Chapter 1309: Fan Fu Zhi 34

Chapter 1309 Du Fu of the Outside World 34
"Du Lai."
Fu Miaoxue suddenly called him softly.
"Are you asleep?"
Du Lai was stunned and turned over, "What's wrong?"
Fu Miaoxue also turned around and faced him.
"Tomorrow, if the rescue still doesn't come..." She pursed her lips and asked in a small voice, "What shall we do?"
Du Lai was silent for a while, and said: "Let's find water first. Today we have used the accumulated rainwater almost. The vegetation on this island is dense and there must be freshwater resources. Tomorrow we will go deeper."
Fu Miaoxue asked again: "After finding the water?"
"Look for food." Du Lai thought, "The food is still not enough. We can't eat clams and crabs every day. It's best to catch fish and shrimp. Also find if there are some fruits or alternative carbohydrates on the island. Beans."
"But we don't have fishing rods or fishing can we catch fish and shrimp?" Fu Miaoxue sighed and touched her stomach. "I don't feel full tonight. Those clams and crabs are too thin and too small. "
Du Lai said funny, said: "You eat more than me."
"You can't waste it. You are sick and you can't eat more." She whispered, aiming at Du Lai, "Are you better? Have you got a fever?"
Du Lai raised his hand and touched his forehead. The temperature had dropped a lot. After sleeping tonight, he should be healed tomorrow.
"Sleep." He rolled over. "You also go to bed earlier to keep your feet up so you don't get sick."
"But I can't sleep." She sighed again. "The ground is so cold and hard, and I don't brush my teeth at night. I'm not used to it..."
Du Lai closed his eyes and said, "Tomorrow I will find some leaves for you to clean your teeth, go to sleep."
"Can leaves clean teeth?"
"Well, the leaves of many plants have a cleaning effect. When I was looking for fruit, I saw a few wild guava trees. The guapa tree leaves can clean the teeth and prevent bad breath."
"Is the result? Can you eat it?"
"It's done. It's not ready to eat when it's mature."
"Du Lai, you know a lot..."
"Du Lai, thank you for meeting you, otherwise I don't know what to do..."
"Du Lai, I will let my grandpa reward you well. Don't believe it, I will definitely give you a billion."
"...Du Lai?"
"Du Lai?"
Du Lai, has fallen asleep.
Fu Miaoxue looked at his back, and after a while, closed his eyes.
The next day was a sunny day.
Fu Miaoxue opened his eyes and did not see Du Lai.
She climbed out of the cave and found that he was packing up the campfire.
After a night of burning, the bonfire had become very small. He took the thin branches, pulled out the black ash inside, and added new branches and dead grass to it, repeating yesterday's steps.
Du Lai heard the footsteps behind him and said without looking back: "After finding the water source, we must find a way to burn some charcoal, relying on these branches every day, and we must get up and add firewood in the middle of the night, otherwise it will be easily extinguished."
"Are you still burning charcoal?" Fu Miaoxue's eyes widened in surprise.
Du looked back at her and shook his head. "I know the principle of production, but I haven't tried it."
The bonfire was on again.
Du Lai stood up and said, "I don't know how far I can find the water source. You follow me but move slowly. Let's move separately. You go to the beach to find food. I'll find the water source."
Just to dig clams on the beach, Du Lai felt that this kind of difficulty, Fu Miaoxue should be competent.
Fu Miaoxue promised: "Okay, I'm going to find food. When I looked for a place to use the toilet last time, I saw a small cave with lots of sea water in it, maybe I could catch the big guy."
Du Lai nodded: "Pay attention to safety and don't go to places where the water is too deep."
Fu Miaoxue was suddenly happy and asked, "Do you like me so much about me?"
(End of this chapter)
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