Chapter 387: Su Man's hand

Chapter 387 Su Man's Hand
Su Man's form is rare.
Contrary to Bai Youwei's form, under each question, she only wrote a few words.
For example, the problem of the game scene, Bai Youwei very specifically described the internal and external structure of the manor. Zhu Shu and Yu Yaqing also more or less mentioned the stone wall that can be flipped on the third floor and the hidden passage in the basement.
But Su Man only wrote four words: "Manor, very big."
Su Man is straightforward and should not deliberately hide information.
Bai Youwei thought about it for a moment, and understood the reason.
Su Man ’s right hand, writing seems difficult.
Her right hand was bitten off by a guest in the doll house. Although the mud was used immediately at the time, the fine movements became much weaker after the wound healed. Not only in writing, but also in daily life, picking vegetables or piercing with rope Movements are very difficult.
However, it's nothing to lose one hand compared to losing your life in the game.
And there is also the left hand.
Bai Youwei asked smoothly: "Is it okay to hurt your left hand?"
In the "Last Bride", every time the Duke dragged a woman into the execution room, either scratching her hair or pulling her wrist, Zhu Shu and Su Man's wrists were injured. Su Man seemed to be more serious.
Su Man was holding the pen hard, and the words were twisted and twisted, so that her expression was very painful. When Bai Youwei asked her, she couldn't help but stunned, and then smiled: "It's fine."
She slightly raised her left arm wrapped in gauze in front of her chest and said, "It should be healed in a few days. Fortunately, I have been in the maze twice."
Bai Youwei nodded gently and turned to ask Yu Yaqing and Zhu Shu on the other side: "Is your injury all well?"
Yu Yaqing: "It's better. Although it hasn't completely healed, there is nothing to hinder the movement."
Zhu Shu: "Well, don't worry, we have all gone through the maze, the body's self-healing ability is stronger than the average person."
Su Man listened to them and lowered her arm. She gently shook her left arm with her right hand, silently, without speaking.
After filling out the form, Professor Song asked some details in the game.
For the first time, there was a gender-restricted game, and he was very concerned about it. He believed that future games would gradually develop towards this trend.
This time it will be a special for women, maybe next time it will be a special for men? Children's special? There are even professional games, such as a group of chefs participating in a food contest?
Just like a large-scale competition, it was a rough sea election at first.
However, what kind of characters should be selected in this selection?
What is the ultimate goal of the game?
It is still unknown.
Bai Youwei recalled the games she had experienced, the turtle-rabbit race, the golden ball of the frog, and the lucky question and answer. The elimination rate was extremely high.
She thoughtfully said: "The previous games ... the number of triggers were all 30 or more. In the later games, the number of triggers became less, 10, 7 ..."
Professor Song Ran ’s face was always expressionless, and said flatly:
Yes, because the population base has dropped, the trigger conditions of the game have also changed accordingly. In the future games, the number of triggers will be less and less. According to our speculation, even There may be a game that one person can trigger. "
He said, raising his eyelids, looking at the four young women in front of him, and then said:
"You can come out of the special game this time, and you have accumulated experience. In the future games, the rules and forms may not be too complicated, but the difficulty will be greater and the competition will be greater."
Yu Yaqing suddenly got up and said to the professor with a solemn expression: "Professor Song, I think the game is a level that everyone must face. All members of the security team should regularly participate in the game, exercise their ability, and accumulate experience. I hope you Can approve my request! "
There was a good plot when I was thinking about it, and I found that there was a problem when I wrote it. Yesterday I was working on the essay, and I was very bad, because the original ideas were all overturned ... No more tonight, I will update it as usual tomorrow, alas ... hug everyone , Thank you for staying with me
(End of this chapter)
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