Chapter 1012: Medusa 1

Chapter 1012 Medusa 1
Dark cave, cold and wet.
There are dense stalactites on the top of the head, stepping into the puddles from time to time, the air exudes a cool breath, and the dark vision makes it difficult to travel.
Among the 25 people, some people brought lighting tools, flashlights and emergency lights to sweep around, while illuminating the road, it was also easy to dazzle people.
Occasionally, a person-like stone was photographed, and after a shock, there was another round of joking and laughter, which eased the tension.
Many people are courageous.
Shen Mo glanced coldly at them, and kept moving forward.
After entering the game, he found himself and the 25 subjects in the cave. Two messages clearly appeared in his mind:
[Task: Retrieve the king's sword. 】
[Rule: can't shark people. 】
Because of the restrictions of the rules, there was no conflict between the two sides for the time being, everyone coexisted peacefully, looking for the king's sword in the cave.
This place is very difficult to walk because of the stalactites everywhere, like long teeth on the ground, nowhere to put your feet up.
But there is always only one way forward, which is deep inside the cave.
After walking for five or six minutes, I came to a very open place vaguely. The light of the flashlight turned forward and dimly dispersed. Except for the stacked stalactites, they could not see the way ahead, as if they were in a big monster Belly.
A group of people were taking photos from up, down, left, and right. At this time, the woman's voice came in front:
"Is everyone here? 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Ah, there are many people coming this time, there are 26."
The voice was very soft, with a little careless charm, and because of the cave, there was a slight echo.
If it is placed elsewhere, men may wonder what kind of beauty the speaker should be.
But in such a dark cave ...
I just feel horrified.
"Who is talking?" Someone panicked, "Photo, flashlight, quick, photo ..."
"Can't take photos ..."
"It's all stone!"
The woman seemed to have just woken up, and the lazy voice sounded again: "Okay, okay ... just stop there and find a good place to start the game."
It's time to start the game, but they don't even know what the opponent looks like.
Shen Mo frowned, looking at the direction of the sound, thinking for a moment, took a firefly specimen from the bag, rubbed his fingertips, and then threw it into the air. The faint light of fireflies slowly illuminated the entire space--
Darkness is not good for those 25 people, it is also bad for him, he cannot play games against him.
Although the light of fireflies is not as bright as day, it is indeed visible to everyone. At the end of this cave, among the endless stalactites, there is a gray-brown rock.
On the rock, there is a woman.
She grows on the stone!
There is nothing on the greasy upper body, and the long hair of the group of snakes dancing around the body. If you ignore the dense snakes, her face is charming all living beings, and it is extremely beautiful.
Everyone was in place, looking at the woman nervously, not daring to move.
According to legend, there is a snake-haired banshee called Medusa.
Legend has it that anyone who looked at her would become a stone.
Subconsciously, the men looked around the stalactites ...
I thought those stalactite-like humanoids were a coincidence, but now ...
In the silent cave, it became more and more silent.
They have no way out.
The banshee growing on the stone said slowly: "Let's get to the topic, the rules of the game are very simple, there are some swords on the ground, you can pick them up, if anyone can stabb me to death, whose sword will become king Sword— "
The voice paused, it smiled, and then said: "Of course, if it is seen by my other eyes when attacking, it will become a stone."
(End of this chapter)
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