Chapter 49: Tadpole looking for mother

Chapter 49 Tadpoles Find Mother
The frog withdrew early and the golden ball had not yet appeared.
Cheng Wei did n’t know that he was tired, he listed the formulas one by one, with words in his mouth: "The initial angle is about 45 degrees. After the impact, it bounces back to the stone wall. Here is about ... 120 degrees, ejected to the lower right, 60 degrees ... The angle of incidence and the angle of reflection form an isosceles triangle, so that the course of the ball after the ball bounces can be judged ... No, no, this situation applies to a flat rectangle, but now it is a cone, what is the formula of the cone ... … "
Bean's sweat slipped down his forehead, his right hand was trembling, and Teacher Cheng's face grew paler.
Suddenly he hated himself in his heart, why is he a language teacher?
If he is a math teacher, maybe he can get a solution to the problem at this moment, save himself and all the people trapped here!
The Chinese teacher is not worse than the math teacher, but it is! Just this time ...
With the force in his hand, the pen slipped into the mud.
He immediately bent over to pick it up.
"Don't count." Shen Mo said indifferently, "The golden ball rebounds more than 60 times each time. If you want to find the landing point by calculating the path of each action, it requires a lot of calculations. There is no computer, no pen and paper, and There is not enough time to calculate. "
Moreover, Cheng Wei is only a language teacher, not good at math.
Shen Mo didn't say this, but everyone in the room knew it clearly.
"The next round, let's kill the frog." Shen Mo held the knife and rubbed the blade against the screw shell slowly. "If you want to help, prepare well next."
The voice fell, and everyone looked different.
Talking and laughing sadly, it seems to be wondering how he can help with his bare hands.
Teacher Cheng's face was gloomy and he fell into deep self-blame.
Huige and the monkey looked gloomy, unwilling to be the enemy of the giant frog, but they were unwilling to sit and wait to die.
Interestingly, Zhang Hua came out of the shell and stared gloriously at Hui Ge and the monkey.
And Bai Youwei ...
Bai Youwei was also watching Brother Hui and the monkey.
Shen Mo put these people's expressions in his eyes, and an indescribable irritability rose from the bottom of his heart. He depressed his emotions and asked Bai Youwei in a calm tone: "What are you looking at?"
Bai Youwei looked back and raised her head, "Oh, nothing to watch."
After stopping for a few seconds, she saw Shen Mo still staring at herself, and she said, "It's just a little worried. You are dealing with the monster by yourself. It's very dangerous."
Shen Mo didn't know what he thought of, his thin lips twitched into a line, and he said after a moment: "It's not dangerous, there is blood and flesh, which is much better than those guns and shells."
He took Bai Youwei back to the screw shell.
Golden Ball also came out at this time.
"The current game has failed, there are 7 surviving players, and now enter the eighth round of" frog's golden ball "..."
The repeated lines were read too much, and even Golden Ball began to get bored. It yawned and complained after the catapult: "The frog is still not working hard enough to eat a fat man. Alas, it seems to only make me Think of a way-- "
Everyone's heart was suddenly raised, and he heard Jin Qiu speak again:
"Frogs come home, tadpoles find their mother-frogs come home, tadpoles find their mother-"
The soles of the feet were shaking again, and the mud soup was rippling!
The giant monster seems to be sweeping again!
However, it is not like that.
This time more and more dense!
Black tadpoles suddenly rolled in the mud! Densely packed, each one is as big as a bathtub!
They sway their tails in excitement, open their mouths covered with horns, and drill straight into those snails!
Shen Mo chopped one to death, and then pulled Bai Youwei out of the shell at the fastest speed! Hold your waist and pick it up, and send it back!
Bai Youwei's face was pale, but her eyes kept looking away. Shen Mo glanced down her eyes, seeing Brother Hui and the monkey who were fleeing in a panic.
In an instant, life-threatening tension and long-suffering doubt turned into anger!
He grabbed Bai Youwei's neck with one hand and gritted his teeth and asked, "You already know how to clear customs, don't you?"
Don't be a mistress, the temperament of the man who matches you is not good ~
(End of this chapter)
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