Chapter 127: .time

The six princes can live to adulthood under the persecution of Emperor Sheng Yuan, and the mental and physical means are not bad. After he took the throne, he never mentioned anything about cutting the fandom. Because he was the hand-picked successor of the Ghost Doctor, and the senior minister who relied on the old and sold the old did not dare to embarrass him, he turned to help, and soon he secured his throne.
Although he has a deep city, he is very affectionate. Whenever the New Year, he will send envoys to give gifts to Liangjiang. To the several uncles, they are all extremely precious treasures, but for young people, they rarely eat. What dragon? Liver and Phoenix marrow, mountain and sea flavor, just go everywhere. Because of this, he is very popular with teenagers. Every major natural disaster will receive a message from the other party in advance, so as to avoid it smoothly. After a long time, he was flourishing in the prestige of the people and gained the reputation of the true dragon emperor.
Twenty years after he succeeded, the king died, and the young man disappeared. I wonder if he was dead or hidden in the sea.
In the vicissitudes of the sea, time has changed, and the torrent of time has moved forward irresistibly. The beautiful planet that was once surrounded by blue and green eventually turned into a barren land, but once again came to life under the healing of time. A spaceship missed a supply station due to the impact of planetary debris and landed only on its former home star.
"General, the mother star's energy and minerals are not abundant, and we do not have the energy stone we need. Landing here has delayed the trip, but it is better to fly back to the last supply station." A young man wearing a Lieutenant General uniform is opening. Energy cabin view.
"Send an exploration robot to find it. In the century, there were three huge planets that hit the parent star. They came from the energy-rich Mata galaxy, Magellan galaxy and Fairy galaxy, and they will definitely leave energy stones in the impact debris. Many, but it is enough to support us to return to the capital star. "A man in a uniform will step down from the spacecraft and stand on the cliff overlooking the lush green forest. The home star, once the most suitable for human habitation, has now become a paradise for all kinds of wild beasts, mutated plants, and beasts. Its danger level can at least rank at the forefront of the solar galaxy.
As soon as the Lieutenant General thought about it, he immediately released a few exploration robots and took out the monitor to track in real time. The rest of the soldiers were busy inspecting various parts of the spacecraft or going outside to check the environment.
After the planet hits the parent star, many tiankengs are left, and most of the energy stones are left inside. The exploration robot just flew towards the nearby tiankengs and then slowly expanded to other areas. But within half an hour, the monitor sounded a crisp "snoring" sound, which was a signal to discover the energy response.
The lieutenant stared at a group of fiery red on the monitor and exclaimed, "The color is so dark, it should be an energy stone of level 8 or above, or even a level 10 energy stone. As long as we get two grams, we will fly back to Capital Star, let alone Large area. Admiral, this may be a vein of energy stone, we are rich! "
The man took the monitor and took a serious look. The blade-like eyebrows did not show the slightest joy. "According to the Environmental Protection Law, the mother star is a five-star natural and cultural site. No one is allowed even if an energy stone vein is found. Mining by any organization, including my army. "
"Sorry, I was too forgotten." The lieutenant looked regretful. "We only need to dig out the energy stone enough to fly back to Capital Star."
"Well, this discovery must not be passed on to the outside world. We don't take it, it doesn't mean that others won't take it." The man commanded Shen Sheng.
While talking, the exploration robot has landed at the bottom of the tiankeng to find the exact place where the energy is emitted and excavated. However, their mechanical arms were blocked by a hard layer of earth's crust. After clearing out the mud and vegetation outside, they discovered that it was actually a thick stone gate with various reliefs carved on it, including birds, animals, humans and buildings. , Like telling an ancient story, or depicting a scene of life in a city.
This does not seem to be a vein, but an ancient ruin. Analyzing this result, the exploration robot immediately stopped moving and sent a high-definition picture to the monitor. At that end, the man and all his subordinates were all stunned. After half a minute, they regained their consciousness, and then hurried to the sky pit in an airship.
The annihilation century destroyed most of human beings. The survivors spent hundreds of years to leave the devastated mother star and eventually settled in the Pegasus galaxy. They also spent thousands of years developing technology and transforming genes to make originally weak humans. Become one of the most powerful races in the Third Universe. They coexist, marry, and merge with life forms from major galaxies, and gradually form a new culture and a new history. But they have never forgotten the parent star for a moment, or the original appearance of human beings.
But everything that can prove where they came from has been wiped out in the asteroid ground impact. Even if the source is traced, it can only rely on imagination. Imagination has no margin, but after all, it cannot restore reality, and what history needs most is truth.
