Chapter 9: Little princess dog

In the end, they still did not buy dried sweet potatoes.
On this sneak out, He Yu spotted the timing, location, and transportation, but he forgot to remind Jiang Mingzhen to bring money.
They arrived at the vegetable market with all their hardships and came back empty-handed.
However, Miss Jiang missed the symptoms of dried sweet potatoes, which was relieved because of their trip this time.
She no longer sighed.
The two children also ushered in the start of preschool smoothly.
Jiang Mingzhen worried that her annoying things had not happened at all. On the contrary, she was very popular in preschool.
Everyone in the class knows that as long as you play well with Jiang Mingzhen, you will have delicious food and fun.
Jiang Mingzhen has the most toys. The toys she brought to school don't need to be taken home again, she will give them to him whoever pleases her eyes.
Jiang Mingzhen’s mother brings some food and drinks to their preschool every Friday.
I said that my daughter gave me food, but she always buys more. That "buy more" portion is enough for the teachers and classmates in the class, and there is plenty of money.
Every Friday, Jiang Mingzhen is the little princess in the class.
The tempting food was neatly placed on her desk, and she began to separate them in the eyes of the children.
The person who played best with her was the first to be named by Jiang Mingzhen, and the one who got the most.
"Live taro, take as much as you want." Jiang Mingzhen called the first one, and he was the first one without exception.
Everyone knows that the relationship between He Yu and Jiang Mingzhen is extraordinary.
Two people go to school and leave school together, sit at the same table, and always stay together when playing games between classes.
As for the reason, it was also spread among the children: He Yu's mother was Jiang Mingzhen's nanny. Every week, Jiang Mingzhen’s mother brought things that the nanny carried.
"He Yu is a servant of Jiang Mingzhen's family" This is pretty good.
Even worse, some people say, "He Yu is a dog raised by Jiang Mingzhen."
There are a few children in the class next door who know Jiang Mingzhen. When He Yu first visited Jiang Mingzhen's house, she asked them to go to her house. They were all impressed with He Yu that day.
They found He Yu when Jiang Mingzhen was away.
"Why are you playing so well with Jiang Mingzhen now?" They were curious.
"Did you tell them that you really became her dog?"
He Yu couldn't answer.
He grew to six years old and seemed to be more silent than other six-year-olds.
Compared to Jiang Mingzhen, who surrounded many partners, He Yu did not make a new friend.
The children in the class followed Jiang Mingzhen and called him "Live Taro". Everyone knows that he is from the country, and it is funny and fun to learn his accent.
When He Yu tried to resist the person who made the jokes: "Can you not talk like me?"
The joking man stuck his tongue out and continued to learn: "Can you not ask me for it!"
At this time, Jiang Mingzhen was laughing with everyone, the imitator imitated too much and amused her.
She had no way of knowing that deep down He Yu would feel inferior about being accented by a joke, after all, he had never told her. When everyone laughs at him, he always looks calm.
Jiang Mingzhen is super happy to be in preschool with He Yu.
She felt that she and He Yu had a great time here every day.
During class, he sat in a position, holding his box of watercolor pen paintings whose surface patterns were about to be erased, and when she saw him, he got up.
"Live taro, stop painting, go kick the shuttlecock with me."
As a result, the shuttlecock team, which was all girls, joined a He Yu.
Not long after Jiang Mingzhen learned to kick the shuttlecock, he kicked the shuttlecock and the shuttlecock fell to the ground.
After bending over to pick it up a few times, she was exhausted almost.
Accidentally kicked farther, she asked He Yu who was standing next to him for help: "Will you help me pick up the shuttlecock?"
He went to pick it up without saying anything.
He Yu is really convenient to use, Jiang Mingzhen unconsciously began to rely on him, and called him to pick it up after playing far.
Gradually, other girls learn from Jiang Mingzhen and ask He Yu to help pick up the shuttlecock.
This activity develops later, the girls kicking shuttlecocks are inevitably called He Yu... He specializes in picking up shuttlecocks.
Isn't He Yu just Jiang Mingzhen's dog? Even if someone else said it, he couldn't think of a rebuttal.
The dog will pick up the ball for the owner, and he will pick up the shuttlecock. He Yu, who obeys Jiang Mingzhen's words, is much more obedient than the dog.
Because of his status as the nanny son, in the eyes of everyone, including Aunt Fan, the head of the Jiang family, Jiang Mingzhen, and even He Yu himself, he naturally puts her inferior.
This identity has been enlarged even more on campus with more people. Join this contempt circle, there are classmates and teachers in school.
It has slowly grown to the point where he feels deeply uncomfortable, and He Yu felt that something went wrong.
"Where did Jiang Mingzhen go? Why didn't you watch her? Call her back to class." The teacher said to him.
After being called a puppy, He Yu's silent treatment made his joking classmates intensify to give him a new nickname, called "Tugou".
When Jiang Mingzhen heard it, they asked why. They said that because He Yu was the dog of Jiang Mingzhen from the country.
"Do you also think he is like a puppy!" She said, "I already felt like it! His eyes are round like a puppy, and he is always good!"
He Yu liked to play with Jiang Mingzhen, but he became a shadow behind Jiang Mingzhen step by step, losing his name and color.
