Chapter 644: Deep pit

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Illusion, "My man won't leave me, my Lingbao will come back by myself! Also, my sister is beautiful enough, no need to be beautiful, as for the shameful thing, I don't need anything any more. Ah! Oh, this demon mask is so dirty!"
After the illusion of the face, after a hit, I discovered that she had chased her mask group before, and all did not exist.
There is only one mask of a fox on the ground.
She breathed a sigh of relief and looked up, not knowing where it was, like a dead end.
She walked forward...
I found a deep pit. All of them stood in front of people. Everyone walked like a corpse, standing still in the pit. The costumes were different. There were men and women, old and young.
The only thing that is the same is that everyone has a fox mask on their faces.
It’s no wonder that there are no people in the town. People are concentrated here.
Why are they here?
The illusion is going forward, she wants to ask, what is the difference between these strange situations?
Not yet close, suddenly, "Hey!" a loud noise.
A fog rushed, and a fox mask man closest to her exploded.
The explosion seemed to be infectious, one exploded, and the other exploded.
Among the deep pits, one after another, all bursting scenes.
The illusion is simply frightening.
She has never seen such a strange situation.
Because the mask of self-destruction is many, the blood rain is thicker, and she drops into a fascinating face. She has become a blood man, and she can't walk without walking, like being smeared on the ground.
And, the blood fog formed a large group, and I wanted to pour it over her...

The old fox was seriously injured and fled into the depths of the blood.
Jimo is not chasing, his dragon Lingbao is now polluted, and his strength is greatly reduced. At present, it is important to find the illusion. He uses his knowledge to go out and explore... The anger value goes up!
He saw the illusion.
Behind the town, there is an ancient temple.
The illusion was captured by several fox faces, and the illusion was screaming and struggling... The feathers on her waist were all bloody, and there was no spirituality.
In front of the temple, there is a blood-red stone tripod, inside the stone tripod, is imprisoning the sleeping pig Lingbao.
Jimo quickly ran away.
The area of ​​this town does not look big, there are not a few streets, but the Moya ran for a while and still did not run.
There is a labyrinth!
That is, the end of the ink, it.
Momo, they haven't come yet, and they must have been blocked by the town's array.
This place is only a hundred miles away from the Holy City. These fox demon people are really looking for death. They dared to ambush him near the holy city. Because of this, he did not think that there would be such a thing happening. When entering the town, Carelessly once.
It is said that the most dangerous place is the safest place, and vice versa, it seems that the safest place is probably the most dangerous place.
The knowledge of Moya has always been concerned with the illusion.
The illusion is in a loud call. "Who are you, let me put my pig spirit treasure, you used to use illusions to confuse me, oh, it was not broken by this girl, you quickly took my pig Lingbao gave it, or else my man came and wanted you to look good!"
Said, dancing and wanting to rush to the small Ding, who is trapped in the pig spirit treasure.
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