Chapter 346: is fake

Chapter 346 is fake
"It's fake." Zhu Shu said, "This is her cry before death, I can hear it, it's exactly the same."
However, this explanation did not relieve Cheng Qian's panic. On the contrary, she became more and more afraid!
"Why ... why should we hear this voice?" Cheng Qian shuddered with tears in her eyes, "I don't want to listen ... I don't want to hear this voice ..."
Silent Yu Yaqing couldn't help but punch the wall with a punch!
With a loud bang, there was bleeding in the fingers!
"Damn!" She bit her lip, cursing in a low voice, "Damn the game! I won't lose! I won't let these monsters succeed !!!"
She rushed angrily to the stairs and shouted: "Hu Ya! Come here! We will find the third floor again!"
The fear in Hu Ya's heart had not completely subsided, and he heard Yu Yaqing's voice, biting his lip, and followed with a scalp.
Su Man thought about it and said to Bai Youwei and Zhu Shu: "You go back to the room first, and I will go to the third floor to see it."
Bai Youwei is too strenuous to go upstairs, Zhu Shu is not sensitive enough, she may not be able to help when she goes, but may become a burden.
The two nodded and told Su Man to be careful.
Aside, Cheng Qian panicked and asked them, "What about me? What should I do?"
"You?" Su Man raised his eyebrows. "Stay back to your own room."
"Don't!" Cheng Qian cried, "Don't leave me alone! I beg you, let me be with you! I beg you!"
She wept bitterly and almost knelt down for Zhu Shu and Bai Youwei.
If you look like this, even if you reject her, you will definitely be stalking them.
Bai Youwei said annoyingly: "If you want to follow me, just shut up. If you dare to make any sound, believe it or not, I will throw you out!"
Cheng Qian nodded again and again, covering her mouth with her hands, only tears rolled silently.
The three went back to the room together.
Zhao Lanfen's screams came again.
Cheng Qian shivered in horror, and dare not speak after Bai Youwei and Zhu Shu.
All night, the screaming never stopped.
This manor seemed to be full of malice, and whenever they were about to enter their dreamland, they released the screams of Zhao Lanfen before he died, making them panic-stricken! Tension! Tired again!
Finally until the morning, the sun came out, and the sound finally stopped.
Everyone has red eyes.
The Ombudsman, who disappeared all night, also appeared.
It brought breakfast to everyone.
Compared to the sumptuous lunch of yesterday, the breakfast here looks much shabby, with only a glass of milk and a piece of dry bread.
Bai Youwei had no appetite, didn't touch the bread, only drank the milk, and then went back to her room and fell asleep.
Yu Yaqing saw that she was heartless and a little unhappy, and she asked with a dark face: "Are you sure you can sleep at this time ?!"
"Why can't you sleep?" Bai Youwei looked at her with a blank expression. "Lack of sleep will affect my brain thinking. Not only do I have to sleep, but I suggest you sleep better, unless you think you are energetic enough tonight Can also fight against that monster
fight to the end-IMHO, I think you are dying. "
Yu Yaqing was angry: "You! ..."
"Team leader ... let's rest." Hu Ya couldn't help persuading, "Without clues, it's hard to continue to find results ..."
After a restless night and no food for a long time, they did not have enough physical strength to conduct another large-scale search in this manor.
Su Man looked at the two of them and said, "Relax, as long as three or four hours is enough."
Yu Yaqing bit his lower lip for a long time, his expression finally loosened.
She nodded.
All morning, they were all resting.
The manor was quiet.
Then at noon, the inspector rang the meal bell—
Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell ...
It's so cool ~ I really squeezed into the top three after asking for votes! Hahahaha there is one more time later, and then tomorrow will be added, haha ​​must be added!
I continue to ask for monthly tickets, let us keep this beautiful place together! Love you guys!
(End of this chapter)
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