Chapter 606: Torn the face (giving Chen Huijia even more)

Chapter 606 tears his face (more for Chen Huijia)
Yellow eyes voted in front of the red eyes, and Bai Youwei cast her vote early.
According to the agreement between her and the short-haired girl, the votes should be concentrated on the 28th and 29th. She speculates that there is a number from Ogata.
It is a pity that she could not know the prophet.
After voting for No. 29, I didn't expect Ogata He would stop the red-eyed people in the back, and say something threatening.
As a result, all 4 votes that should have been voted on No. 29 fell on No. 25.
The situation on the court is:
5 people with red eyes (including 1 blue eye),
6 people with yellow eyes (including 1 red eye),
3 people with blue eyes.
The actual number of colors is: 5 red eyes, 5 yellow eyes, and 4 blue eyes.
The blue eyes of only four people are destined to be relegated to ordinary people. Since there is no chance to win, they are even less likely to fight against Ogata.
As long as Ogata cut another red eye, it is almost a win-win situation!
Now, in the face of Ogata's question, Bai Youwei couldn't help thinking: Is he going to start with red eyes?
Doctor Ogata stared at Bai Youwei's eyes and asked, "Why, number 5 has only 2 votes?"
"Yes, why?" Bai Youwei calmly said, "I voted, maybe someone else didn't."
"Did you cast ..." Ogata smiled at the corner of his mouth, but his eyes were as cold as a snake, "Little girls, children who don't tell the truth, will also be punished."
"Sky punishment?" Bai Youwei blinked. "Don't you just say that the sky punishment will only be ushered in when tomorrow's sunrise? It's only 10 o'clock in the morning. There are two votes before tomorrow's sunrise, waiting for the sky punishment. Coming, the game will be over long ago ~ "
Ogata Congratulations: "..."
His smile condensed on the corner of his mouth, then slowly lowered his body, whispered in Bai Youwei's ear:
"Before that ... I can still eliminate you, because, I know your number ... it is 11."
Bai Youwei's eyebrows frowned slightly.
"Are you sure?" She stared at him without any weakness. "But it happened, I know your number ... it's 29."
Ogata stunned, then a scornful smile flickered in his eyes, "Oh ... it turns out that my number is 29, we can try it in the next round."
Bai Youwei smiled: "Okay, try the next round."
Ogata's eyes were completely cold.
He straightened up, leading his yellow eyes away, and torn his face completely on both sides.
The short-haired girl walked to Bai Youwei and asked worriedly: "What should I do in the next round? He will never let us go, as long as there is one less, we can't really win."
Bai Youwei frowned, looking in the direction of her blue eyes.
There are only three people left.
I don't know if I was lucky enough, Fang Yu and Yu Zhaohui were there, and there was a slightly fatter curly man.
Bai Youwei said: "If we cooperate, the red and blue will have a total of 9 votes. The yellow eyes now only have 5 votes ..."
"It is impossible to cooperate." Fang Yu interrupted her indifferently. "No matter how seamlessly we are discussing now, it will be useless. When the fourth round of voting is over, he will certainly re-control the votes and will not vote according to his requirements , It will be regarded as a challenge punishment, I know you red eyes want to win, but we will not take your own life to help you. "
Yu Zhaohui smiled embarrassingly and said, "I'm really sorry, but we really can't take risks ..."
He bent down apologetically, pulling Fang Yu and the other curly hair away.
There are only red eyes left in the square.
The short-haired female sighed helplessly: "No, unless we can find out the truth of the" day punishment "in the remaining seven hours and lift the threat, they will not cooperate with us. Alas! The yellow eyes Be sure to watch out for us, the time is so short, what to do ... "
Bai Youwei looked at the direction where Fang Yu and Yu Zhaohui left, and replied coolly: "It's really too much work to find the truth. I have an easier way ..."
I feel many people will guess this method ~
(End of this chapter)
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