Archaeologists also tirelessly explored the surface of the parent star, hoping to find one or two relics, but found nothing, and eventually returned to the Pegasus galaxy with a small amount of antiques. It can be said that if anyone can find a relic on the parent star, even if it is only a piece of tile residue, it is an extremely great discovery for all humankind. The more developed modern technology is, the more people become fascinated by ancient things. This is about the nature of this race.
There is no doubt that the stone gate discovered by the exploration robot is an ancient relic. The animals and plants, human beings and buildings carved on it are very different from the current mother star.
The handsome man was studying the reliefs on the stone gate all the way, his mind was faint. The subordinates around him talked eloquently, "This must be an underground palace."
"No no no, I look like an ancient tomb."
"How did ancient humans look so ugly? Look, the teeth in their mouths are sharper than Tyrannosaurus Rex, and there are people who have the heads of cows and horses. Is it possible that ancient technology has reached the point where gene fusion technology can be used? A major discovery will surely shock the medical community! "
"Look at this, is this human? Why is it only a big slap? The belly is round. The limbs are very thin and thin, really disgusting! Fortunately, our genes have been optimized, otherwise it would be a tragedy to grow into an ancestor!"
"Yes, it's even uglier than the Giya star! Does this discovery really have to be announced? What do I always feel ashamed of?"
"Quiet!" The handsome man couldn't listen anymore, and said in a cold voice, "The news is not allowed to be released for the time being, we will discuss it later." At the end, he sent instructions to the exploration robots to extract trace elements from the debris of Shimen for analysis. Date of the site.
The progress bar rose quickly, but in just two seconds, there was a number-3400. This result is not accurate. There may be centuries of error in the middle, but even so, it is enough to shock the entire galaxy. The ruins 3,400 years ago, that is, longer than their antiquity, what is the concept?
It is said that how wide the universe is, how deep the human imagination is, but none of the people in this room can imagine what the mother star was like three thousand years ago, and how people live there. It is because I have nowhere to know that I am more curious, more yearning, and more fascinated.
"Not ancient, but ancient. Oh my gosh, we found an ancient ruin! No wonder the people on the stone gate are so strange, they haven't evolved yet!" A soldier exclaimed, and the airship exploded.
The handsome man frowned, and his mood grew more restless.
The airship landed at the bottom of the huge crater, and a team of ten rushed to the edge of the monument to inspect the surrounding stratum with various perspectives. It's easy to pry open this door, but if the internal structure is damaged, they can't bear the responsibility, even the high-ranking and well-known general will be sent to the military court.
"Surprisingly, there is a wave of energy here that is interfering with the signal from the fluoroscope. We can't see what's buried underneath the ground." A scout showed a confused look.
"What then? The door is still open?" The Lieutenant General said hesitantly, "otherwise we inform the Archeological Society to take over? They are more professional."
The handsome man stared at the palm print in the center of Shimen with a look of shame. This palm print is about the only thing that is close to modern humans. Its shape is normal. It is neither a bull's hoof, a horse's hoof, a skeleton hand, nor a giant palm fan. It is very small, and its five fingers are long and beautiful. Look carefully. It seems that there are faint lines on the inside, as if imprinted from a certain ancient human.
The man couldn't help but imagine what this man looked like, age is male or female, but was interrupted by the words of his subordinates, and said coldly, "No one can tell the news without my order."
"Yes!" The other nine people habitually saluted.
The man could not help but hang his big palm above the small palm print, imagining that he was clapping and celebrating with someone from ancient times, and an inexplicable throbbing occurred in his heart. Several subordinates also showed a cheerful expression, teasing, "This palm print is very beautiful, completely unlike those weird humans on the door. General, let me touch it too, maybe this old ancestor stayed Down. "
"Let me touch it, touch it!" The crowd rushed up.
The man didn't want to let others touch the mark, but he couldn't explain the reason, so he changed it to press and press to completely cover the palm print. The man's mental strength was very strong, and he accidentally leaked. A trace of it was absorbed into the palm of the hand and introduced into the organ, so that the stone door opened slowly. The creaking squeaking sound seemed to come from three thousand years ago, making them awe at them.
When the stone door is fully opened, a dark channel is exposed, extending downwards, as if there is no end. The man took the lead to step in, and the remaining nine immediately followed. The technology in the ancient times was still very backward, so they didn't have to worry about the organs in the palace. Even if they heard the rapid closing of Shimen, they didn't panic. If there was a last resort, they would always blast out a tunnel.