After the death of his father, in order not to be a burden to his mother, He Yu worked hard to be obedient and not to cause trouble. If he is a naturally submissive character, perhaps he can live with Jiang Mingzhen peacefully, but he is not.
He Yu's Yu Zuo was ignited by an incident on Saturday afternoon.
The school teacher left homework for the children to go home and paint. The theme of the painting was "my friend".
Jiang Mingzhen was about to paint this picture on He Yu's face. When he went to the nanny room to look for him, he found that he and Aunt Fan were out shopping together.
The box of watercolor pens that he usually stays with was on the sewing machine's table, and she happened to see it.
Thinking of painting, her watercolor pen was in the school bag on the second floor. Jiang Mingzhen was too lazy to run upstairs to get it, so he took He Yu's watercolor pen for use.
He Yu came back and saw Jiang Mingzhen who was painting.
While watching TV in the living room, she painted on the paper as she wanted, and laughed happily to the sound of the TV.
There are a lot of scrap paper, crumpled up and thrown on the ground.
Several watercolor pens were used out of water and were thrown around the paper.
"Why do you use my watercolor pen?"
He Yu saw those pens from a distance, rushed over, and directly snatched them from her hand.
Her hand was sore by him!
"What are you doing?" Jiang Mingzhen rubbed her hands and glared at him: "Can't I borrow yours?"
"No way."
Jiang Mingzhen had never heard He Yu speak in such a loud volume.
He put the watercolor pens on the lid and restored them to the box one by one without looking at her at all.
"Huh, live taro stingy!" Jiang Mingzhen has never been treated with such an attitude by He Yu before, and the young lady who has been silent for a long time suddenly came up with a temper: "Your watercolor pen is so hard to use, you can't draw water after a lot of painting I don’t like to use it yet.

"It was broken by you."
He Yu picked up the watercolor pen on the ground and tried to draw a line in his palm.
"There is no water..."
He kept drawing and painting like a stupid person, and the pen could no longer paint.
Jiang Mingzhen looked at his drooping head, and tears rolled from his eyes.
He actually cried.
At first, Jiang Mingzhen was so angry that he was about to lift the table. Seeing him like this, she suddenly felt guilty.
As for? He Yu was woken up countless times by her from his dreams, and sometimes he was beaten so hard that he would not cry. When she was scolded severely by her, when she was robbed of something, wouldn't it be more serious than using his watercolor pen? He didn't even cry.
"If there is no water, there is no water, I will pay you." Jiang Mingzhen said magnanimously.
Since he was crying, she stopped getting angry and didn't care about him this time.
"I have a lot of your watercolor pens. I have 24 colors, 48 ​​colors, and 72 colors. If you think it is not enough, I can ask my parents to buy ten boxes to compensate you."
He Yu was still crying.
"Did you hear that!" She shouted at him, "Don't cry, please!"
The boy blushed from crying, and his mouth was pumping vigorously, as if he couldn't breathe well.
Jiang Mingzhen was also cried by him.
She cried no quieter than his, she cried hysterically.
The adults noticed the movement in the living room and hurried downstairs to see what happened.
Both children were crying and couldn't communicate at all.
Aunt Fan came to take a closer look at the styles of the watercolor pens, and her heart was broken.
"He Yu's father gave him the watercolor pen."
Listening to her son's cry, she also felt pain in her heart: "It was used by the young lady, and it seemed to be worn out."
Jiang Yuan and Xu Meiyin knew nothing about Aunt Fan's house, and immediately turned around to scold Jiang Mingzhen.
"How can you misuse other people's things?"
"Isn't it... the broken watercolor pen!"
Jiang Mingzhen lay on the ground, rubbing his eyes, kicking his legs, crying out of breath: "You are also fierce to me!"
She doesn't understand, she is wronged, she doesn't know anything about He Yu's father.
The adults sighed, not knowing where to start with her.
Had to apologize to He Yu first.
"He Yu, can uncle and aunt buy you watercolor pens? What do you want? Uncles and aunts buy it, there are so many. Don't cry, can you forgive Jiang Mingzhen? She..."
That is the most vicious sentence He Yu has ever heard.
"She, she who doesn't know is not guilty."
At the age of six, he still couldn't fully understand this sentence, he only understood the meaning.
Because Jiang Mingzhen didn't know, all the wrong things she did were deemed to have been done, and he wanted to forgive him.
However, his watercolor pen is broken, it is so broken, how can there be such a reason in the world?
The most expensive, best, and most colorful watercolor pens in the world, together, can't be worth what his father bought him.
"I don't want your watercolor pen!" The boy's voice was dumb, like a small animal with upright fur, revealing the sharpness of his body.
When Jiang Mingzhen was so tired from crying and his howling turned into sobbing, he was still crying.
The surrounding voices disappeared in his ears, and He Yu was immersed in endless sadness.
I lost my father when I was young, went to a new place, lived under the fence, and had endless nightmares... The depressed mood was cut by a broken watercolor pen. He couldn't stop, everything that felt heavy this year overwhelmed him.
"Ayu, don't cry." Aunt Fan held He Yu's shoulder and wiped his tears.
Even if he usually praised him a thousand words, "You are so good", the Jiang family is not a place to let him lose his temper, and he can't cry anymore.
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