Chapter 251: Music sound

Chapter 251 Music Sound
Su Man was dissatisfied. "Maybe we still have to go out in the end? What should we do?"
"What's the matter? Otherwise ... my puzzle for you?"
Bai Youwei drew out the puzzle from the bag, stretched out his hands in front of them, and lay three similar puzzles in his palm.
The silver-grey metal texture reflects the blazing fire of the fireplace, shining brightly.
One piece was her own, one piece was Shen Mo, and another piece was robbed from Old Man Zhao.
Su Man, Yan Qingwen and Li Li were all stunned.
Especially Su Man.
She just said so casually just now that she didn't think about Bai Youwei's puzzle.
Preparing to refuse, Bai Youwei suddenly withdrew her hand and put the puzzle back in her bag.
"It's impossible for you," Bai Youwei said coolly. "I didn't charge you to go through the game last time."
Su Man: "..."
Li Li: "..."
Yan Qingwen couldn't help laughing: "You are so sure you can pass the customs? You should know that the purpose of the gold coin given by the inspector is not simple, and the difficulty of this game is not ordinary."
Bai Youwei hooked her lips and squinted at the flaming flames in the fireplace. "Yeah, can it pass the customs ..."
Unconsciously began to look forward to ...
It's too easy to make her tasteless,
Life and death can make her feel the value of being alive.
and so……
She is very, looking forward to it.
Talk in the middle of the night until 12 in the morning.
After that, everyone returned to the room to rest.
Bai Youwei fell asleep by the fireplace.
In the middle of the night, Shen Moshou simply stayed with her in the living room and waited until three o'clock in the night. When it was time to change his guard, Bai Youwei's hair also dried up. Shen Mo took her to rest upstairs.
Bai Youwei mumbled a dream, and fell asleep in his arms again.
This night, Shen Mo only slept for two or three hours, but slept abnormally. The house seemed to have some magic power, which allowed people to put down all guards and guards, and feel peaceful and quiet until dawn.
In the early morning of the following day, Shen Mo's first feeling after opening his eyes was astonishment. He slept so deeply in a strange environment, which was really strange.
Then the second thought was that the rain stopped.
The windows are blue and clear, there are no clouds in the sky, bright sunshine spreads in, and the dim wooden floor is coated with a layer of gold, the wood grain is like ripples.
Bai Youwei pillowed his arms, her hair glowed with sunlight, even the fine fluff on her skin was visible, pink and soft, and her eyes were pale, without the ridicule and ordinary Arrogant, only childish.
She lay on his side with her small hand on his chest and fell asleep.
Shen Mo looked at her for a while, and somehow remembered what she said yesterday.
Will you secretly ... kiss me while I was asleep?
Yesterday, I just felt that her brain circuit was incredible.
When I think about it now, my breathing becomes gentle without realizing it.
He glanced at the good morning light outside the window and glanced at the quiet room again, his eyes drooping and falling back on her face.
The heartbeat is clear and audible.
He bowed his head slightly, and the tip of his nose touched the broken hair between his foreheads.
Her eyelashes were trembling, and she slowly opened her eyes, her light brown eyes, with the illusion that she would not wake up, as if she would close her eyes again in a second.
Shen Mo waited quietly for a moment, watching the clear eyes gradually sober.
He exhaled gently, reached over a hand, and put a sticker on her forehead. Has no fever.
Bai Youwei murmured and asked, "Have you heard ... it seems to have music?"
The sound of music?
Shen Mo frowned.
I didn't think it was just now, but now, it seems that he really heard ...
The faint music sound is very weak, almost inaudible, ding jingle ... like, music box.
(End of this chapter)
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