Chapter 577: The king is still a subject

Chapter 577 King or Subject
"The subjects lost in the war of plunder, will not become dolls, only lose the puzzle;
The subjects won in the predatory battle and won't get rewards. All the loot is turned over to the king, who has the right to distribute rewards.
When the number of puzzle pieces held by the subjects was zero, the subjects were demoted to ordinary people and left the battlefield.
... "
As the Ombudsman explained, words appeared again on the walls, and complex rules were displayed in front of everyone's eyes—
If it is complicated, it is not complicated. It is nothing more than a system that allows a group of players to kill each other.
It ’s simple, but it ’s not simple, because it involves two different identities:
King, and subjects.
The Ombudsman smiled and asked everyone: "Then ... would you choose the king or the subjects? Or will you withdraw from the war and completely give up the opportunity to gather the puzzles? You have 10 hours to consider."
After speaking, the Ombudsman's figure disappeared, leaving only the wall of rule text.
Almost immediately, someone retreated.
Su Man is one of them.
Not long ago, she was excited to get three puzzles for herself, but now she only feels that she is holding a bunch of hot potato!
"I can't, I can't ..." Su Man was annoyed, "I can't do it ..."
She is too aware of how many pounds she has. If she enters the game with her partner, she may be able to play a role, but if one enters the game and plays tricks, she is not an opponent at all!
Lu Yuwen comforted her: "If you give up, the jigsaw will be recycled. You might as well choose a subject. In this way, even if the game fails, there is no danger, just one less jigsaw."
"But who will be the king?" Su Man looked at his companions worriedly.
Subjects must depend on a king to survive.
Yan Qingwen thought for a while and looked at Shen Mo and Bai Youwei, "King and subjects, how do you two think?"
Bai Youwei replied frankly: "The king has the right to distribute, can recruit subjects, sanction subjects, and definitely choose the king ~"
"But the King's risk is great." Yan Qingwen calmly analyzed, "The subjects lost the game, just lost the puzzle, and the King lost the game, lost the life. This means that the king must remain in the war game A winning streak can only collect all puzzles. "
"The risks are high and the rewards are naturally high." Bai Youwei looked calm and did not plan to change her mind. "The king can recruit subjects, obtain the spoils of subjects, freely distribute rewards, and can also reduce subjects to ordinary people. With so many privileges It is normal that the risk is higher.
Originally, our original intention was to collect puzzles. If we chose subjects, it would be equivalent to giving rewards to people. What's the point? "
After thinking for a while, Yan Qingwen turned to Shen Mo: "What about you?"
Shen Mo said lightly: "I also choose the king."
Yan Qingwen's mouth turned slightly: "Don't worry about internal competition?"
Shen Mo shook his head indifferently, "The king has a chance to surrender. This detailed design is obviously set up specifically to promote group cooperation.
Internal competition can be resolved by surrender, but if there is only one king, the risk is too concentrated, but it is even more unfavorable. "
Once Bai Youwei failed, the remaining subjects were headless and could only depend on other kings.
Yan Qingwen looked at Bai Youwei and then looked at Shen Mo: "In this way ... it is equivalent to both of you, both of you must maintain a winning streak, otherwise, you will still die."
Bai Youwei lazily supported her cheeks and asked him: "Which one are you going to choose?"
"Am I ..." Yan Qingwen smiled, "I also choose the king."
Bai Youwei laughed: "Why not afraid of dying?"
"I'm afraid, of course I'm afraid." Yan Qingwen's smile at the corners of his mouth converged. "It's just that I have more fear than death."
(End of this chapter)
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