Chapter 161: A sister, I am afraid

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Fantasy old soup?
The illusion smiled slightly.
I will give you a good knowledge of our illusion of old soup. We have not only one kind of soup, but seven or eight kinds of soup. Excuse the special attribute of adding a little physical value. After my aunt died, except for the spiritual food that I will add, the rest will not do it! To be simple, it is the old soup of illusion, only me can be useful. Even if it is for you, it is no good."
The masked man named 瘟 chicken is impatient and interrupts the illusion. "This doesn't require you to worry about it. There are so many diners in the world. You can see the mystery of this little girl. There are always diners who are more than you." Strong, less nonsense, we not only want soup, but also soup."
Sure enough, like the previous life, this is the bureau of the two groups.
One of them is naturally a dreamy month, and the group is trying to find a secret recipe...
Because the dream month only attached to the nine emperors, after all, the strength is too low, it is impossible to command such a powerful middle-level spiritual master, only one method is cooperation.
The dreams come out of the news, this group of people get the secret.
What is the true identity behind this group?
The illusion turned his head and shook his head. "That must not, you want soup, our illusion can give you everything, but the secret is absolutely impossible, it is the foundation of our illusion, my aunt said when he was alive." People are in the secret, and the secret of death is dead!"
"That line, we will drop your little brother first to the underground river, so that you have no future. I see you still say who is in the secret, and the secret of the dead..." A virtual shadow spirit treasure is a serpentine spiritual treasure. Like a sharp blade, it cuts the rope tied to the sorrowful younger brother.
The illusion of the face and the illusion of the stars fell to the ground, and the illusion of the face was first guarded in front of the magic star.
Loud, "Slow! I can give you a secret recipe, but I have the conditions, you can't hurt me and my brother..."
The masked man is cruel and interrupted her. "With your hostage, your brother is actually a superfluous one. You can't protect yourself. There is no condition to say that a secret recipe can only change one life. Who are you changing?"
As he said, his drum-eyed beast Lingbao screamed at the evil star, and seemed to swallow him in one bite.
The magic star cold scared to hide in the arms of the illusion, "A sister, I am afraid."
The illusion is a bit of a tooth. "Nature is for my brother. You should let him go back. After he returns to safety, I will give you a secret recipe right away."
The illusion of the stars is a glimpse of the cold, he can understand this conversation at this age, and he can't help but subconsciously hold the illusion, and the big eyes like grapes are all tears, and they begin to choke. "I want A sister, I want A sister, let's go home together..."
The illusion touched his head. "Little brother, you go home first. Auntie is particularly worried about you. After you go home, go to the palace to find Jiuli brother, let him bring the secret recipe hidden in the soup tower... ..."
Suddenly, the ears of the masked boss moved again, and he put his ear on the stone wall again.
After that, the look changed.
"For a long time, the secret recipe is not on your body. I am sorry. Today is a special situation. I don't have time to go home to get the secret recipe. There is a secret recipe for a person. There is no secret recipe. This is your destination!"
"So important things, how can we put them on the body?" The illusion is arrogant and arrogant. She has discovered that someone may be saving them. It may be a small feather or a stalwart servant. It is also possible. It is the official person.
She has to drag for a while and drag it to the rescue!
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