Chapter 727: Tomorrow's password

Chapter 727 The Password of Tomorrow Hotel
Zhu Shu walked upstairs in a hurry and returned to Room 304 where Lu Yuwen was.
Su Man and Bai Youwei are there.
"How? Did he see?" Su Man asked impatiently.
Zhu Shu carefully covered the door, then faced Su Man and Bai Youwei, and nodded affirmatively:
"I glanced at Yu Guang. There were some scraps of paper on the table, which should be torn by him."
Bai Youwei said: "It seems that he really knows Chinese characters. Since he knows Chinese, it makes sense to be able to compile password codes in Chinese."
"Are we going to tell the inspector?" Su Man looked at Bai Youwei and Zhu Shu again. "Tell the inspector to let the inspector arrest him?"
"Without evidence, how could it be possible to arrest?" Bai Youwei shook his head gently. "He can deny it completely, and then make a random reason for himself to escape. In short, the situation is that even if we can almost confirm the identity of the main messenger behind the scenes There is no way to convict the other party, more evidence must be found. "
Su Man scratched her hair worryingly, "Ah! How to find it ... The group of guys are better than one, and they can't catch their handle!"
Zhu Shu also raised her eyebrows in embarrassment, and whispered: "Our task is to help the inspector find out the five murderers. Even if he is arrested now, it is useless. As long as there are any fish that miss the net, he will give up his efforts ..."
"That's right." Bai Youwei nodded. "To find five talents who meet the winning conditions, one can't be found, and one can't be found. The result is the same."
She took out half of the note in her pocket and placed it on the table together with the information she had copied on the paper.
"If you can figure out the true meaning of these words, you may be able to find opportunities to counterattack."
"Although the words say so ..." Su Man looked at the words and couldn't help sighing, "I can't understand it at all ..."
The words on the half-cut note are:
【Sleeping, Gu Tuan Encircling, and Tuo Circle Circle】
The words Bai Youwei copied from the wall are:
【Four · Nonghui · Nonghui Tuan · Sichuan Nianhui Tuanyuan】
【囡 · Four-men's hoarding · Tuhui trapped surroundings · Gutuan encircled back · Tutong circled group】
Bai Youwei circled the second half and calmly analyzed:
"This text message on the wall, the end part and the text on the half-cut paper are exactly the same.
I think it should be that Lu Yuwen interrupted the other party's information transmission and made them find that the original method was not safe enough, so they changed their strategy and deliberately posted the secret code publicly where everyone could see it.
In this way, the information is transmitted smoothly without worrying about being seen through, and it can also cause a series of tensions ... Human beings are always more nervous and more prone to errors. "
Zhu Shu looked at the words and frowned, "If there is a maternal password, no matter how we study it, we can't study the result."
Su Man asked her: "What female parent?"
"It is something that can decipher the password, usually a book." Zhu Shu explained, "Assuming these words, each word represents a page number, then only need to turn the page of the mother book, you can find the corresponding word."
Su Man's face became more and more ugly, "... then we don't have a female parent, don't we lose?"
"Relax, it won't be too complicated." Bai Youwei said lightly. "Once the parent is brought into the game, it's the handle. It's easy to be discovered. I think these text passwords should have a simpler solution."
Zhu Shu sighed: "I have tried disassembling characters, homophonic characters, reversing the order, and they are all useless. No matter how you solve it, you can't solve a useful message."
Bai Youwei thought about it, and thought about it: "Although it is Chinese, the other party is a foreigner after all ... Maybe, it is too complicated for us to think about."
(End of this chapter)
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