Chapter 630: Three strokes?

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The bell quickly departed from the Bluestone Grandstand and, according to her wish, flew over the altar.
There was a bit of sarcasm on the cold and beautiful face of Baili’s purple eyes.
It’s really a bit guts. It’s no wonder that dare to destroy the ceremony of the saint.

"Misunderstanding, it is really a misunderstanding!" The illusion also wants to explain.
Baili Ziyan interrupted her. "Given your practice is too low, in order to be fair, this way, we will win three games, pick me up, if you can move, how do you challenge success, how?"
Three strokes?
The illusion is originally thought, let's surrender as soon as it comes up!
It seems that there is no face when surrendering up, and the three strokes are three strokes. She has the illusion of moving the phantoms that Jimo has taught her, plus the strength of the Nine Stars, and running three tricks, should there be no problem?
Although the pig Lingbao ran away, she also had the leaves Lingbao, the small leaves were flexible, and might give her some help in escape.
The small leaves between the wrists quickly gave her a conscious response, which was probably feasible.
So, the fascinating and refreshing promise, "OK! But, I have a condition, to fly the weapon than to fight..."
So easy to escape. On this altar, the place is still too small to run.
Her voice, the cold eyes of the eyes of the purple spurs provoked a trace of excitement.
At the same time, I also saw it. Her thoughts, a sneer in her heart, escaped by flying instruments. Thinking too naive!
The agreement was reached, and most of the people in the bluestone stand shook their heads, and the gaze of the illusion was full of pity.
This little star spirit teacher thinks about the three tricks of Xuan Ling Shi. It is too simple.
"This girl is stupid!"
"Bai Li Zi is a mysterious teacher, she is a nine-star spirit division, how many levels are separated."
"It’s simply ignorant and fearless! See how stupid she is!"
There are a few girls who look at the ink, and the ink is still a quiet look. Nothing is said.
He looks at other people's eyes are gentle but alienated, only when you are fascinated by the illusion, you can see the favor and connivance.
People hate to bite their teeth.
The wine saint and the sacred sacred are also watching the lively, the wine saint also wants to accept this as a disciple, so that there will be wine after drinking, so he is more concerned, but he is not optimistic about the decision of this gimmick.
Suddenly, both saints frowned at the same time and exchanged ideas with each other. "Sacred wine, have you found someone who is communicating the will of our holy city?"
"It seems like, I let go of my mind and see it, but I haven't. What old guys are they going out?"
"No, they have nothing to do with the power of the will of the Holy City, and there is no more! Forget it, let's finish the Holy Virgin, then check it out."
On the altar, a hundred miles of purple scorpion also sacrificed a flying instrument.
"The first move." The voice of Baili's purple eyes was light, with a hint of disdain.
At the same time, with a wave of hand, a sharp air composed of aura whistle and scream out.
She really didn't put a little star spirit in her eyes.
It is true that her spiritual treasure is not there, she is not known for attacking, but she is a mysterious teacher, enough to suppress any one of the astrologers!
Under the broad public, his image is the most important. This kind of attack is enough. It is best to slap the name on the bed and not get up in three months.
The illusion of Yan Yan sees Li Xiaosheng together, and hurriedly manipulated Feng Yuling to flash away. In a hurry, he could not help but make a shifting phantom, and the bell drifted a weird drift, and even escaped the attack!
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