, the small damage curve for the giant stick is 1-8 points.
The medium size used by humans can reach 1-10 points, and the large wooden stick in the hands of the ogre is 2-16 points.
At the same time, these two-handed giant wooden sticks are usually inlaid with nails, needles, iron rings or covered with iron skin. In terms of intimidation, they are no less than mace.
Zheng Xinyun also felt terrified by looking at the flying flesh and blood on the battlefield at this moment, and the crisp sound of the collision between the armor and the iron nails.
Just the inlaid stinging needle, one inadvertently scratched, must have been taken away on the spot, disfigured in place.
Therefore, there are still many players who choose to war and animal husbandry, but in the entire Arthur, there are actually a few who follow this route.
Most pastors are honestly a competent "spellcaster".
In other words, the "healing potion" relied on its strong vitality to stop the wound immediately, and had a powerful effect of not leaving scars to recover, and only then did Yoona reluctantly cheer.
But Zhao Xu naturally wouldn't be so cruel, and Shanren had a clever plan.
From the moment Yoona intervened in the battlefield, she instantly became the focus of these ogres.
From the beginning, she was chosen as a priority.
These evil creatures have a natural tendency to destroy good things.
Finally, at the moment when Zhao Xu's "sacrifice tribute" with "supernatural ability" was completed.
In an instant, a mist burst out into the sky like a shining jewel light, spiraling straight up, like a dragon sucking water in a whirlpool, turning all the way around to reach the spell target Yoona.
With this blessing from faith, Zheng Xinyun instantly saw a brand new data on her character card panel
Damage reduction is 20 magic, fire acid electric cold sound energy resistance 15, and spell resistance 43.
An effect that completely exceeds the general three-ring spell!
And the time is up to 33 hours!
It is an hour-level spell.
Not a round!
"team leader."
At this moment, Yoona turned around and stared at Zhao Xu with a surprised look. Obviously she didn't expect that she would receive such a big gift package.
But Zhao Xu just rolled his eyes helplessly, "Look at the back."
At the moment when Yoona was distracted, the back of her head was hit hard by a giant wooden stick, and her whole person was almost knocked into the depths of the earth.
Prone floor type.
Fortunately, the light of the spell instantly offset this damage for her.
Players can quickly advance, because they can rely on the "resurrection" means, continue to suffer and learn, and then grow up in Arthur.
And other ordinary Arthur residents, without the blessing of the resurrection stone, naturally returned their souls directly to heaven.
"Pay attention!" Zhao Xu yelled, thinking to himself, I knew that if I didn't give you this spell first, something would happen.
And Yoona immediately got up, and after sticking out her tongue embarrassedly, she immediately turned and went into the fight.
The three-ring spell of "Sacrifice Praise" by Zhao Xu is based on the consumption of 250 gold coins, 1,000 gold coins, and 10,000 gold coins to obtain different effects.
The lowest 250 gold coins, only 5 magic damage reduction, energy resistance is also 10 points, spell resistance is equal to the caster level.
However, Zhao Xu naturally chose the most expensive "10,000 gold coins" grade under the ability of "supernatural spells".
In an instant, Yoona realized the damage reduction effect of this 20 magic.
At this level, those who don't have the money to buy magic weapons, can't produce more than 20 damage effects, naturally they can't penetrate Yoona's defense.
Like the famous "Stoneskin Art" in the fourth ring of the mage, it is only a damage reduction of 10 Adamantite for 250 gold coins, and it can only absorb 150 points of damage.
But Zhao Xu did not take it lightly.
He had already noticed that Yoona had already revealed a ruinous appearance under the attack of several trolls of challenge level 3 at the same time.
Occasionally, there were several ogres who broke out, leaving a slight wound on Yoona.
After Zhao Xu glanced at these ogres, he immediately activated the "Super Demon Control" ability
Spell chain hair-malicious flash art!
