Chapter 1080: spoil

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Her Murong 汝 from small to large, have not so whispered, this is still a large audience, how can she see people after Murong?
A trace of anger is coming up again!
Was gently pulled by the Murong Connaught, "Auntie..."
Mrs. Yu was suddenly defeated, and she slammed into the front of the illusion, and took out a roll of red writing.
"Magic girl, I am tortured these days, I miss Xiaobao every day, I really have no harm to Xiaobao, I know it is wrong, I dare not ask you to forgive, this is my copy of the book for my children... ..."
Murong Yanuo added in a whispered voice, "Auntie used her own blood to copy the Blessed Scriptures, copying one copy a day, every day, and the aunt said that only in this way can she alleviate her sin and protect the baby."
Said she shook the scroll.
Sure enough, they are written in blood, densely packed...
When I saw the scriptures, I suddenly understood why my wife was so thin, and her color was extremely bad. It turned out to be too much blood loss.
The child is her greatest weakness, and it is evil to her.
Good for children, bad for her, she can accept.
Seeing such a dense book, the color of the illusion turned a lot better.
"You ask me to forgive me, I will not forgive you. If I used to fight with you, but my baby is still alive, for the sake of the baby, I will not kill you or how, your sin is your own back. For a lifetime, but there is one, you should not appear in front of me again."
Out of sight out of mind.
On the side of Mrs.’s mouth, she showed a hint of joy.
Murong Chenuo is also very happy, "Impressive girl, you are a very good girl, I thank you for your aunt."
Said, Murong Yannuo's eyes enviously peeked at the little baby, looking at him.
Xiaobao didn't give face, and he went back to sleep in the illusion of his face.
Mrs. 打 smiled and said, "Okay, illusion girl, thank you for the illusion of the girl. I used to have no eyes. I didn't recognize you as the only Fenglingbao girl in Lingbao. I am also good at Xiaoya. I have opposed you a few times, you are now well, and I am happy in my eyes."
She was imprisoned in the Jimo family in the lock of the spirits, and was forced to write blood every day, and did not give anything to make up, the things worthy of the body were taken away, the door did not let further, the next person to practice her, the people of the Jimo family Not even a visit.
In the past, they all voted for others, and even some of the people who were angry in her hands, taunted her and gave her a scorpion. She lived very hard.
When Jimo sent Mo Wei to say the conditions, as long as she was in the public, she apologized to the illusion, until the illusion of forgiveness pursued her.
Just put her back to the Murong family.
The victory is now on.
Her remarks were based on the mother's position and greatly reduced her sin.
Let the illusion of the face be unhappy, and look at the part of Jimo, she is too lazy to care for her.
As long as the baby is good, this vicious woman will not appear in front of her from now on, and she will not be sick for several times.
Jimo saw it here, coughing, and stopped the kind of mother-in-law who wanted to share the good feelings of everyone.
At the same time, the secret language was sent to Xiaoyan. "Your heart is still so kind, forget it, change me."
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