Chapter 1240: Fan Eel 76

Chapter 1240 Evil 76
Su Man's mood was like falling into the Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon.
She felt she was too unlucky!
too! inverted! mold! Now!
Seeing uneven roads draws a knife to help, does not expect to win a pennant, but faces blame and punishment! She has already put her strength down!
She hasn't fought yet! Did not fight! Did not fight! ! ! He fell down by himself!
Now I can only hope that the surveillance camera has captured it.
But... there were just a few trees nearby, and if it was just blocked, then she... then she would be unlucky to get home.
Su Man's depression and annoyance doubled again after Su Ma and Li Li and their family arrived!
Su Ma rushed up as soon as she saw her, both angry and distressed, and reprimanded: "How many times have you been said, don't be impulsive? Don't be impulsive! When you went to school, you fought, why did you graduate now and fight? If you knew how you are now No matter what you did when you were a kid, I wouldn’t allow you to learn martial arts fighting! What’s the use of girls’ family learning? What’s the use? Isn’t it good to issue a ticket? You have to cause trouble! If the other party has some shortcomings, what do you say?! What do you say! What do you say!..."
Su Man lowered his head and kept silent.
It's uncomfortable.
This matter can be big or small. If someone who is interested intentionally makes a fuss, it will become the second-generation official's arrogance and hurt people. Not only will she be punished, but even her father may be questioned.
Resting in ancient times, she was the sinner who stained the lintel.
Li Li’s mother pulled Su mother aside to comfort: "If you have something to say, say it, don't worry..."
Su Ma said sadly: "How can I not be in a hurry, she is so big, and doing things is not so light and heavy!"
Li Li’s dad stepped forward and asked Su Man: "What is the situation now? What did the doctor say?"
Su Man replied dumbly: "The doctor said that it is temporarily unclear why he was in a coma, and further examination is needed. Now go to the specialist in brain surgery."
Li Li’s father looked at the young woman who was looking down and sobbing, and said to Su Man:
Don’t worry, wait until the test results come out and think about how to deal with it. Don’t tell your father about this matter. He is still in the hospital. We Don't worry him first."
"Well, thank you uncle." Su Man nodded, and the whole person looked very frustrated.
The injury was uncertain, and the corresponding treatment plan could not be determined. The Lis and his wife did not want to put pressure on Su Man, so they gathered around Su Ma and continued to comfort and persuade.
Li Li only got close to Su Man and was a little gloating. He whispered, "Is this dumbfounded? I used to say that you are stupid, and you still don't believe it. Did you think about the consequences when you shot?"
Su Man still lowered his head and said nothing.
This is rare, Su Man is a hot temper, before she changed it, she will definitely choke back, now she is not squeaking, it is really sad to do it.
When Li Li saw her like this, she was a bit soft, and her speech was not as poisonous as usual.
"Okay, don't be like a quail, don't worry, don't worry about anything, your parents will help you smooth it out." Li Li said in a relaxed tone, "Besides, my parents are there, they Both of you will grow up watching you, and you will definitely not die."
This time Su Man finally responded.
She pursed her lips slightly, her frowning slightly loosened, and then wrinkled more tightly.
Li Li asked her, "Aren't you? You're scared by such a small incident?"
Su Man really didn't want to talk to him, her mood was bad enough.
In front of the corridor, a man came running, wearing business elite shirts and trousers, with a quick look, it was Lu Yuwen.
Su Man's eyes turned red when he saw him.
(End of this chapter)
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