This four-ring change spell that only requires a verbal component. The duration is round-level, but it can ignore the save and only fight for strength.
The spell chain can only affect those spells whose target is a single person and whose distance exceeds contact.
So the healing spells can't be matched, but the malicious flash spell is just enough.
Immediately in addition to the selected subject, each level had an additional target (up to 20), and the group of ogres wrapped around Yoona was immediately selected.
These ogres felt a strange trace on the spot, as if they had disappeared from the current primary material plane at any time, and the feeling of dissipating at any time was like the process of a sudden rise and fall of an airplane.
Just after an ogre barbarian saw that he couldn't attack for a long time, he raged on the spot, then raised the giant axe in his hand and swung it down towards Yooner with the force of breaking the mountains and rivers!
This kind of offensive, even if the armor protection level Yoona wears reaches +7, it may not be able to stop.
One carelessness is the end of the battle.
But at the moment when the barbarian ogre completed its offensive, its figure disappeared directly with the axe, and was forcibly pulled to the edge of the spirit world, completely losing its influence on the main material plane.
At the same time, the other twenty ogres around them all ended up in this way. When they wielded their weapons to attack, they would appear and disappear from time to time, which is equivalent to all targets being completely hidden from them.
The hit rate was 50% off on the spot!
But every hit of Yoona's mace didn't come to an end, and it still made this area bloody.
Malicious flash technique.
Attacking others loses 50%, while being attacked is 100%.
Real malice.
And because the disappearance time is very short, it can't complete the movement in the spiritual world at all, so naturally it can't go through the wall in reality.
"What the is going on?"
"who is it?"
"Which humble reptile is hiding around?"
These ogres roared in a giant language, and even waved the giant sticks in their hands at will, as if to vent the disgusting feeling that only disappeared when they hit, but in exchange they only continued to disappear for a meter or two, missing the opportunity to attack .
However, Zhao Xu, who was annoyed by them, had already used the fourth ring's "advanced invisibility technique" to hide. Compared with the second ring's "invisibility technique", this spell would not disappear even if he attacked.
Zhao Xu, who was originally intending to buff Yoona, suddenly became interested and changed his hands to throw out a drop of syrup used as a spellcasting material
Slow surgery!
Compared with the malicious flash, the slowness technique itself can affect 1 target per level, which is considered a group debuff.
Acceleration is a powerful frontal buff, and the reputation of slowness is not weak at all.
The 30 ogres closest to Yoona suddenly realized that their movement and attack speeds had become extremely slow. The set of actions that were originally run after the fight was extremely coherent, but now they can only do it in one round. Only one item.
At the same time, they all found that their sprint and jump distance speeds were all reduced by at least half!
It was cursed by the tortoise.
"There is a wizard here, the other party's companion just now!" At this time, a barbarian ogre finally woke up and shouted angrily, "Hurry up, this woman is strange, let the wizard come."
But the ogre wizards in this ogre army had already rushed to the forefront of the battlefield with the two-footed dragons, and had not noticed that there had been a chaos behind them.
However, the mace in Yoona's hand can cause two types of damage, "percussion" and "piercing".
After all, the power is still too small, and with the ogre being able to take turns at any time, Yoona still hasn't knocked down after such a fierce battle.
Zhao Xu also directly communicated with the soul link-
"Yoona, I remember all the war areas?"
"Yeah, brother captain." Yoona nodded immediately.
After she was invincible, and slowly recovered her body's fighting instinct, she also began to experience the joy of fighting, and kept chasing after these evasive ogres.
It's like the previous game of molesting.
"Then why don't you use military weapons?" Zhao Xu wondered.
Priests are good at all simple weapons, and "maces" are more commonly used than mages.
However, the magical ability of the "war field" is to allow the priest to be good at the "military weapons" that the gods are good at, and to obtain the corresponding weapon specialization.
