Vol 12 Chapter 98: Hyperspace search

The Glorious Empire could not find Chen Bing, but those who looked for Chen Bing did not give up.
Thinking of Wangyuan City bordering the Orc Empire and the Babylonian Empire, Chen Bing had previously escaped from Wangyuan City and disappeared for a while, and there are many possibilities to have been to those two empires.
Players in the two empires, especially those on the border, are also looking for Chen Bing.
This is of course not that these players are idle and doing nothing, don't stop until Chen Bing is found.
In fact, after Chen Bing disappeared, in major game forums, there were already people offering high-priced rewards for Chen Bing’s position. Provided and helped to find Chen Bing, you can get a 500,000 bounty. If you can find the location of Chen Bing’s home, there will be a bounty. three million!
This is real gold and silver. Players in the game naturally don't mind when killing monsters and leveling up, by the way, find out if Chen Bing can be found.
But in the Orc Empire and the Babylon Empire, no one could find Chen Bing.
Someone found an Eastern player who looked very similar to Chen Bing in the Babylonian Empire, but this person was quickly ruled out.
The reason is very simple. When Chen Bing was fighting those super players, this person was slaughtering in the orc empire. There are many people who have been killed by him.
Moreover, the pets and mounts this person brought were also very different from Chen Bing's. They were a frost dragon and an ice phoenix, with a very powerful little loli nearby.
More importantly, the skills he used were not a bit similar to Chen Bing, and his favorite was self-detonation.
Although it looks a bit similar, there is no other similarity.
Other players just heard the news. Although the guy who blew up and killed was already a little famous, he didn't continue to pay attention to it after confirming that he was not the same person.
Isn't it troublesome to find someone who likes to blew up?
However, one person, after hearing the news, couldn't help but feel indignant, and then it took a full week to find the past.
This person is naturally Graham.
Hearing the Frost Dragon and the Ice Phoenix, Graham knew that the man was the new owner of the Frost Dragon and the Ice Phoenix.
Although the Frost Dragon and the Ice Phoenix broke off the contract and ran away, Graham still had such a fluke in his heart, thinking that they could not find a suitable new master, and came back to him again.
This new owner who suddenly appeared disillusioned Graham, but when he learned that he was very similar to Chen Bing, Graham couldn't bear it even more.
His frost dragon and ice phoenix ran away because of Chen Bing!
He can't beat Chen Bing, but he can't beat you as a fake?
Besides, if he kills this new owner, the Frost Dragon and Ice Phoenix will realize that their new owner is actually even more useless, and maybe they will return to his embrace and renew the contract.
Counting the hatred of Chen Bing on this person, Graham can be said to be new and old hatred. He was motivated to find the counterfeit, and wanted to give him a bit of color. At the same time, he also let the frost dragon and ice phoenix recognize him. They were wrong.
It's not that he is weak, it's just that Chen Bing was too abnormal before.
In the game, find someone who wants to be better than him, how is that possible!
However, before heading, Graham still made enough preparations to change all the equipment he could change to the best, and also bought various magic scrolls and healing and strengthening potions to make sure nothing went wrong.
It took nearly a week, and Graham found the man ambitiously, and he rushed forward aggressively.
But before he had time to say anything majestic, he was bombarded with scum.
Nearly a week after Chen Bing disappeared, some players finally found him in the game.
Chen Bing appeared in the Mechanical Empire.
How could it be a mechanical empire?
Many players who heard the news didn't understand it.
I thought that the mechanical empire would traverse the Babylonian Empire, especially the place where Chen Bing appeared, was at the far end of the Babylonian Empire. Basically, it had to be traversed through the Babylonian Empire before crossing the Mechanical Empire to reach.
In other words, within a week, Chen Bing passed through the Sith Empire, then over the Babylon Empire, and then almost through the Mechanical Empire.
Normal movement is certainly impossible. Chen Bing also moved his home, which is mostly on the side of the Mechanical Empire.
