Chapter 270: The wife is not difficult

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The area of ​​the space seems to be a bit larger. It used to be full of spirits, and now there are many more places. Even the big cracks around the crater look a lot smaller.
Is this because the space is upgraded and the ancient bowl is being repaired?

How many levels does this space have? It’s already three levels...

The illusion is self-deprecating.
She can't take care of harvesting these spiritual plants, first go to the newly opened food room to see.
Going back to the big wooden house, the tightly closed food room was opened.
The illusion goes in with excitement. It is very simple. It is divided into two distinct areas, one is a shelf that holds a roll of sheepskin rolls, and the other is some strange tools, all of which are small and There are some bottles and cans...
The illusion is easy to pick up a roll of sheepskin on the far side, open it and see the history of food.
... food medicine, also known as diet therapy, everything is essential and spirited, change is not to leave the food, food can be healthy, food can be continued, food is great, people are divided into five organs and six 腑 seven...
Hey, is this the legendary therapeutic diet?
The illusion of the face has seen the introduction of the history of food, and is not interested in this.
It is better to be a spiritual dish, not only to assist in cultivation, but also to treat diseases.
She put down a brief introduction to the history of food and medicine, and picked up a roll at random.
Formula of spleen and stomach deficiency cold, can adjust the stomach discomfort, has the effect of warming the stomach, material: aconite, water...
Tonic and nourishing yin formula, it can clear heat and nourish Yin, benefit stomach and stimulate fluid, clear heart and remove trouble, material: Dendrobium, Poria, or lamb, medlar, white noodles...
Adjust the formula of heat-clearing, can cure the collapse of the collapse, materials: silky chicken, pig kidney, chicken gold...
I don’t know if it’s a spiritual master or what happened. After she saw these prescriptions, she could basically remember it.
She seems to rise up, one roll after another, and I don’t know how to get tired of it.
Suddenly, a special diet of prescriptions aroused her interest.
Arrhythmia overnight formula can cure the congenital vocal dysplasia or defect, the tongue is unreasonable, the gas is inconsistent, the mouth can not be said, the material:...
The illusion is immediately thought of the illusion of Jiuli, and it would be better if it could cure the idiot of the illusion of Jiuli.
First, Jiuli can become a normal person, at least after the wife is not difficult, cough!
Second, there are clearer indications for the people behind the big demon case.
The illusion of the phantom keeps the formula in mind, and then glances at the materials needed. Some of them are more common, but at least half of them have not been seen. There are rare bone worms and even special ones. Edible ore, etc.
Speaking of it, in the past few days, Moya did not let her go to the Chinese Pavilion. She has been stunned and has not gone out. Only the Lady of Magic has gone to the illusion of Jiuli, bringing back some information about the illusion of Jiuli.
She should also go to see the magical Ji Li, and then further confirm his dumb situation, so as to give him this diet prescription.
On the other side of the food room, the production desk, and the gadgets, I have seen these sheepskin rolls. They are all small tools. Some of the plants and related materials need to be ground, dried, sliced, secreted, etc. These professional gadgets will be used.
This piece of food is much more complicated than cooking.
In order to extract the medicinal properties of the ingredients, the secret method is more cumbersome.
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