Yoona suddenly curled her lips, "Originally, my corresponding weapon was a long sword. Who knew that after coming into contact with the of death, it turned into a giant sickle."
"The long sword was originally only 3 or 4 kilograms, but it suddenly became a 10 kilogram weapon like a giant sickle, which is very cumbersome, so I don't need it anymore."
Jung Yoona, the giant sickle girl, isn't this title handsome?
Sure enough, he had taken care of him too much, and even 10 kilograms of weapons were too heavy, so how can he wear an armor that is less than 20 kilograms now.
But Zhao Xu didn't say much.
In the final analysis, it is really his pot.
Originally, there were no restrictions on the faction pastor, and the "field" options faced were extremely wide. Therefore, from the perspective of pure combat power, the faction pastor is better.
The choice of the war field is also a weapon that corresponds to nature.
How could she have thought that Zhao Xu approached Yoona with the fragments of the godhead of the of death, which naturally transformed her tendency.
The weapon used by the of death Naraku at the time was the "Reaper Scythe", which is the "humane paradise" in his hands at this moment.
But now that the humane paradise has returned to its original appearance, it stands to reason that Yoona will change back to being good at weapons.
Zhao Xu was about to cast the "Advanced Demonized Weapon" on the long sword in his hand, and then he slapped it smoothly, sending a message from his heart, "Hold firmly, the broken hammer is lost."
The Humane Heaven also seemed to be alive at this moment, and immediately rushed to Yooner, and honestly hovered in the air, waiting for her to hold it.
"Brother Zhongxia, what weapon is this?"
At the moment of the long sword, Yoona noticed that her two specialties of "weapons good at" and "weapon specialization (long sword were directly lit up, and at the same time, the long sword continued to emit heat.
It made her feel that her little hand was a little hot, almost unable to hold it.
"+5 The eager and fearless genre is proficient in transmuting the density and the shadow attack long sword."
Zhao Xu's incision had been well practiced, and he read the full name of this long sword in less than two seconds.
"Um?" Yoona hadn't recovered a bit.
"First use the ability of densification, the password is'Handsome Brother Midsummer', and then it can change body shape."
Even though she was a little bit ashamed, Yoona silently read out this utterly okay, but it was completely honest.
Only then did Zhao Xu silently give driving instructions to the long sword.
The Density Ability itself adds 5000 gold coins instead of the typical "+1" and "+2" bonuses. It can change the weapon from "ultra-miniature" to "ultra-mega".
After Zhao Xu tried to turn his teeth into a "super-miniature" toothpick shape before, he almost awakened the spirit of the humane paradise and sprayed him.
It can be said that this inconspicuous "density" ability itself is like a golden hoop that can also be varied.
In an instant, the "medium long sword" became a "large".
But its changes have not stopped, and continue to grow a level, until it is "super large."
"Huh?" This was somewhat beyond Yoona's expectations.
"Don't be stunned, one-handed weapons can be equipped with a larger model and become two-handed." Zhao Xu said.
Like a medium-sized human being, one can hold a "large long sword" in both hands, or a "medium long sword" in one hand and a "small round shield" in one hand.
The original medium sword with 1-8 (1D8) damage instantly transformed into a super-large sword with 3-18 (3D6) damage, which can be called a killer weapon. UU reading www. uukanshu. com
After Yoona waved at this time, she also began to smoothly chop down these domineering ogres.
The level that could only pierce the wound had become a level that could chop off an arm.
Not only did Yoona wave the long sword with relish, Zhao Xu also nodded secretly.
Sure enough, a larger model weapon has such an obvious increase in the damage curve. It is no wonder that many fighters have to desperately buy a "powerful arm bracer".
Once you have this magic item, you can use it as a weapon one level higher than a normal creature.
That is, the speed of cutting vegetables is still relatively slow. At this time, Zhao Xu looked at the boundary line in the distance, obviously the cavalry group and the player adventurers did not take advantage of it.
It seems that he has to help.
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