Going down one level after another, I walked through caves one after another. The temperature was still warm like spring and became cold and piercing. Fortunately, the military equipment they wore kept their body temperature, otherwise they would be frozen to death. Going down to the eighteenth cave, a magnificent palace finally appeared in front of it, and the top of the hall was inlaid with pearls of night. Even after three thousand years, it is still dazzling.
"General, the energy response in the palace is very strong, visual inspection has reached the tenth level!" A soldier raised his hands and called an increasingly rapid detector, showing red blood-like.
No matter what is stored in the palace, it must belong to the tenth level of energy. The Interstellar Energy Organization divides minerals into ten levels according to the size of energy storage. The first to third grades are the most common and have the most abundant output, most of which are used for people's livelihood; the fourth to sixth grades are relatively scarce, mainly used in industry; the seventh to eighth grades are extremely rare, the vast majority are used in the military, and a small part is kept as energy reserves; nine Ten and ten are legendary existences, and many people have never seen them in their entire lives.
Of course, there are also a few top-class families that have nine or ten energy mines, but without exception, the output is very low, only for one or two super-powered mechas. The handsome man in front of him is from the Ji family who has been passed down for thousands of years. It is said that his family tree can be traced back to ancient times. But what is certain is that the Ji family has a very rich heritage, even far surpassing the royal family. They do not say much about the nine or ten levels of mineral veins in their hands, but there are also many.
Therefore, when everyone was in a state of excitement, the man was very calm, using an energy gun to sweep the thorns that had withered the entire ground and walked steadily towards the palace.
The gate of the palace was still closed, and a palm print was engraved on it. The man proceeded to enter the inner palace in the same way, and was then calmed down by the golden sight in front of him. The inner hall is made of white marble and gold, and the confluence of each relief is inlaid with a night pearl, which looks bright and dazzling. In modern times, these things are far less valuable than a third-class energy stone, but in ancient times, only those with the highest power could use them. This has been confirmed by several archeologists and exact evidence has been found.
Ancient humans loved metals such as gold, silver, and bronze, and also treasures such as pearls, jade, and agate, but they only belonged to the most powerful group, which is no different from modern society. In other words, this earth palace is likely to belong to an emperor in ancient times.
"We, we seem to have found a lost dynasty! This must be the palace of a great king! You see, that is the totem of the Chinese royal family-the dragon!" Lieutenant General exclaimed, pointing at the wonderful relief on the pillar.
The handsome man took a closer look and walked deeper, then stopped breathing. Around the pillars and screens, two huge crystal coffins were placed side by side in the deepest part of the palace. One was empty, and the other was filled with amber transparent liquid. There seemed to be a corpse floating inside.
Dead body? how is this possible? More than 3,400 years have passed. Even the best anti-corrosion technology has already turned into ashes, not to mention immersion in liquid? The man walked two steps quickly, easily jumped to the five-meter-high altar, and looked into the coffin ...
噗通, 噗通, 噗通, whose heart is beating fiercely? The man covered his left chest, only feeling a buzz in his ears, and his mind was blank. The sight in front of him was obviously beyond his expectation too much, and he suddenly lost his ability to think. Floating in the amber liquid was not a skeletal corpse, but a sleeping teenager. The coffin was not sealed, or even the top cover, but the teenager was intact and vigorous.
He has pink and soft lips like petals, and smooth and jade skin glowing with shimmering light. There are no delicate and eyebrows everywhere, and the appearance is never screened and carved by genetic recombination, but it is better than most. Modern people are better. His slender ten fingers were gently crossed and placed on the abdomen, wearing a light white robe, almost transparent in the soaking of liquid, showing the most private and intimate place. His ankle-like, thick, black hair floated up and down the water waves, more and more like a white jade-like boy.
Even the blooming flowers on the shore in full bloom in the water are less than one-tenth of his glory and beauty.
The man's breathing became heavier and his heartbeat became more and more disordered, and he couldn't help reaching out to touch the teenager's quiet sleeping face, but was interrupted by the subordinate's exclamation, "God! Here is a well-preserved corpse! The coffin is not sealed, but also Without preservative treatment, I do n’t know how ancient humans did it! "
"Oh my God! This is an ancient human? It's so beautiful! It's nothing like the relief on the stone gate! Who is he, the owner of this palace?" Another one climbed up, sighing.
