Chapter 685: 4

Chapter 685 4
Asalina gritted her teeth and turned to deal with the fish monster, her grief turned into anger!
She first ate A Qing's prop "Swan Meat", which increased by 30% in speed, cut the throat of a mermaid with speed advantage, and the blood flowed.
Then use the "last straw" to press on another mermaid, so that it is pressed on the deck and cannot move.
Then, together with Along, Teacher Cheng and Pan Xiaoxin, lock the last mermaid into the cabin and prevent it from coming out!
The crisis was lifted, and all three mermaids were subdued.
The price is to consume two props.
If they continue to find no way out, dealing with four or even more mermaids in the absence of props is simply impossible.
Asalina's emotions were overwhelmed with joy, she knelt on the deck, her expression stunned.
She thought she was going out this time, but she didn't. Not only did it not happen, A Qing also had an accident ...
Bai Youwei opened her mouth, didn't know how to comfort her, sighed in her heart, turned to look at Cheng Weicai and Pan Xiaoxin, and asked, "Isn't there any injuries? If there are wounds, pay attention to bandaging and don't touch those mucus ..."
Everyone listened, and quickly checked themselves. I just patted hard and didn't know if I was injured or if I had touched mucus.
Bai Youwei also checked her rabbit and secretly lamented that the battery was too useless. It's enough to hold on to put an electric ball, but this continuous discharge did not cause any harm to the mermaid.
Unconsciously, most of the electricity has been consumed.
At this time, suddenly a loud bang! The hull shook!
The nerve that was just loosened was tense again!
Everyone looked around nervously.
"What's going on? Why are there mermaids ?!"
There was another bang!
A black shadow hit the ship's hull, holding onto the handrail firmly, and the fan-shaped dorsal fin glowed with cold light in the darkness.
It opened its mouth full of teeth, its protruding white eyes were horrible, but it still had the outline of a human face.
Asalina, who has never cried, finally burst into tears at this moment!
"It's A Qing!"
She shouted like this, shaking her knife in her hand, her face full of tears, and swayed hard towards her former companion!
A Qing is no longer the original A Qing.
He turned into a mermaid, twisting his body, the sturdy fish tail blocked the knife, and the upper layer of the fish tail was scaly and hard as armor.
Asalina was swept by the fish tail and fell heavily on the deck.
A Qing was not interested in her, just screamed, and then aimed at Along and Cheng teachers, Pan Xiaoxin!
It crawled towards them with grinning teeth! Climb fast!
Aron lifted the knife! Bai Youwei was looking for a chance to call it. Cheng Weicai and Pan Xiaoxin also picked up bamboo poles and stabbed it from time to time!
It was finally annoying.
Not only annoyed, but also realized that he was not the opponent of this group of people, screamed, vigorously swing the fish tail! It seems to be doing the final struggle!
The fishing boat shakes violently because of it!
Everyone hurriedly stabilized their center of gravity, but the mermaid took the opportunity to pounce again!
Bai Youwei releases lightning again!
It failed to hide, and the body threw down heavily, and somehow pulled Bai Youwei's wheelchair when rolling--
Bai Youwei fell down and was dragged off the ship by the mermaid again!
With a puff, Bai Youwei just felt cold all over!
The salty seawater came from all directions and instantly wrapped her whole person, while the mermaid was still dragging her deep!
If it drags on, she will definitely die. Even if she had eaten salmon and could stay underwater for a long time, her body could not withstand the pressure of the seabed.
Fortunately, the rabbit is still in hand.
Using props to release electrical energy, users will not be affected by it, so Bai Youwei has no worries.
She let the rabbit release electricity, the mermaid immediately released her, and her body also floated up due to the life jacket.
However, when Bai Youwei emerged from the water, she was stunned by her vision ...
Good night ~ the last day of October
(End of this chapter)
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