The only explanation is that Chen Bing has obtained some kind of ultra-rare magic scroll that can be teleported randomly. It is very rare for random teleportation scrolls that span so many areas.
Regardless of the reason, since the trail of Chen Bing has been found in the Mechanical Empire, the number of players looking for Chen Bing in the Mechanical Empire has skyrocketed.
Finding Chen Bing's homeland can earn a bounty of three million, and 99% of players cannot refuse this huge sum of money.
But after Chen Bing appeared once, he disappeared. The players in the mechanical empire found all the places they could find, but they could not find the location of Chen Bing's home.
People all over the world can't find him, so where did Chen Bing go?
He went to a new game world!
That's right, when he became a public enemy of almost all people and players all over the world were looking for him, Chen Bing didn't stay in the homeland war game to kill monsters and level up, but teleported to a new game world.
This is certainly not because Chen Bing is idle and doing nothing, or that the game world is more attractive than Homeland War.
After Jin Yaoxing was destroyed and the homeland war state was lifted, Chen Bing used the random teleporting ability of the quantum ultra-dimensional space teleportation array to randomly teleport to a certain area of ​​the game.
He was lucky. After the teleportation, he found that the surrounding monsters were level 55 or higher, and Chen Bing immediately moved the two homeland territories in succession.
After the completion of the relocation of their homes, the communication between Angela, Tina, and Joey has long since ended.
What Tina and Joey can't say is not restricted by Angela.
Chen Bing finally knew the identity of the three.
The three of them are planetary consciousness bodies.
However, it is a bit different from the Nim encountered in the tree world, the three of them are not as strong as Nim.
To explain in the words of Tina and Joey, they are failures. Although they are also planetary consciousness bodies, their abilities are very weak, far incomparable with Nim.
Tina and Joey are still very young, and their abilities still have room for growth, but even if they fully grow, they will be better than Angela at best.
Angela has no room for growth. Her ability can only control a city, not a huge city.
And they, including Nim, whom Chen Bing has encountered, and Nia who will encounter in the future urban game, are all from the same place~EbookFREE.me~ They are not the consciousness of natural star birth, but man-made Create and cultivate planetary consciousness bodies, so there is a huge gap in ability.
At just this time, the materials for the second stage of the quantum ultra-dimensional space teleportation array had been received. Chen Bing immediately chose to upgrade the quantum ultra-dimensional space teleportation array after listening to Angela's words.
With Tina and Joey there, Angela moved into Chen Bing's home without accident.
Angela is no better than Tina and Joey. She just read a lot of books. She has a lot of practical materials in her mind, including a lot of architectural design drawings, many of which exist for war.
But if you want Angela to make these things, normal methods will not work. Chen Bing needs to equip Angela with mechanical workers who accept her orders and let her personally control it.
Mechanical workers can be obtained from the Mechanical Empire. When Chen Bing killed the cottage robbers before, he obtained a Mander's mercenary chip. Chen Bing decided to go to the Mechanical Empire and took the rewards. At the same time, he found a mechanical worker for Angela. .
The area that Chen Bing transmitted was in the depths of an unmanned forest three days away from the Mechanical Empire. After spending three days in the Mechanical Empire, when Chen Bing returned home, the second stage of the quantum ultra-dimensional space teleportation array had been upgraded.
After the upgrade, the quantum ultra-dimensional space teleportation array, in addition to the ability of random teleportation, has added a new "hyperspace search" ability.
With hyperspace search capabilities, Chen Bing only needs to provide a prop, and hyperspace search can vaguely search for games related to the props. If the game is open, Chen Bing can directly teleport and enter through the quantum hyperspace teleportation array.
Very powerful ability, but every time it is used, it has a cooling time of up to 15 days.
Chen Bing took out the "Star Compass" that Nim gave him, and through hyperspace search, he found two game worlds.
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