Everyone heard the movements jumping up to the altar, turning around the coffin, their eyes glowing. The drunk man was sober for a moment, and then showed an indignant expression, using his spiritual strength to pull the other flower in the water to slowly drift, covering the most secretive and sexually sensitive part of the teenager. His appearance was too guilty of crime, even if the man was a famous ascetic male of the empire, he could not help but react physiologically.
"Test his breathing and heartbeat." He covered the raised crotch with a military hem, and finally half-knelt on the ground, looking straight inward. His eyes were reluctant to leave the boy for even a second, and even the air bubbles stuck to his thick eyelashes could look and see again and again.
How could such a healthy complexion and such a fresh and beautiful face be a corpse? He must be asleep, and maybe the next moment he opened his eyes, revealing his clear black and white pupils. The man was cranky and his mind floated.
A soldier took out the life detector, scanned it at the coffin, and then shook his head in disappointment. "General, this is indeed a corpse, without breathing and heartbeat." Thinking about it, a stone gate that has been closed for more than 3,000 years, why? Perhaps somehow a living person emerged, still lying in the coffin.
"These liquids store a large amount of energy. According to the instrument's detection, they are at least equal to Grade 10 energy. It is no wonder that the corpse has not decayed after more than 3,000 years." The scouts sucked out a drop of liquid with the instrument to detect, and finally showed an uneasy expression. The deep wisdom of ancient humans, and the luck of the sky, can even find the tenth grade energy liquid. The king must have been a remarkable figure in his day, otherwise he would never build such a magnificent and mysterious palace to house his body.
"Ancient humans must divide their rights according to their looks. You see, the characters on this wall are uglier than the corpses in the coffin, which is fundamentally different from heaven and earth!" A soldier lay seriously on the wall behind the coffin. the study.
The man was so disappointed that he held out his breath for a long time and suddenly spit it out, causing his chest to hurt. How can a teenager be a corpse? He didn't want to believe it, but he had to believe it, holding the life detector to check it again and again, and finally he was dead.
"General, there are palm prints on this wall, there should be a palace room, come and see!"
"Yes, it is indeed a dark room, and the energy fluctuations in it are not small, at least above eight." The scout shouted in surprise.
The man knelt beside the coffin and stared at the boy as if he hadn't heard anything. When his subordinate jumped up and shook his shoulders, he closed his eyes and walked silently towards the stone wall. These walls are weird and can only be opened by inputting his mental power, but because he is of SSS-class physique and mental power, it is not surprising that he can open ancient ruins.
Ancient things often contain powerful and mysterious powers that cannot be obtained by those who are not strong. Perhaps this is the "fate" of the old saying, and others cannot envy them.
The stone wall slowly opened under his mental urging, exposing the room full of gold and silver jewelry. The crowd slowed over by covering their faces with their hands, otherwise they would be blinded by the colorful lights. However, in the past thousands of years, the human pursuit of wealth has changed greatly. Energy has become the most important thing. Jewelry made of high-grade energy stones is considered a luxury product. These are just worthless decorations on the outside.
Everyone repeatedly searched with the detector, and finally pulled out a small box from the bottom. Judging by the rapid sound and crimson color, it should be a very high-grade energy stone. But after opening it, there are many yellow papers filled with vermilion text, and there are blank paper pads underneath, and a few cans of insect specimens, a few inky spar, several wood carving dolls, and a dagger .
Men are not allowed to touch the boxes without their subordinates, there is no doubt that this is a relic belonging to the juvenile. He said apologet silently in his heart, and then took out the things and counted them. The scouts scanned them with a detector one by one, horrified, "General, these things contain a huge amount of energy. These written notes have an energy level of eight, those that have not written are five, and the worm specimens have three levels. From grade eight, woodcarving dolls are grade seven, daggers are grade seven, and these black spar are grades nine to ten! "
With the exception of unidentified types of ruby, the rest are the most common objects, but they contain more energy than energy ore, which is unheard of. But thinking of the mysteries of ancient humans, they quickly let go. As long as you bring things back to study, sooner or later one day will be able to crack the secrets of the ancients.
In fact, they have missed the most huge energy, that is, the teenager sleeping in the crystal coffin, because he was covered by the amber liquid, so he easily blinded him. But the man obviously didn't plan to take anything away. He put them back into the box as they were, and said in a deep voice, "These are antiquities. We can't use them to power the spaceship. The king's palace belongs to them."
Several soldiers were ashamed of the general's righteousness, and they walked outside painfully, and saw him pointing at the crystal coffin, categorically saying, "Take him away!"
Soldier, "..." said the palace of the good king belongs? 2k novel reading network
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